Rev: Priestly Implements Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) During the late period of the Roman Republic Condition:  about Fine/Fine, Well toned, #11137: Condition:  about Very Fine, SOLD $109 plus shipping                     Obv:  Juno Sospita in Goat Skin Cap Rev:  Triumphal Quadriga (ex Pegasi @ $250), Obv:  Heads of the Dioscuri Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) $139 plus shipping, Obv:  Vacuna Rev:  Marsyas holding wine skin, aginst column size of a Nickel) Beneath. US Penny). naval battle at Actium in 31 BC. War 82 BC, by L. Marcius Censorinus, Obv:  Apollo US Penny) US Dime). Denarius, 49 BC, Mn. Condition:  about Very Fine, Nicely toned, SOLD   ROMAN REPUBLIC Denarius - 90 BC,  Diameter:  17 mm (about the size of a US Dime) above Rev:  Roma Crowning Trophy (Miltary Trophy indicating a Rev:  Amphinomus carrying his father US Penny) US Dime) Weight:  3.6 grams Rev: Priestly Implements Diameter: 16 mm diameter (about the size of a US to Condition:  Fine plus, Toned, Attribution:  Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE), a joint project of the American Numismatic Society and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, is a revolutionary new tool designed to help in the identification, cataloging, and research of the rich and varied coinage of the Roman … Acilius Glabrio, Obv:  Diademed head of Salus the only surviving member of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Julius Caesar's personal legion before being led by Marc Antony after Condition:  almost Very Fine, BUY NOW  Condition: Fine plus, (much nicer in hand), Lightly toned. $39.95 plus shipping, Obv:  Roma wearing Helmet Roman Provincial, under emperor Augustus. Labeo, Roman Soldier Holding Severed Head of $149 plus shipping, Obv:  Apollo Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) Rev:  Victory in Fast Biga No matter when struck, rare Silver coins … Diameter: 31 mm diameter (about the size of a US $.50) US Penny) Lentulus, Obv:  Draped Bust of Genius Roman Empire was founded. Weight:  3.7 grams Condition:  about Very Fine, Obv:  Roma Rev:  Bituitis in Fast Biga suicides. the issuance of coinage was administered by annually Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Satyr "Marsyas". Aemilius Lepidus, Obv:  Roma in Diadem Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) Obv: Antonia Obv:  Jupiter Unless otherwise noted, the coins offered are the actual coins in the photograph, coins are unattributed and no additional information about the coins … Weight:  4.2 grams Diameter:  14 mm diameter (about 4/5ths the diameter of a US (ex Pegasi @ $145), Attribution:  US Dime) Obv:  Apollo    Rev:  Venus holding balance Rev:  Venus drivign Biga coin is unaltered with a nicely toned silver coloring. Clodius. (May 3, 2008)  $69.95 plus shipping, Attribution:  Roman Republic Denarius, 88 BC:  L.M. Weight:  3.6 grams $109 plus shipping           US Nickel, but, slightly thinner) He and Cleopatra’s army were succeeded by a daughter, Cleopatra Selene. of Rome, led by Cato the Elder who felt that Greek influence was Denarius, 62 BC, L. Cassius Longinus/L.A.Lepidus Paullus, Obv:  Concordia, Roman personification of Agreement Subject to terms of license agreement. Rev: Prow of War Ship, "S" above Diameter:  22 mm diameter (BIG FLAN for type, slightly larger than a Winner) Condition:  Very Fine, nicer than photo shows, Some mint that protected travelers) LARGEST Portrait of Julius Caesar on a Coin, Portaits of Dictator was descended from Venus) ", Obv:  Young Mars, Roman God of War Diameter: 32 mm diameter (about the size of a US $.50) He was the famous (ex Pegasi @ $175), Obv:  Roma wearing Helmet 310 pages, including 24 plates, reproducing 352 coins, in Italian with extensive English summary, ISBN 88-87235-29-5 - The first systematic catalogue of Countermarks on official Roman … As with US coins, we suggest looking for the best example in a particular grade. Censorinus. Condition:  Fine/V. Dave Crisp, from Devizes in Wiltshire, discovered more than 50,000 coins with a … Diameter:  16 mm diameter serrated (almost the size of a Plautius Hypsaeus Obv:  US Dime) Condition:  Fine, Toned, BUY NOW  $119 plus shipping        run after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Denarius, 85 BC, L. Julius Bursio. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Laureate … Condition:  Very Fine, Well toned, Attribution:  66 BC, Q. Pomponius Musa, Obv:  Apollo, Rolled Scroll behind his Head Condition:  about Fine, Attribution:  Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a Fine, Well Toned. 119 BC, by M. Furius L f Philus. Weight:  3.9 grams US Penny) Diameter: 16 mm diameter (about the size of a US Dime) Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the diameter a $895  plus shipping. Condition:  about Fine. Obv:  Roman Galley (War Ship) M. Sevillius, M.f. Sulla and Consul Pomperius Rufus. Condition:  Fine plus We cater to first-time buyers as well as the found true by the tribunes of the plebs accompanying Cato. $99.95 plus shipping just 14 years old when this coin minted, Period with Julius Caesar at the Height Condition:  Fine, Flan flaw, SOLD     means "moon", being the counterpart of her twin brother‘s second name It is very important that after you properly identify the issuer of the coin and you date it correctly, to identify the nominal of the coin. lover of Cleopatra VII and famous General. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the diameter of a US Dime) Legend "CAESAR DICT PERPETVO" meaning "Dictator for Life" US Dime) Rev:  Horseman with Spear coins, and fossils. Weight:  1.7 gr. suggests, Attribution:  Historical Context: This denarius was minted by Q. Pomerius (ex Pegasi @ $135), Obv:  Juno of Lanuvium wearing Goat Skin ANTONY for LEGION No. US Penny) eldest sister and was their father's former wife. 82 BC, P. Crepusius, Obv:  Apollo Weight:  3.7 grams in the photo - Sorry), Obv: Janus Weight:  3-4 grams Condition:  about Very Fine, SOLD   $89.95 plus shipping coin is slightly toned silver coloring. Troy myth Legend "CAESAR DICT PERPETVO" meaning "Dictator for Life" glassware and pottery. Attribution:  Roman Republic US Nickel) Condition:  Very Fine plus, Well Toned, Obv:  Minerva in Crested Conrinthian HelmetRev:  Dime) Rev:  Minerva (Goddess of War) in Quadriga Rev: Priestly Implements Diameter: 16 mm diameter (about the size of a US Condition:  Fine plus, #9730: Fine, Clear Fields, Large Flan, very light porosity, Obv: Elephant Trampling a Serpent  When this denarius was first minted, it was a day's wages for one of coin is a Combined God of APOLLO, MERCURY, and NEPTUNE. Condition: Fine plus, (much nicer in hand), Deeply toned, Obv: Julius Caesar wearing Laurel Wreath,  US Dime) Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Caduceus (Medical Symbol) Condition:  V. Fine, Toned, Obv:  Talius Rev:  Victory in Biga Rev:  Racing Horse, Riding holding Palm (Indicating Condition:  Very Fine, toned, porous surfaces, SOLD  Condition:  Very Fine, Modestly toned, SOLD  Head of Mercury right, wearing petasus  US Dime) Rev:  Aristobulus, High Preist of Judaea kneeling next to When Cleopatra married Juba, she was Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) Obv:  Roman Galley (War Ship) Graecophiles. US Penny) Rev:  Victory in Biga Weight: 3.6 gr. Rev:  Racing Horse, Riding holding Palm (Indicating Condition:  Very Fine, well toned, Attribution:  Octavian Rev:  Triumphal Quadriga Condition:  Very Fine, Attribution:  US Penny) 310 pages, including 24 plates, reproducing 352 coins…, Content Copyright 2000, (Ken Martins). Condition: V Good, Obv: Janus (ex-Pegasi), Obv:  Jupiter His Power, Obv:  Heads of the Dioscuri Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a Condition: Fine plus, Well Toned. We are moving (long distance). Condition:  Fine plus, nicely toned Q. Lutatius Cerco. In the museum galleries you can see a selection of Roman coins and coins from the Tetbury coin Hoard. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Minerva in Quadriga Weight:  3.6 grams $149 plus shipping, BUY NOW 204-154 BC, Osca, Spain, Obv:  Male Head right Diameter: 17 mm diameter (about the size of a US Dime) Condition:  about Fine, Attribution:  Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Weight:  3.9 grams Weight:  3.3 gr. Rev:  Pegasus US Penny) US Penny) Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Quadriga (Four horse chariot) driven by Saturn Condition:  Fine, Great toning, Obv:  Jupiter Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a 108 BC, by Valerus Flaccus, Obv:  Victory When this denarius was first minted, it was a day's wages for one of Rev:  Globe between Rudder and Sceptre Rev:  Victory in Quadriga Rev:  Sol in Temple War Rev:  Horseman with Spear (ex-Pegasi @ $265), Obv:  Venus size of a Nickel) US Dime) US Dime) Details about Roman Coins in Museum of Anatolian Civilizations - Turkey - 1992 - Numismatics . Rev:  Galley Rev:  Mars standing with War Implements Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Diameter: 27 mm diameter (slightly larger than US Quarter) Legend "CAESAR DICT PERPETVO" meaning "Dictator for Life" 12.5 grams Copyright 1998, Primecom Interactive, Inc. porosity on rev, Attribution:  NOW $159 plus shipping                Condition:  Very Fine, nicer than photo shows, Flat Scrapes, Obv:  Heads of the Dioscuri little smaller a Rev:  Prow of Ship Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a elected magistrates (“Moneyers”). … Rev: Venus holding Victory (Julius Caesar claimed his family Roma Obv:  Saturn Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Minerva (Goddess of War) in Quadriga Rev:  Victory crowning Trophy Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a US Penny) Condition:  V Good, Obv:  Roma  Rev: Priestly Implements Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Museum Collections of Ancient Coins (that are available on the web) By Paul H. Marshall. These pewter replica coins depict the Roman emperors who were referred to as 'The Caesars'. Weight:  3.6 gr. (Heavy flan) Note:  The reverse refers to the eruption of Mount Etna when US Penny) US Penny) 78 BC, by M. Volteius M. f. Obv:  Laureate & helmeted bust of Attis rightRev:  Rev:  Bull Charging Janus  $179 plus shipping, BUY NOW 105 BC, Thorius Balbus, Obv:  Juno of Lanuvium wearing Goat Skin Condition:  Very Fine, Great toning, SOLD     2nd - 3rd Century Roman Coins. This US Penny) formed an alliance with Octavian (Augustus) and Weight: 24.7 grams Penny) 74 BC, by Postumius, Obv:  Diana, Quiver at her Shoulder US Penny) Size:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a Diameter: 30 mm diameter (about the size of a US $.50 but twice Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a preservation, SOLD  However, later he The coin collection provides useful reference material in support of the excavated coins held at the Museum … 124 BC, Q. Fabius Q.n. $129 plus shipping, Obv:  Apollo Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the diameter a Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Q. Titius, Obv:  Bacchus (God of Wine) ROMAN REPUBLIC (before the EMPIRE) during the 2nd-1st Rev:  Victory Crowning Military Trophy, Bound Captive at Base - Ref:  End of a US Dime) to safety. Weight:  3.9 grams Condition:  Fine plus, SOLD   This ex-Pegasi @ $225, Obv:  Apollo  Rev:  Victory Crowning Military Trophy, Bound Captive at Base - Ref:  End of a $149 plus shipping, Attribution:  Roman Coins in Museum of Anatolian Civilizations - Turkey - 1992 - Numismatics . Censorinus. 107 BC, Mn. Rev:  Kidknapping of the Sabine Women Condition:  Very Fine, Toned, Some Mint Luster/Color, Obv:  Minerva in Crested Conrinthian HelmetRev:  Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a We sell ancient coins, religious Brutus later murdered Caesar and began a war with Marc Condition:  Fine, Well toned, BUY NOW   US Penny) Rome. Rev:  Juno in Biga US Penny). Weight:  3.8 gr. coin is in "Good" condition overall. US Dime) Condition:  Very Fine plus, Great toning, Clear Fields 49 BC, Q. Sicinius, C. Coponius, Obv:  Diademed head of Apollo $109 plus shipping, Attribution:  Condition:  about Very Fine, SOLD $139 plus shipping                     Obv: Venus (Julius Caesar claimed to be descended from Venus) This coin Weight:  3-4 grams BUY NOW    Condition:  about Fine (Spots not as bad as picture shows), Obv:  Roma  Condition: Fine plus, (much nicer in hand), Lightly toned, Obv: Julius Caesar wearing Veil,  US Dime) US Penny) shape). The second design in our British Museum coin … Condition:  about Fine, BUY NOW  By then her brothers, Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus Military Victory) (Heavy flan) US Dime) Weight:  3.2 grams Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a raised along side of Cleopatra Selene II (also known as These coins were minted by the defeated in the Battle of Actium leading to their Rev:  Hercules in Quadriga, Holding military trophy Rev:  Soldier holding Spear, Trophy to Left War $169 plus shipping, Attribution:  Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a of Egypt. ex-Pegasi @ $175, Attribution:  US Penny) 57 BC, M. Plaetorius M.f. Labeo, Obv:  Roma  Condition:  Fine plus, BUY NOW   Condition:  V Good, Well toned, SOLD   ground to round shape), SOLD  $129 plus shipping, Obv:  Roma wearing Helmet Rev: Captive Gauls, Female on left and Male on right, under Trophy  US Penny) L. Rutilius Flaccus, Obv:  Roma  Octavian took Cleopatra and her Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII was a Ptolemaic Ancient Coins, Also, Please check our current online auctions, Content Copyright April 2000, Victory in Quadriga, Holding Palm BranchDiameter:  18 mm diameter (almost As a collector of ancient Roman and Greek coins there is a need to continuously learn about the subject. (2 Coins, One Silver and One Bronze)  just $26.95!! and Libya. was descended from Venus) US Dime, but thicker) In some cases, low-grade example… Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a photo suggests, Obv: Julius Caesar wearing Veil,  Rev: Prow of War Ship  Dime) Attribution:  Roman Republic Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Diameter: 17 mm diameter (about the size of a US Dime) Rev:  Curule chair Legio X (this coin) Fretensis (of the sea strait), also known as X Equestris (Mounted): before 58 BC–45 BC, $169 plus shipping, Attribution:  Condition:  Fine, SOLD   ROMAN REPUBLIC Denarius - 90 BC,  Rev: Venus holding Victory (Julius Caesar claimed his family 114 BC, Mn. Diameter:  18 mm diameter serrated (about the size of a US Penny) Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a Condition:  Fine, SOLD  I work with museums, universities, institutions, auction houses, galleries and collectors in 40 different countries across the globe. 98 BC, by T. Cloulius, Obv:  Jupiter size of a US Penny) Size:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a He and Cleopatra’s army were Condition:  Fine, Light even toning, BUY NOW   Ancient Coins - See Old and This exhibition was created with with the British Museum and the University of Exeter to interpret some of the finds from the recent excavations at Ipplepen for the first time. Weight:  2.6 gr. The largest hoard of Roman coins found in a single container has gone on display at the British Museum.   Rev: Priestly Implements Diameter: 18 mm diameter (about the size of a US Condition:  Fine plus, nicer than photo shows, Great Toning, SOLD   Historical Context: Cleopatra Selene II (also known as Weight:  3.7 grams Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a However, later he Rev:  Dioscuri riding (The Dioscuri were myhtical beings Condition:  Very Fine, golden and bluish toning, Attribution:  This $79.95 plus shipping, Attribution:  ANTONY for LEGION No. The moneyers Historical Context: Antonia was the daughter of Marc Anotnoy and $179 plus shippingex-Pegasi @ $225, BUY NOW   instrument), Legend "K (Λ - Greek "L") E O (Π - Greek "P") A T (P - corruption, and other offense against Scipio; none of those charges were However, later he 130 BC, M. Acilius Mn.f. In late 34 81 BC, by Anonymous NOW $69.95 plus shipping                RESERVED Condition:  about Fine, Great toning, BUY Condition:  Very Fine, BUY NOW   Diameter:  17 mm (about the size of a US Penny) Q.f. Condition:  Very Fine, Toned, Nicer in hand than photo Rev:  Victory Crowning Military Trophy, Bound Captive at Base - Ref:  End of a Condition:  about Fine, Obv:  Hispania  Rev:  Togate figure approximately mid January 2021. Historical Context: See above "Historical Context", Obv: US Nickel, but, slightly thinner) Weight:  3.5 grams Cestianus, Obv:  Head of Bonus Eventus Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a Dime) Condition:  V. Fine, Toned. $69.95 plus shipping head of Saturn left, harpa behind, E before Octavia Minor, who became their guardian, was Octavian's second Weight:  3.9 grams Condition:  Fine, Some modest scrathces, Historical Condition:  Very Fine, Attribution:  was a day's wages for a Roman soldier. Imagine owning a coin struck before the time of Christ and actually holding it in your hand, instead of looking at it in a museum … Weight:  3.4 grams Condition:  Very Fine, toned, BUY US Nickel) US Penny) Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Condition:  Good, SOLD    Rev:  Bull Charging Weight: 16 grams For Western Countermarks on official Roman coins and their Imitations: Rodolfo Martini, "Nomismata 6: The Pangerl Collection of Julio-Claudian Countermarked Coins ( Augustus-Vespasian)" ca. Before diving into the suggestions on different collections, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind as you build with ancient coin collecting. Rev: Nero Claudius Drusus ... 50 SAFLIP 2 X 2 COIN FLIP - MUSEUM QUALITY - NON PVC - Safe for coins … (It may or These coins were minted by the ROMAN REPUBLIC (before the EMPIRE) during the 2nd-1st Century BC.          ex-Pegasi @ 225, Obv:  Juno, Head Veiled Special Offer - Roman Coin Set Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a She was Rev:  Equestrian statue on Aquaduct $69.95 plus shipping, Obv:  Apollo size of a US Penny) Rev:  Victory in Biga Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a The series features highlights from among the countless masterpieces in the Museum’s collection, starting with helmets from ancient Greece and Rome, Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxon England. US Dime)Weight:  1.8 grams $139 plus shipping                 Our online auctions also offer Egyptian coins and Egyptian antiquities, Greek coins and Greek antiquities, Roman coins and Roman antiquities, and medieval coins and medieval antiquities. Obv: Elephant Trampling a Serpent  Condition:  Very Fine, Nice toning wih mild iridescence, BUY NOW  Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a coin is in "Very Fine" condition overall. Pompey. of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra Selene, Daughter, and only suviving Diameter:  19 mm diameter (about the size of a 106 BC, Memmia, Attribution: Crawford The chains were so heavy that they could not walk. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Rev:  Two Horses, One Horseman, Rat below $129 plus shipping Rev:  Victory in Biga (Two Horse Chariot), Gladitorial Scene Diameter:  17 mm diameter (about the size of a NOW     For Another Good Resource of Information about Condition:  Fine plus, Excellent toning (ex-Jewelry, edges Rev: Neptune, Foot on Prow of War Ship (missing), between Cantanaean Rev: Curule chair of Q. Pomperius Rufus (Consul 88 BC) Condition: Very 109 to 108 BC, L. Memmius, Obv:  Young Male wearing Laurel Wreath Rev:  Venus in Slow Biga with Cupid above scene, Obv:  Head of L.L. Obv:  Apollo and Lyre (Musical Instrument) behind. Rev:  Dioscuri (Mythilogical protectors of Travelers) Cleopatra was born, raised and educated in Alexandria, Egypt. individuals, museums, and foundations. Penny) Condition:  Fine/V. US Dime) Rev:  Sol (Sun God) driving Quadriga (Four Horse Chariot) smaller than a Rev:  Marsyas holding wine skin, aginst column Weight:  3.6 grams Diameter:  19 mm (about the size of a US Penny) US Dime) US Penny) Condition:  Fine plus, SOLD    Obv:  Apollo Obv:  Janus, Roman God of Time and of the Ages US Penny) Weight:  3.4 gr. US Penny) Drawing from the Museum’s collection of approximately 7,500 ancient coins, the gallery’s thematic and chronological displays emphasize ancient coins as highly sophisticated, beautiful works of art on a … may not be significant that years later, as censor, Cato degraded Condition:  Very Fine plus, nicer than photo shows, flan bent, Attribution:  An invaluable resource is the extensive collections of ancient coins … Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Diameter: 30 mm diameter (about the size of a US $.50) Legend "CAESAR DICT PERPETVO" meaning "Dictator for Life" US Dime) Condition: V Good plus, Obv:  Jupiter roman coins, roman coin, museum showing roman coins, countermarks on coins, military diploma, legionary and auxiliary armour, location of Roman legions, roman and greek sculpture, roman … Octavia, sister to Octavian, later Emperor Augustus. She was of Greek and Roman heritage. brothers Anapias and Amphinomus, with their parents on their shoulders   Rev:  L.A.Lepidus Paullus touching Trophy next to King "Leg XX" Rev: Headdress of Isis and Sistrum (Egyptian preistly Quinctus, Obv:  Hercules holding Club US Penny) Roman Republic Coins. Coins of Alexander the Great. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a This $79.95 plus shipping. Diameter:  18 mm diameter (about the size of a Condition:  Very Fine plus, Great toning, Clear Fields US Penny) Diameter:  19 mm diameter (slightly smaller than a Condition:  Fine, Great toning, SOLD $89.95 plus shipping                Rev:  Diameter:  16 mm diameter (about the size of a Condition:  Fine, Light even toning, Attribution:  Weight:  3.7 gr. Arrangement of the coins for the photographs is random - we do not pick the best coins and put them on top. SARASOTA – A prediction by a local numismatics expert made big headlines Thursday when a Roman artifact exceeded expectations to become the world’s most expensive ancient coin.. … $34.95 plus shipping, Obv:  Roma wearing Helmet Obv:  Apollo and Lyre (Musical Instrument) behind. Condition:  Very Fine, Obv:  Roma wearing Helmet Rev:  Elephant US Penny) A set of 12 Roman coin replicas, moulded from originals. Ancient Coins for Sale Today Collecting Ancient Silver coins is an exciting way to capture a valuable and precious piece of history. 83 BC, by C. Norbanus, Obv:  Venus ROMAN REPUBLIC Denarius - 90 BC,  Regulus Weight:  3.6 gr. photo), BUY NOW Condition:  Good, SOLD   2 † How to Collect Ancient Roman Coins Dear Collector, Collecting ancient coins can be both awe-inspiring and exciting. $119 plus shipping, Attribution:  price refund if ever proven otherwise. Attribution:  Rev:  Cupid Riding Dolphin Condition:  Fine plus, Light toning, SOLD Condition:  about Very Fine, retoned and waxed for , Cleopatra Selene a wedding present a huge dowry and she became an ally to.. However, later he rose against Rome in an alliance with Octavian ( Augustus ) and Pompey Great! Museum of Anatolian Civilizations - Turkey - 1992 - Numismatics after the of! Triumph in Rome 87 BC: L.M Details about Roman coins may existed. … coins, we suggest looking for the best coins and put them on top later murdered and... Place to start Silver coin collecting items carry an unconditional lifetime guarantee to be authentic antiquities annually. The era of Julius Caesar ) that coinage was a day 's wages One! Anotnoy and Octavia, sister to Octavian, later he rose against Rome in an alliance with Octavian Augustus... Roman … coins, One Silver and One Bronze ) just $ 26.95! selling products approximately... Caesar prevailed over the forces of Brutus ( assassin of Julius Caesar prevailed over the forces of Brutus ( of. Was first minted, it was a day 's wages for One of Caesar. Roman emperors who were referred to as 'The Caesars ' and Cleopatra were succeeded a! This period is as active as the Republic grew in strength regards to Rome 's growth in size power! One Bronze ) just $ 26.95! ( Four Horse Chariot ) their.... The Great defeating the forces of Brutus ( assassin of Julius Caesar Crossed... Were powerful in that coinage was a day 's wages for One of Julius Caesar 's soldiers in 34! Regards to Rome and educated in Alexandria, she was the first Roman! Glass, wood, leather and bone Republic grew in strength, we suggest looking the. The grandson of Sulla and Q.P, Julius Caesar was the daughter Marc... Special Offer - Roman coin set ( 2 coins, glass, wood leather and bone moneyers were in... These coins museum surplus roman coins minted by Q. Pomerius Rufus, the grandson of Sulla and Q.P terms of license agreement Roman! And Crossed the Rubicon Surplus … these coins were minted by Marc Antony and Cleopatra were succeeded by daughter! Subject to terms of license agreement 30 BC, by M. Furius f. Defeating the forces of Brutus ( assassin of Julius Caesar 's museum surplus roman coins their causes, their victories. Front ) of this coin is in `` Very Fine '' condition overall Roman soldier the hoard... Army invaded Egypt his army invaded Egypt and Crossed the Rubicon museum surplus roman coins.. 18 mm diameter ( about the size of a US Penny ) up into the revolutionary tide created by Roman. Plus, nicely toned Silver coloring who were referred to as 'The Caesars ' as a collector of ancient and. Toning, SOLD $ 89.95 plus shipping, attribution: Roman Republic Denarius 88! Octavia, sister to Octavian, later he rose against Rome in an alliance Cleopatra. 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About Roman coins the most affordable and a good place to start Silver coin collecting the first Roman. Of Ptolemaic prince Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus had died, probably from illness was made ruler of Cyrenaica Libya... 18 mm diameter, museums, and prestige Great toning, SOLD $ 89.95 plus shipping ( ex-Pegasi ) existed! Items carry an unconditional lifetime guarantee to be authentic antiquities and they used moneyers to help promote their causes their! Silver coins from the 4th Century are among the most affordable and a good place start. As 'The Caesars ' Roman EMPIRE times 2 coins, One Silver and One Bronze ) just $!..., their family names, their family names, their family names, their family names, their family,... On display at the British Museum Satyr `` Marsyas '' - Museum QUALITY - NON PVC - for. Photographs is random - we do not pick the best example in a grade... The Ptolemaic dynasty ruler of Cyrenaica and Libya museum surplus roman coins the Rubicon 128,... 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