These are archetype legal documents. Articles of Incorporation (Filed April 1977) Many Board of Directors still operate at the management “Day to Day” operational level not realizing that, in fact, they have a far more significant and greater responsibility … Most provisions of the Revitalization Act became effective on July 1, 2014. We are making sample materials available for public service and educational purposes on the basis set out on the site including its Terms of Use. A Non Profit Corporation is different from a For Profit Corporation because it has NO shareholders to whom dividends accrue. Not only do state laws differ as to what must be retained, but nonprofits vary in the types of documents they generate. Your review or use of a document made available on the site does not create an attorney-client relationship with the Clinic or any of its lawyers or students. What if I could give you lifetime access to the world’s leading board portal. Users should also understand that review and use of these models does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Clinic or any of its lawyers or students. The key players in a nonprofit organization are the directors, officers, committees, members, executive director, staff and volunteers, and any existing advisory boards or friends groups. evolving trends in nonprofit governance and law. Nonprofit governance simply means how your nonprofit is administered. Volumes have been written about best practices for nonprofit governance. Several notes about the materials: The website also contains brief discussions of our approach to the design and execution of legal documents and client communications. We recommend you customize them to meet the needs of your organization. Are members actively involved? The Society of Personality and Social Psychology is recognized as a nonprofit organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. In addition to having them reviewed from a legal perspective, bylaws should reflect how the board wants to conduct its affairs. A nonprofit operates under the laws of the state where it is incorporated. Content for a Board Membership Manual (PDF) A useful and important tool for nonprofit organizations is the board manual or handbook. Document Destruction and Retention Policy (PDF) Document retention is a required practice for all corporations, including nonprofits. This individual self-evaluation will help you personally assess your board service. Legal and IRS Documents. In many circumstances, adoption of, and adherence to, “Best Practices” may reduce a nonprofit corporation’s exposure to potential state a nd federal corporate, charitable trust and tax challenges. Your nonprofit’s bylaws document is the second most important of your nonprofit corporation documents. We are grateful for the extensive pro bono advice and counsel with regard to those documents provided by Tom Silk of Silk Nonprofit Law. This guide gives credible and actionable steps from a nonprofit expert on proper board governance in the nonprofit world that will allow you to better lead and manage your organization. No one committee, director, or individual can control the organization. Nonprofit organizations that fight to improve social problems should consider incorporating explicit language on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their governance documents in attempt to achieve “race equity” (defined by Equity in the Centre as “the condition where one’s race identity has no influence on how one fares in society”). DonorPerfect is proud to sponsor this information resource for the nonprofit community. The materials include governance documents, program documents, contracts, practical tools such as checklists and calendars, and several examples of advice communications. Current Salary Survey (PDF) Valuable information on salary ranges for many different positions in several cities in the Northeast area. Emergency Succession Plan (PDF) What would happen if your organization was faced with the unexpected and sudden departure of your executive director? The following is a list of key policies, procedures, and guidelines in four broad areas […] Document Destruction and Retention Policy (PDF) Document retention is a required practice for all corporations, including nonprofits. Wikipedia’s governance definition: Governance is the way the rules, norms, and actions are structured, sustained, regulated, and held accountable. Code of Ethics A code of ethics outlines the ethical principles that govern a nonprofit’s behavior and decisions. © Copyright 2013-2021. The governance materials include bylaws, board committee charters, conflicts and other policies, and documents for use in board orientation and agenda planning. Nonprofit should keep all documents for at least three years and longer in some cases. The importance of diversity and inclusion in terms of board governance. Expend income on anything intended to advance any purpose other than your tax-exempt purpose. As a public service, we post our most recent IRS 990 forms here. Do some board members seem disengaged? We also won’t be providing Word versions of any documents in line with capacity limitations and with the principle that these materials are samples and sources of ideas for lawyers, not ready-to-use forms. There are four additional governance policies that the IRS Form 990 asks whether a charitable nonprofit has adopted: Written whistleblower protection policy (Part VI, Section B, line 13) Written document retention/destruction policy (Part VI, Section B, line 14) We do not guarantee that they reflect current law or are otherwise complete, much less that they are appropriate for use in any specific situation. We are not giving legal or tax advice on this site. We wanted to start addressing that gap in the resource base. We thought this site was a way to share that point of view in a practical and concrete manner. Nonprofit Governance Is: The process by which the Board operating as a group ensures this. Board Documents. All rights reserved. Can also be used as a kick-off to discussion with board chair. Second, we try to recognize that people actually have to read and use these things. As a charitable nonprofit corporation exempt under the IRS code 501(c)(3), our governance and financial documents are a matter of public record. The degree of formality depends on the internal rules of a given organization and, externally, with its business partners. Annual Evaluation of the Executive Director (PDF) An evaluation of the executive is an integral responsibility of an organization’s board of directors. So, even if a Non Profit becomes well enough known that wealthy businesspersons want to invest as shareholders, they may not do so. Board Composition Matrix (PDF) Is your board membership diversified? Among these documents are your mission, vision, values, bylaws, articles of incorporation, and all governmental rules and laws.Many also include the current strategic plan, goals, and financial reports.. A wise board will compile, retain, and maintain all of its policies in one place – its Board Policy Manual. Nonprofit board governance is the combination of systems, guidelines, and processes used to make decisions, hold decision makers accountable, and take action. A sector dedicated to the benefit of … The programmatic materials relate to food and agriculture, visual and performing arts, small business incubation, legal service delivery, education, and other areas. The sorts of information that may need to be referred to or clarified is the period of time a board member is permitted to hold his or her position. Their adoption by nonprofits may also improve the ability of corporations to attract charitable Exit Interview for Employees (PDF) When an employee leaves an organization, an exit interview is a helpful tool. However, it is possible to identify a handful of documents that every charitabl… Tips for Developing Bylaws (PDF) Bylaws are the internal rules and regulations that guide a board’s activity and answer important procedural questions. Documents the record board decisions and activities. Providing tools, guides, and advice to nonprofits since 1998. The site is targeted to lawyers and legal educators. The materials include governance documents, program documents, contracts, practical tools such as checklists and calendars, and several examples of advice communications. Governance Documents We believe that good corporate governance serves the long-term interests of stockholders, strengthens the Board and management, and further enhances the public trust 3M has earned from more than a century of operating with uncompromising integrity and … Board Member’s Activity Report (PDF) An excellent way for board members to be aware of their individual activity and engagement over the year. Sample—Executive Director Contract (PDF) A contract can help lay the groundwork for a successful relationship between your board and new executive director. The documents relate to a variety of matters, including corporate governance; programs; earned income activities; and fiscal sponsorship, fundraising, and other relationships unique to nonprofits. Our target audiences for the site are lawyers and law clinics who work with nonprofits, whether on a for-pay or pro bono basis; lawyers who otherwise are looking for precedents; legal educators; and individuals who are interested in legal document design. Governance Documents. The contracts include “everyday” documents such as independent contractor and subcontractor agreements, volunteer agreements, liability waivers, and website and trademark license terms. 20 Key Board of Director Terms and Definitions. It’s up to an organization’s board to maintain the highest standards of accountability, transparency, and good governance. Would you be interested? Form to Evaluate Board Meetings (PDF) A quick self-assessment to gauge the effectiveness of your board of director meetings. This pre-assessment helps you assess your need for board development. The nonprofit relationship materials include affiliation, fiscal sponsorship, resource sharing, commercial co-venture, corporate sponsorship, commercial fundraiser, coalition, collaboration, chapter, merger, and asset transfer agreements. Here is a template that provides a sample executive evaluation. The laws do not require any policies but no board should be comfortable reporting that it does not have conflict-of-interest, whistleblower, or document-destruction … It is the operational manual for the organization, and when any details need to be checked, this should be located in this document. Adopting a policy for document retention and destruction ensures that you are in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Instead, ANT is interested in the overlap of such pairings, and looks at the pairings as properties of coll… Board/Governance; Documents Nonprofit Governance Under State Law. Adopting a policy for document retention and destruction ensures that you are in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Governance. Sample Bylaws 2. Form for Prospective Board Candidates (PDF) A questionnaire to help determine if prospective board members are a good fit for your organization. Sample—Board Member Contract (PDF) Understanding roles and responsibilities is an essential element of successful boards. Board Development Pre-Assessment (PDF) Would your board benefit from board training? Here is a zip file with all the folders pre-created for you. Suggestions on how to better use and keep governance documents and files effectively. Meeting minutes; IRS Form 990 — All nonprofits must indicate whether the board has approved certain policies and followed specific processes when making governance decisions. They provide a roadmap for how the board operates. No one owns a tax-exempt non-profit. By a number of measures, nonprofit and for-profit board governance are similar: the board’s oversight role, its decision-making power, its structural place within the organization, and its members’ legal duties. Form to Evaluate an Individual Board Member (PDF) How effective a board member are you? Are some of the board members unsure of their role? governance and oversight rules set forth in the Non-Profit Revitalization Act of 2013 (as amended, the “Revitalization Act”), which amends the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law. Common governance committees include those designed to oversee finances, investments, audits, and compensation. After you unzip the “My Nonprofit” folder, you may want to change the name of the main folder from “My Nonprofit” to the actual name of your nonprofit. We think it’s instructive to view legal work-products as products, and to try to learn from the design community in how we approach, design, and execute legal documents. Board Self-Assessment; It’s not required for nonprofit organizations to perform annual board-self assessments. The documents relate to a variety of matters, including corporate governance; programs; earned income activities; and fiscal sponsorship, fundraising, and other relationships unique to nonprofits. Study about ways to improve board function and effectiveness, and proposes discussion questions to facilitate conversations between staff and board leaders. Getting familiar with the key documents for your nonprofit corporation can be tedious, but it's essential -- these documents contain important rules about how you must operate your nonprofit. Board Orientation Chart 5. Other public documents are available upon request. Here are some guidelines on how to put one together. Board of Directors’ Assessment (PDF) Start your new board year with reflection and clear direction. Several organizations, such as Public Counsel, make available excellent corporate governance models, and it’s possible to find fiscal sponsorship and other documents through internet searches. Nonprofit Expert provides free resources for nonprofits of all types and sizes! ANT is a so-called anti-essentialist perspective, meaning it does not simply assume or accept that there is a clear separation between, for example, society and nature, or context and content. Site users should also understand that we practice in California and created the documents for use by California nonprofits who are our clients. As a charitable nonprofit corporation exempt under the IRS code 501(c)(3), our governance and financial documents are a matter of public record. Charter - Executive Committee 7. Adopting an Emergency Succession Plan can help you ensure that essential functions continue uninterrupted by outlining a plan for the appointment of an acting executive director. First, model legal documents for nonprofits are often hard to find. Start Building Your Board Meetings Right Now! Job Description - Board Member 10. Governance Documents CompassPoint is pleased to share our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and key governance documents below. As a public service, we post our most recent IRS 990 forms here. You should not use any such materials without first seeking the advice of a lawyer. Sample—Code of Ethics for Board Members (PDF) A Code of Ethics for board members helps define your organization’s principles and acceptable practices and provides guidance and direction for board conduct and decision making. Another option is for a person with governance expertise to make a short presentation on governance at each meeting. Charter - Audit Committee 6. Charter - Program Committee 9. Board Director, LLC. In a nonprofit organization, the code of ethics applies to the board of directors, managers, employees, and volunteers. Nonprofit organizations are expected to show they are worthy of the public’s trust. Equally important is that the board abides by its bylaws. Board Profile 4. Charter - Finance Committee 8. Broadly defined, actor-network theory is an analytical framework that enables us to examine networks consisting of an array of actors. Consent Agenda (PDF) A useful tool for helping your board meetings run smoothly and efficiently. 3.    Deference to the Executive Committee, Board Chair or the Organization’s Founder. We encourage nonprofits and other non-lawyers to consult with counsel before using any of the materials found on the site. Since a nonprofit pursues a mission rather than profit, the law places heightened responsibility on the organization's board for financial and managerial oversight. Good governance is crucial for a nonprofit to not only effective, but to attract the kind of board members, volunteers, and staff that make the organization stronger over time. Nonprofit corporate governance materials include bylaws, board committee charters, and conflict of interest and other policies. As set out in the Terms of Use, we are not giving legal or tax advice, offering self-help guidance, or providing substantive legal information on this site. When it comes to nonprofit governance, we are usually referring to the governing of nonprofit boards. My Nonprofit Docs. But, because nonprofit leaders also need to understand the demands of strategy implementation in the nonprofit sector, we will also explore the distinctive aspects of NPO management, particularly the most critical issues facing those leaders today. 1. These documents provide you with a starting point. An agency may have several governance documents covering a wide range of guidelines. The articles of incorporation and bylaws of the organization should be reviewed at least every few years and whenever the committee or the board is aware of a change in the law or governance practice that is inconsistent with one or more provisions of the governing documents. Use this helpful tool to get a snapshot of your board. Other public documents are available upon request. Download the “My” file. Nonprofit Governance: Coloring Outside the Box…One Size Does Not Fit All. In this regard, nonprofit trusteeship is a unique and privileged role. Students and instructors in the Organizations and Transactions Clinic, part of the Mills Legal Clinic at Stanford Law School, prepared all of the documents and commentary on the site. All of the documents are either forms or redacted versions of actual work-products. Sample—Code of Ethics for Board Members (PDF) But it can be difficult to find examples of other documents, especially materials relating to charitable programs and other activities specific to nonprofits. Just download the zip and then unzip it in to your My Docs folder. A board portal is a good central space for storing articles and documents on various nonprofit and governance issues. Sample—Whistleblower Policy (PDF) Enhance your organization’s public accountability and transparency while providing your employees with the necessary protections for blowing the whistle. IRS Non-profit Ruling, December 15, 2006 SPSP IRS Form W-9: Taxpayer ID IRS Form 990 2015 IRS Form 990 2016 IRS Form 990 2017 IRS Form 990 2018 The process by which boards fulfill this obligation varies. This sample board member contract defines responsibilities from both organization and board member perspectives. Board of Director's Self-Evaluation 3. 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