I deliver on what I promise I’m going to deliver on. Stephanie: Yeah, that’s right. Impact of mental toughness on performance, continuing to persevere through the more difficult times in performance. So actually I don’t need my emails right now, I’m going to focus on this task. It cannot be 25 people sitting on a course expecting them all to take away exactly the same things, that they’re going to go back into the office tomorrow and start applying. It is about not giving up even though you are struggling and seeing a … Gaj and there’s are some jargon and welcome to TEC Live. Stephanie: This is game-changing, isn’t it? Hall also parsed the data to see which components of mental toughness most influence performance and what role mental skills and “hardiness” play. Stephanie: That’s good. #19: What is mental toughness and how does it affect your performance? But what exactly is mental toughness — and how does an athlete develop it? Confidence for me is the foundational piece of all of this. Stephanie: Oh, it’s good now it’s recorded and everyone can hear about it. If you’re an athlete who wants to learn how to stop performance anxiety quickly, be poised, calm and in control during those “critical moments”, learn more about The Composed Athlete!. “Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one.” – Bobby Knight. And confidence in the model that we’re talking about is really linked to interpersonal confidence, which is about standing up for what you believe in a group type environment, but also there’s around confidence in your abilities. We call this living in the discomfort, right? So there is probably a superficial level of training that might be effective for everybody that isn’t necessarily going to have a massive impact on the buttons that we’re pushing. As a peak performance coach, Gaj Ravichandra assists individuals, sporting teams and educational institutions to enhance and maximise their potential and performance. And so that is a massive factor, as well the perception of the support, and asking your people, ‘What do you need from me? But these mental skills are mighty useful when it comes to achieving consistent success. And so, went there, took my family, had some wonderful experiences working in various international consultancies and then set up Kompass in sort of 2013, and I’ve grown that and now sort of operating across sort of four or five continents at the moment, which is great. It’s not really talked about in this way. There has been increased research into the area because “Mental toughness appears to be one of the most important psychological constructs related to successful sport performance” (Crust & Keegan, 2010). Gaj is a psychologist and a leadership and career specialist as well as a keynote speaker. Can you imagine? So the fourth C, can you teach someone to be confident? Firstly is to understand and to explain the situation and to get a real sense of what people are feeling and thinking. And at 2:00 in the morning, I wrote an email to the publishers to saying, ‘Can I please meet with these people? Gaj: It’s awesome. When you look at Machiavellianism, it’s about the strategic manipulation of people to achieving your goals. It’s going to shake the world of training-. They impact performance in different ways. So how important is that then to an overall picture of mental toughness? av TEC Live - Business Leadership Insights direkt i din mobil, surfplatta eller webbläsare - utan app. By Stephanie Christopher. Stephanie: And how does a high performer look at it? We love the science behind it-. A marathon is 26.2 miles and some, like the Edinburgh Marathon, take place in May when the weather can be hot. But if you’re doing it in a way that demonstrates a sense of community, a sense of tribe with your people, where you’re bringing people together against your competitors, against the challenging situation or the environment that you’re in, perhaps that could be a benefit to helping them and to helping your customers to get the best outcomes. Being mentally tough involves continuing to persevere through the more difficult times in performance. Stephanie: Yeah, right. Sport Psychology is an emerging new field within the world of psychology and athletics that concentrates on preparing the mind of the athlete as thoroughly as the body. Gaj: How are we going to still allow ourselves to be able to be a little bit uncomfortable, to be able to step up and do what we need to do? Gaj: Absolutely. Gaj: So one of the interesting things is, are they all bad? They happened to be there in a conference. That kind of emphasis on people and development. As a Peak Performance coach, Gaj Ravichandra, assists individuals, sporting teams and educational institutions to enhance and maximise their potential and performance.Do you believe that you are control of your life and you can control your destiny or are you leaving it up to fate? What would it look like for example, if I was low commitment or one of my team is or my team as a whole, sort of skews towards like commitment? So tell us a little bit about it. And in other situations, we do want to be driving our destiny and not blaming things like the economy or the mood of the CEO or what the reserve bank has decided to do that month. Gaj: So the words are, ‘I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day. That’s a big theme of it, isn’t it? So for example, shut down your Outlook or turn off your computer because you know it’s going to take you four minutes to boot up your computer. And so that is a critical piece. It’s also: Physical Emotional In order to be mentally tough you: Must have talent Be in peak physical condition Your technical skills have to be sharp Mental toughness acquires you to: Recognize that the physical, emotional and mental sides of your self affect each other Mental toughness training allows players […] Stephanie: So what would be the circumstances that someone perhaps who has high mental toughness and a good sense of control might choose to take the passenger role in their own life? Mental toughness is more than just mental. At The Race Club camps, our fifth and final point of peak performance mental toughness training is called anchoring. I heard this fantastic quote the other day which was, ‘Good choices result in a good life. There are some people who like to be victims because it serves them in some way. And to do that, it has to be more tailored. Gaj: Oh, great question. af TEC Live - Leadership Insights øjeblikkeligt på din tablet, telefon eller browser - download ikke nødvendigt. And so what we tend to find with a lot of low to medium performers is that the way they look at challenge is very different to how a high performer looks at challenge. Poor concentration is the major reason why athletes choke and get stuck in performance slumps. I’m doing this thing,’ but that’s what I do. So what’s one person’s clutter is another person’s order. And so that is also a sense of empowering somebody to feel like you are in control and you can see some of the links coming back between each of the factors as well. So they said, ‘Why are we not talking about this? This is phenomenal.’. He says that he is passionate about the improvement of people and as a registered psychologist for over 20 years’, Gaj has worked with organisations to formulate and deliver on solutions that enhance talent management initiatives. This provides the sport psychologist or performance psychologist with incredible insight into how to assist this performer. Then the choices that you make about how you’re going to approach a situation, the way you manage your team as a leader keeping in mind that there’s individuals. Loehr (1982) suggested that mentally tough athletes learned or developed two important skills: first, the ability to increase their flow of positive energy when faced with adversity or a crisis; and second, to think in ways that promote the right attitudes to sol… But how do they stay mentally tough? And one of the other things which is interesting and I was reading about actually a couple of days ago, is something called activation energy, which is this idea that when you focus on a task and it’s a problem, if you actually do things around you that allow you to focus on that task with the first three to four minutes, it actually gives you a higher chance of completing that task. Gaj applies a Model of Mental toughness developed by AQR that identifies 4 Critical Components to mental toughness, Find out what the ‘4 Cs are. And so therefore the activation energy principle says, ‘Look at the things around you that typically cause you distraction.’ If it’s an email, is your phone. And they had one of those mini celebrity moments where we took some pictures together and it was fantastic. So in wrapping this up, I know that I’ve heard you saying, ‘I think it’s very important that mental toughness is all about, ‘What am I going to do next?’’ When you’re faced with some challenge, big or small, it’s about the bounce, as Brene Brown says, it’s about what’s next, what comes next, and that sums up your approach. Athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists have consistently implicated mental toughness as one of the most important psychological characteristics related to success in sports. It’s hardly surprising therefore that the issue of mental health in athletes is not exactly top of the sports health agenda. That’ll never happen again, but it was great. Yes, I know I have the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve this challenge but I also need the right support to enable this to happen. Learn Mental Game Strategies to Improve Composure in Sports! If I could change one thing today about how I interact with you guys, what is it going to be that’s going to change the opportunity for you to achieve the results that you want?’. And so-. Stephanie: So let’s talk about some of the other elements of mental toughness then. Thank you so much for your time. And one of the big frustrations that a lot of employees face and one of the things that comes out continuously in these engagement surveys that are coming out each year is the perception of the lack of support from their leaders. Whenever I am asked to defend this position – that mental toughness and mental health are not the same – I use the same example. So we last worked together in April, 2008. Gaj: In a cafe, and they’d read that particular post and it had struck a chord with them. So let’s look at narcissism and this is about the sense that I can do everything and it’s about me and the sense of ego and confidence. : a psychological barrier where their bodies seize up and they feel like they cannot go on. Now, if you are narcissistic with the single intention of helping yourself and yourself only, agreed, it is perhaps not the best strategy to use as a leader. And those four factors resulted in having significant impact on people’s performance and ability. As a peak performance coach, Gaj Ravichandra assists individuals, sporting teams and educational institutions to enhance and maximise their potential and performance. Gaj: Absolutely. The Hull researchers carried out two studies to show how mental toughness was related to performance and cognitive appraisal. What can I do as a leader about that? Mental toughness isn’t an either-or proposition; it’s a complex set of interrelated mental skills and abilities that empower peak mental performance. It’s like serving the same food to everyone. They wrote a book I think in 2012 or 2011, I found that book randomly in a Kinokuniya store in Dubai. Powerful strategies for learning a composed mindset can be developed, but you must first strip away the mental ball and chains that … Gaj: Yeah. So yes, you’ve given me a goal, you’ve given me a target to achieve, but what’s your stake in this? Mental toughness didn’t ensure runners met a goal time, Hall clarified. I was going to sing it for you! What is Mental Toughness and how does it affect your Performance? Mental Toughness is a personality trait that determines one’s ability to perform consistently under stress and pressure. Gaj: Yeah, and happy. For some people, clutter is helpful, right? But we do it all the time. The best umbrella term for these extra psychological strengths is Mental Toughness. And so we tend to behave and continue to behave in that way. Gaj: Instead of accountability, imagine if we replaced it with promises, it becomes almost very personal. I do believe you have the knowledge, skills and abilities to do your job and if you don’t, do you have the knowledge to find out what those things are? There’s a whole bunch of inputs that are going to give me some outputs. Stephanie: Is that kind of how you frame it? I’m going to face some reality around this and what do I need in terms of support to allow me to meet this challenge? Stephanie: Yeah. Mental toughness is considered one of the key attributes required in athletes as physical ability and talent alone are not enough to be successful in this field. In Gestalt psychology, do you want to get too deep. Research has shown that mental toughness is 3 times more impactful than academic ability and performance in terms of success and happiness. And to get a sense of that, they started looking at academic ability versus these components of mental toughness in terms of success and happiness. And at times to really affect significant change, you need to go deep, you can’t just assume a one-size-fits-all training program to fix things up. Consider a marathon runner. It’s a very mechanical word-. And so they started understanding that they were these four critical components to mental toughness, commitment, challenge, confidence and control. We behave in a way because we do get something in return from that behaviour. If you’re an athlete who wants to learn how to stop performance anxiety quickly, be poised, calm and in control during those “critical moments”, learn more about The Composed Athlete!. As your mental toughness reserves increase, you will see a significant improvement in your performance. Tell us what happened. Mental toughness is considered by many in the popular media and in sports psychology to be an important construct underlying success in learning and performance. And so being able to do that effectively allows you to be much more successful in terms of not only the thought processes of managing a situation, but also then post that situation, how you deal with that. Gaj: So there’s that sense of overcoming challenges and the mindset you use. This conversation of mental toughness when it’s more than three times more impactful than academic ability and academic performance?’ So that started to become a driver for them. What’s going to make the difference? Okay, so let’s get into mental toughness. Getting psyched out or intimidated is a … It’s just going to be cruisey. Maybe it allows you the time to reflect and to think about what has been happening rather than being on the front foot in all situations. Great choices result in a better life. So confidence is a choice in a lot of ways. So you make it harder for you to actually get distracted-. There is a belief that mental toughness and mental health are contradictory in elite sport . So the model itself was created by an independent group of researchers out of the UK called AQR. The environment impacts our personality so differently. Are the outputs worth it?’ The second thing they might do is they might say, ‘Well, it’s going to be hard. Athletes, professional and amateur alike, are better informed than ever about the importance and power of mental clarity, but still in the dark about the crucial link between heart and mind. Stephanie: And so what are the things that you need to have around you? Stephanie: Yeah, that’s good. We constantly apply blanket rules. If it’s about the goals of the organisation and achieving a vision, there are lots of organisations out there that do some wonderful things about achieving much more bigger or larger vision or goals than just themselves. Gaj: So yeah, that’s the story behind it. So choosing for some people to behave that way actually serves them. Because if I’ve got a team and they’ve got various levels of confidence, various levels of insight, what’s the risk of taking one approach for the whole team? I think really the elements are empirically solid. As far as training programs go. Resilience or hardiness versus Mental Toughness. So you work out what is the energy that I need to activate a positive mindset to overcome this challenge and increase the amount of energy I would need to be distracted, which is kind of interesting. Gaj: So they’re going to include sadism. I love that. Do I have to clean up my desk first? So someone who is mentally tough is able to perform in stressful situations. Gaj: It is. Research has shown that Mental Toughness is 3 times more impactful than academic ability and performance in terms of success and happiness. And it’s about choosing the right emotion at the right time, at the right intensity. And so any opportunities to do that can get you to perhaps at some point to be a little bit of a passenger, to reflect on things, to not be on the front foot on all occasions. Try to think slightly differently about the context on what you’re trying to achieve in that moment. You usually get broken in overcoming a challenge or a problem because you lose your focus on things. Gaj: A high performer looks at the opportunity and they look at it a couple of ways. Mental Toughness is a … Gaj: Absolutely. Stephanie: That’s interesting. Stephanie: Yeah. So first of all, you don’t have to tell the whole story, but you will recognise the other day you’re actually a famous person on TEC Live. It’s complex. Gaj: Yeah, so there are probably a number of things that a leader can do. You know that cognitive cycle we have of the behaviour that people might show of disengagement and disempowerment, it’s usually linked to the feelings that they have and those feelings are driven by their thoughts. Mental toughness is a personality trait which embraces in a very practical way, ideas such as mindset, character, resilience and grit. The traditional image of athletes is one of physical prowess and extreme mental toughness – hardened to the pressures of training and competition. So what can we do to positively manipulate the people in our teams, our customers and our shareholders? That’s really interesting. So I’m thinking of when I have to have a specific output like a board report, and I tell people and we’ll make a joke of it, ‘No one interrupt me. Was a group study of personalities and how it links to the dark triad of personality, the Machiavellianistic, the narcissistic and psychopathy, but also mental toughness. A couple of months ago, Florence’s paper was published looking at this meta-analysis. Research has shown that mental toughness is 3 times more impactful than academic ability … Gaj: So that is critical. So make it harder for you to access your emails. It is essential for runners to be mentally tough near the end of a marathon. As a person, it’s my choice how I’m going to approach each of these areas of mental toughness. Using the 3-step process, how might mental toughness impact performance in a marathon? They might say, ‘Well, if I do this, what am I going to get from this exchange? Mental toughness (MT) is an umbrella term that entails positive psychological resources, which are crucial across a wide range of achievement contexts and in the domain of mental health. And so just being mindful of the mindfulness training and what is the impact on children and ensuring that we’re not giving a blanket approach that is too deep. How we perceive things in life greatly impacts the thoughts and behaviors that follow – for better or for worse. https://media.whooshkaa.com/show/7009/episode/518719.mp3. In every sport, your ability to focus on what's important and block out everything else is one of the primary keys to performance excellence. And then it’s about setting up some interesting challenges or goals for them that are achievable and realistic that might make them a little bit uncomfortable. This is great news because all athletes can benefit from mental toughness training. And I think that’s part of the interesting challenge here is that we’re all different. And so finding out what those techniques are, are so different because we are so different. “Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one.” – Bobby Knight. How Does Mental Health Affect Work Performance? Stephanie: No, it’s okay. We’re looking forward to…. In professional sports, there aren’t huge differences between athletes in terms of potential, training, or physical ability.The determining factors of success, therefore, lie in the psychological realm. Can you control your destiny or are you leaving it up to fate to kind of do that for you? I love that. Bad choices result in a poor life.’. What is the message that I’m sending to the audience, whether it’s my manager, my team, the organisation, my customers?’ And so that is really critical in that sense of reflection and self-awareness, which probably runs through all four of these factors, we have that self-awareness and the opportunity for us to gain that insight, we’re really restricted in lots of ways. Because typically they’re facing the same problems. . And so within a week we were having a conversation in Dubai. In this podcast, Gaj applies four critical components of the Model of Mental Toughness developed by AQR. And so in that context, someone with a low preference towards commitment would be somebody who perhaps isn’t necessarily goal oriented, they might be a bit loose when it comes to doing their work. And what they had been doing for 20 years is trying to understand what were the key elements of mental toughness and how was it resilient to other sort of key terms that people were looking at, like grit and resilience and so forth. And so that brings a sense of personal responsibility to whatever it is. And so without that sense of confidence, it’s hard to then extend more control in the things that you do to overcome more challenges in the belief that you have of yourself to be able to commit to things at a more serious level. Pre Shot Routines – A Great Example. Gaj: So the idea is that as a leader, we need to demonstrate certain extreme versions of our personality to sometimes get the most out of our people. Some people are going to walk away, they’re not going to be interested. Stephanie:  And be interesting to see how people respond to that because in a past life we would have had people coming to us saying, ‘Can you do resilience training for my organisation?’ We were chatting on the way over about… something on the ABC this morning about an organisation doing resilience training and mindfulness for young children. It’s the lens that we choose to use, right? It’s telling people, closing the door, sitting down and doing it and then it gets done. And so that fits also into this other piece on control, which is about life control. And so that was really interesting from that perspective. Gaj: So for me, commitment is about delivering on promises. Stephanie: Midnight, first of Jan. Easy, yeah. Gaj: Been doing some really interesting things, I think. I mean, it’s a terrible thing to think about. Learn Mental Game Strategies to Improve Composure in Sports! I agree with you that personalities are preference and if I have a very strong preference away from confidence or whatever adds up to confidence, can you learn it? As a Peak Performance coach, Gaj Ravichandra, assists individuals, sporting teams and educational institutions to enhance and maximise their potential and performance.Do you believe that you are contr... – Lyssna på What is Mental Toughness and how does it affect your Performance? Copyright © 2020 The Executive Connection (TEC). According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety alone cost global economy approximately one trillion dollars annually due to lost productivity.. Psychologist and a Leadership and career specialist as well as a person, it ’ s that! To person or there ’ s about being very clear, I need to be victims because serves. 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