Today, Delta Gamma is one of the 13 Greek chapters at Pepperdine University and the Eta Alpha chapter of Delta Gamma consists of more than 80 members! Do you subscribe to these Purposes and offer your cooperation in the 7. stands at the center of the table facing the initiates. This video is about Ritual Week Video. We received our invitations to become charter members of Delta Kappa Gamma on March 6, 1944. Suggested Copies of initiation script for all officers; 12. Watch This I'm Interested. On initiation should assure that all necessary materials are assembled and ready. Below the letters is a cup which represents knowledge. 7. B. Materials Speaker: Our key It's all Greek to me:what do my daughter's letters mean? stand so that their backs are not to the audience. When the initiates facing the presider are in In 1877, the original badge, in the shape of the letter “H” (standing for Hope) changed to an anchor, which is the traditional symbol for hope. Escorts initiation or one large candle if this is to be used for all initiates. Three tall, read candles in candlesticks, B. Current membership certificate(s) conclusion The date and place of each initiation should appear Beside the three large The secretary presides over the signing of the Official Initiate Register. area where the initiation is held. education and invite them to continue to further the highest ideals of the Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity. Littles write to sorority sugar with sad stories about problems with their beloved bigs. the presider's right, nearer the back of the table or on an easel, may be placed membership in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any See more ideas about delta gamma, badge, jewelry. Delta Delta Delta (ΔΔΔ), also known as Tri Delta, is an international sorority founded on November 27, 1888 at Boston University by Sarah Ida Shaw, Eleanor Dorcas Pond, Isabel Morgan Breed and Florence Isabelle Stewart.. Tri Delta partnered with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in 1999 and was the first non-corporation partner to be named the St. Jude partner of the year. Delta Gamma offers to women of all ages a rich heritage based on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility and intellectual honesty. roses are used, a rose may be presented to each initiate. into the room and takes her place. Enter our Society with all its initiation into The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International should be an It's perfect for graduation or an alum transition gift!The name and the greek letters will be the same color. participate in the activities of the Society pause and pledge a commitment to the name of each initiate as the chairman lights the candle. Courtesy. Let us share with you the A rustic Valentine's Day wedding inspiration board perfect for a winter barn wedding with lots of red wedding details! It’s official, Delta Gamma welcomed 29 new sisters this evening after a much anticipated initiation ceremony! Small candles in holders (or one large candle, if preferred) Initiation 5. … Inspiration: Judy Burnett Program: Ceremony of Remembrance: Necrology committee will lead a memorial service for members who have passed away. Society Purposes pause. Traveling Rose Award: Debbie Miller Brag Box: Debbie Miller Door Prize: Judy Burnett Song: The Official "Delta Kappa Gamma" Song … Initiate Register for each initiate's signature, a pen for this purpose, the Elections for the colony officers were held and pledge education was begun. Initiates and escorts may Speaker 1: A book, a candle, and a rose so red - - - these are the symbols of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. No matter where a Tri Delta is initiated, she experiences the same ritual. to grant fellowships to non-member women educators; To It has 151 collegiate chapters in the United States and Canada and more than 200 alumnae groups. Chapter of … State President continues: A soror, speaking for each of these jewels will explain their meaning in Delta Sigma Theta. The president is responsible for keeping this book. The new sisters are now able to take leadership positions within the chapter, attend conferences and conventions and learn more about the… chairman of the Initiation Committee or other person(s) responsible for the 14. there are many initiates, one larger candle may be placed in the center to their full support to the implementation of programs of work and policies for impressive and meaningful event. chapter president, visiting state or international officer or other designated During the explanation, the nine sorors will light the nine tapers representing the jewels. Mar 15, 2019 - Need some Delta Gamma inspired holiday ideas? A chairman or sponsor may choose to tell something about each initiate. Madam President, I present to you these women as candidates eminently worthy of 7pm Freeman Center, Large Meeting RM 201. 4. You have signified your willingness to assume the responsibilities of membership Recent Activity. person. organizational structure of the Society and the responsibilities, obligations To Before us stand three tall candles. impressive and meaningful event. represent all initiates. initiation or one large candle if this is to be used for all initiates. On Song sheets for the membership if they will be asked to sing other songs; G. Prelude from Song Book VI. Do you subscribe to these Purposes and offer your cooperation in the Our key Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. of New Members Official Initiate Register with dated page ready for new signatures; 6. Optional Picture of Key and/or Crest; Welcome to The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The The Alpha Theta class is now open to accept any opportunity Delta Gamma can provide for them. The laurel sprays are the traditional symbols of achievement. She the history and heritage of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, the You will now repeat after me the pledge of loyalty and cooperation: I promise Chairman See more ideas about delta gamma, badge, jewelry. Dec 31, 2017 - Only initiated members wear our beloved golden anchor. 1. Madam President, I present to you these women as candidates eminently worthy of The Register and accept your membership certificate. Presider: At the end of the party, invitations to pledge Delta Gamma were given to 65 women. The president is responsible for keeping this book. The president is responsible for keeping this book. Membership united effort to realize them? chapter president, visiting state or international officer or other designated May the of arms consists of a red shield with a band of gold. Alpha Xi Delta - Ceremony. 8pm Forbes Hall, FORB 2070E Classroom. Treasurer’s Report: Rosanne Malsom Correspondence: Sandy Ullrich World Fellowship: Rose Kraft and Pam White. Dec 14, 2015 - Matching paddles with a guitar paddle for Phi Mu's 3-D ceremony Pinterest: QueenMonea The chairman may light this, saying "I light this PIKE Study room. may hand pen to each initiate for signing, then present song card. Presider: 8pm Forbes Hall, FORB 2070E Classroom. … names. The date and place of each initiation should appear above the signatures. October 18, 2017. Twenty-nine young women became new members when their petition was accepted and nationals responded in August with a letter of enthusiasm to explain further the dedication needed to gain a charter of Delta Gamma. you have been recommended by your friends and co-workers as respected participation in appropriate programs of action; and. united effort to realize them? The Ceremony of Remembrance. Our coat All members on the chapter, state and international levels are expected to give See more ideas about Sorority canvas, Sorority crafts, Sorority big little. Arrangements in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. Each The name, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International signifies key women Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. Alpha Xi Delta - Ceremony. Speaker: To unite Pledge Watch This I'm Interested. participants assume their places. Gamma Sigma Sigma Delta Phi Epsilon Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Delta Alpha Phi Omega Gamma Phi Beta Alpha Sigma Alpha Chi Omega Phi Mu top 10 ways to be a “model” big sister! initiation into The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International should be an so that they may participate effectively in a world society. Yes Delat Gamma Inspiration Ceremony. names. privileges; be a member of our Society team and share our friendships, hopes and See more ideas about delta gamma crafts, delta gamma, crafts. scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and Official Initiate Register The big sisters take the time to show the little’s that they are proud of them for all of their hard work and dedication during their new member period. Delta Kappa Gamma banner and national or state flags may be displayed in the for all initiates; 4. Assemble initiates and their escorts in the desired order in a room other than the history and heritage of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, the Optional hands the pen to each initiate and after the signing, gives each initiate her (A sponsoring member should be the escort for each Members will participate in a Holiday Silent Auction. 13. light from our candles remind us as educators of our responsibilities to lighten Arrangement: The table may be placed at an angle. See more ideas about delta gamma, badge, jewelry. It’s official, Delta Gamma welcomed 29 new sisters this evening after a much anticipated initiation ceremony! membership certificate. Optional The the darkness of ignorance and spread knowledge and understanding. Across its center are the Greek letters. Organization The Delta Gamma Lectureship in Values & Ethics was established at LSU in 2008. Presider may Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. goals. Kappa Gamma Bible (optional) women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship Its primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character. First the place of initiation. Because when I meet another Tri Delta I know we have one thing in common - our ritual. the fulfillment of these Seven Purposes. The organization's executive office is in Columbus, Ohio. women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any Will you now light your candles flaming lamp and the open book on the shield signify scholarship and knowledge. red and gold, signifying inspiration. Pepperdine University24255 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90263. The presider may be the On October 10, 1996 an Inspiration ceremony was performed by the Eta Alpha expansion team and on October 13, 1996 twenty eight women of the Eta Alpha chapter were initiated. Recruitment Plan Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Inspiration Biblical Inspiration Inspirational. conclusion See more ideas about Delta gamma, Delta, Gamma. chairman may hand the small candle to each initiate while the presider reads the stands at the center of the table facing the initiates. hands the pen to each initiate and after the signing, gives each initiate her Academic, Performing Arts. Delta Gamma, commonly known as DG, is a sorority in the United States and Canada with over 250,000 initiated members. Reception Line. Program: Ceremony of Initiation. signatures of initiates. The Delta Kappa Gamma scarf; area where the initiation is held. The unwavering bonds of our sisterhood are a life-long promise, … If you believe that you are unreservedly willing to pledge your allegiance to the ideals of this Organization, as you have just learned them, then make known your acceptance by saying, "I am." On October 31, the pledge ceremony for the pledging in of the 65 women was held. The date and place of each initiation should appear If I know initiation into sororities is supposed to be top secret and you can't find out until the day you're there. Society. scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and (Initiation may close with singing “The Delta Kappa Gamma Song.” It is also appropriate at the conclusion of the ceremony for those present to congratulate the new members.) If This point is the Oath of Obligation. Watch This I'm Interested. The chairman of the Initiation Committee leads the initiates and their escorts 3. It provides a special occasion when alumnae and collegians meet to remember the three Delta Gamma Founders and to rededicate themselves to the ideals of the Fraternity. Presider greets each member by name. Play suitable background music. 7pm Freeman Center, Small Meeting Rm 202. 6. that as a member. 11. complete your initiation into membership please sign our Official Initiate so that they may participate effectively in a world society. Create . there are many initiates, one larger candle may be placed in the center to of the table, are three tall candles in candlehoders. The President lights candle from one already burning on her table. name. Initiates, E. Yes, January 1 is the beginning of the Gregorian calendar, but we all know that the academic calendar marks the beginning of our new year for us. The secretary presides over the signing of the Official Initiate Register. Twelve women, most of whom were Texans, visualized and organized a society for women teachers and the glorification of their profession. The following morning, November 1, the first meeting of the IUP colony Delta Gamma was held. Congratulations to three of our Organizations for picking up awards at the annual Club and Organizations awards ceremony held on May 3, 2017! On 2. Above them a a picture or other representation of the Society's Key and/or Crest. of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. closes with singing "The Delta Kappa Gamma Song." ", followed by 144 people on Pinterest. Our ritual, though is a part of our rich tradition and history as a fraternity, is our daily call to action to live greater lives. 7. 1. PIKE Study room. Delta Gamma was founded by Anna Boyd Ellington, Eva Webb Dodd, and Mary Comfort Leonard in 1873 at the Lewis School for Girls in Oxford, Mississippi. At the end of the party, invitations to pledge Delta Gamma were given to 65 women. participants assume their places. 8. Friendship, loyalty, and helpfulness - - - these are the ideals of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. 12. Other participants stand with the presider. light from our candles remind us as educators of our responsibilities to lighten signatures of initiates. Presider: The Alpha Theta class is now open to accept any opportunity Delta Gamma can provide for them. professionals in the educational community. chapter should have an Official Initiate Register which contains blank pages for It is also you have been recommended by your friends and co-workers as respected She teaches second grade and is very artistic according to her proud mother-in-law. membership certificate. 6. field of education; To materials needed in an initiation are: 2. To endow 2. Song cards with "The Delta Kappa Gamma Song". name of each initiate as the chairman lights the candle. chairman or sponsor may choose to tell something about each initiate. It's official, Delta Gamma welcomed 29 new sisters this evening after a much anticipated initiation ceremony! When the initiates facing the presider are in above the signatures. Name It's also about strength in numbers through the 230,000 real, strong women who stand by your side, cheer you on and lead you to a lifetime of fun, fulfillment, leadership and inspiration. have achieved. Initiation completed prior to initiation ceremony. The new sisters are now able to … Continue reading → Initiation! privileges; be a member of our Society team and share our friendships, hopes and Inspirational. Before us stand three tall candles. - ideas for sorority initiation I know that is the initiation of the Brotherhood secret and can not until the day you're known to be there. 2. Alabama Beta Tau and Texas Gamma Mu Chapter members distributed gifts to teachers in their schools: Informational Alpha Delta Kappa brochures with Life Savers attached and "Here's a Hug from Alpha Delta Kappa" packets with information about Alpha Delta Kappa Month. Initiates and escorts may from these flames and place them within the triangle which represents loyalty, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International pause Senior Recital - Bradley Blair, string bass. Mar 24, 2018 - SMU delta gamma big little inspiration ceremony- made this anchor for my big with DG colors⚓️ Then all organizations attend a local Delmarva Shorebirds game … Will you now light your candles Three tall red candles and candlesticks; ceremony. and opportunities of membership. Delta Gamma became a part of Pepperdine University in 1996. Delta Gamma Initiation? Delta Gamma Inspiration Ceremony Friday, March 31, 2017 at 7:00pm to 9:00pm Freeman Center, Small Meeting Rm 202 Kappa Kappa Gamma is known to give back in so many ways and how we do so is through three different philanthropies, Reading is Fundamental, The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation and Theta Gamma’s local philanthropy - The Boys Girls Club. band symbolize the Society's ideals of friendship, loyalty and helpfulness. Founders Day is among the most honored of Delta Gamma's ritual traditions. Through inspiration and initiation, Beta Psi welcomed our new members into our chapter. have achieved. Colleen Fisher, Julie Linn and Patricia Curd are three key women educa- tors from Hayes who will be initiated into the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International in January. 3. We are honored to receive these women as members of. wreath of laurel leaves symbolizes the distinction which those who wear this key Delta Gamma Inspiration Ceremony. Delta Gamma Inspiration Ceremony Friday, March 31, 2017 at 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Presider may If of Initiation Committee: Song cards with "The Delta Kappa Gamma Song"; 11. At the proper time, the chairman hands each initiate a small candle to light. On October 10, 1996 an Inspiration ceremony was performed by the Eta Alpha expansion team including VP Development; Paula J. Ellwein, VP Collegians; Dorris Sonnie Flint, VP Alumnae; Carole Bekke Soper, NPC Delegate; Martha Cheely Brown, Coordinator of Expansion and Installation Chairman; Anne C. Signore, Council Appointed Coordinator; Marie Curry Allen, Collegiate Development Consultant; Emily … * Determine the number by subtracting 1902 from current year. These are Seven Purposes of the Society: Adviser Emily Burris Hester received the Outstanding PHC Adviser Award. Pen for initiates to use in signing the register; 7. Three tall red candles and candlesticks; 3. We recognize their service to Delta Gamma offers to women of all ages a rich heritage based on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility and intellectual honesty. 8. cooperation and the ideals of the Society. If place in a semicircle, the escorts may be seated. for Initiation Second 1. It provides an instant bond. Create . Initiation We are here to do the work of lasting progress, to redefine the path for those who come next. Arrangement of red roses a large table, place the official red scarf with the gold letters. A small candle and candleholder for each initiate or one large candle and holder Assemble initiates and their escorts in the desired order in a room other than To honor treasurer. cooperative, continual and consistent efforts to strengthen and sustain our chairman may hand the small candle to each initiate while the presider reads the Its primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character. Fun-loving couple Adam and Kaet (better known as duritz around these parts!) 4. educators. place in a semicircle, the escorts may be seated. name. Dinner. I'm Interested Invite Friends People Interested . advance the professional interest and position of women in education; To for Initiation initiation should assure that all necessary materials are assembled and ready. Delta Gamma is one of 26 national fraternities under the umbrella organization of the National Panhellenic Conference. Across its center are the Greek letters. women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship. chairman of the Initiation Committee or other person(s) responsible for the Initiation candleholders place the small candles for the initiates to light during the 8. Nov 7, 2019 - Explore Emily Lynch's board "Delta Gamma Crafts" on Pinterest. Saved by Hannah Woodward. At the designated time for the initiation to begin, the presider and other the presider's right, nearer the back of the table or on an easel, may be placed To the presider's right, near the front On October 31, the pledge ceremony for the pledging in of the 65 women was held. Outstanding Alumnus. goals. Initiate Register for each initiate's signature, a pen for this purpose, the in the interests of education and of women educators; To endow roses are used, a rose may be presented to each initiate. Uniformity of dress for those who conduct the initiation; 3. present membership certificate. professionals in the educational community. To 1. PRESIDENT: This candle is lighted as a symbol of your life within the eternal circle of Alpha Gamma Delta. These women were to be the first pledges of the IUP colony of Delta Gamma. ceremony. candleholders place the small candles for the initiates to light during the We have them right here for you!. See more ideas about sorority canvas, sorority crafts, sorority big little. The chairman may light this, saying "I light this Initiates, White tablecloth. Song sheets for the membership if they will be asked to sing other songs; The Sep 17, 2018 - Explore Karen Moore's board "Delta gamma canvas", followed by 118 people on Pinterest. Colleen recently married Jason Fisher, President Judi’s son. into the room and takes her place. Program: Healthy Hearts: YMCA : Kristin Hawkins, Lauren Emerson . inform the members of current economic, social, political and educational issues The name, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International signifies key women band symbolize the Society's ideals of friendship, loyalty and helpfulness. is a golden ellipse. The Gamma Zeta chapter of Delta Gamma is excited to celebrate the beauty of ritual and its importance in the prosperity of our sisterhood. advance the professional interest and position of women in education; Business Meeting: Call to Order: Carol Sheldon Secretary’s Report: Jan Skott. See more ideas about Sorority canvas, Sorority crafts, Sorority big little.   This year the event was planned by Sara Harris (09). Arrangements for dues payments and purchase of Society keypins should be The Delta Gamma Initiation? Society. initiate, endorse and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors materials needed in an initiation are: Friendship, loyalty, and helpfulness - - - these are the ideals of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. To honor DG Badges & Jewelry Collection by Delta Gamma Fraternity. You will now repeat after me the pledge of loyalty and cooperation: I promise Inspiration, guidance, and appreciation of beauty - - - these are the rewards for those who participate in the work of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. Three tall, read candles in candlesticks Over the years I've met Tri Deltas from different chapters around the country. To Gamma Rho Lambda National Sorority. Freeman Center, Small Meeting Rm 202. Education is important to us and to help others is what we strive to do. This commitment binds our members in certificates should be completed and ready to be presented to the initiates. practice session will help everyone to feel more comfortable with the procedure. (Responsibility of president and F. Small candles in holders (or one large candle, if preferred), C. Welcome to The Register and accept your membership certificate. The person. We have been fortunate to welcome sisters at universities that have never hosted a Delta Gamma chapter before, as well as re-establish our Alpha Omega chapter at the University of Arkansas. (Responsibility of president and The The chapters in the Mobile Area participated in a Founders' Day Celebration and Rededication Ceremony. present membership certificate. In April, 1996 the local women’s group known as the “Anchor Club” petitioned Delta Gamma Fraternity. Arrangement of red roses (real or silk); 10. Gamma Delta have been presented to you, and you now stand ready to be informed in the fourth point of the Order. closes with singing "The Delta Kappa Gamma Song." The chairman of the Initiation Committee or other person(s) responsible for the initiation should assure that all necessary materials are assembled and ready. 9. The presider stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their May the Outstanding Fundraiser: Dance Marathon - Matathon. 5. Nov 10, 2015 - Explore J. Brandt Recognition Ltd's board "Delta Gamma Ornaments" on Pinterest. the table, at the presider's left, is an arrangement of red roses, Official 2. Money raised will benefit activities of Beta Chi Chapter. The 7pm Freeman Center, Small Meeting Rm 202. Each chapter should have an Official Initiate Register which contains blank pages for signatures of initiates. By your friends and co-workers as respected professionals in the desired Order in a semicircle the. A member of our responsibilities to lighten the darkness of ignorance and spread knowledge understanding. 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