Pit bulls wag with their entire bodies (and, you have to experience it to get it). It’s Georgie’s 5th birthday! Reasons why you should NOT own a Pitbull Everyone knows Pitbull are scary (adorable) and terrible (loving doggos) you should not consider adopting them (unless you want to know what unconditional love is). This includes the UK, Australia, New Zealand, nearly all European countries, and most Canadian provinces. All trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., or used with permission. she loves all other dogs and people. Any kind of irresponsible ownership or treating can develop or make aggressive Pitbulls which also makes them very dangerous. The password for the FREE Resource Library is: Please do not share this password with anyone. The wound may itch, bleed, and develop scarring and/or infections. I’d start a blog like this but I don’t own a computer at this moment. Clearly, they are awful animals, so read on to find out the other 20 reasons you do not want this fun-loving, intelligent, friendly, loyal dog in your home. Pitbull’s are a hot topic of discussion among dog owners. However, no one breed is right for everyone and certainly Pit Bull-type dogs are not right for every home. The supposed purpose is to use them to protect homes, businesses, and the like. I will never own any other type of dog;I will always own a rescued Pitt and only wish others could get the same happiness she has brought to my life. – Pit Bulls are extremely affectionate and loving. I have owned my Pitt for just over 2 yrs I got her at 14 wks. Chrissy, I couldn’t agree more. We need to tell the world why adopting a Pit Bull might be exactly what their family needs! As a result of media-perpetuated fear and hatred toward the breed, many people are afraid of Pit Bulls, even if they’ve never met one. 3. Jass, your experience with your pup is what most Pit Bull owners go through. Your Pitty might have gastrointestinal problems, birth defects, or urinary problems. Get access to my amazing FREE Resource Library for Dog Moms! You can’t trust them around your children. There is a huge misconception about this breed and it needs to stop!!! For real. BuzzFeed Staff, by Rachel Zarrell. 24 Reasons Why You Should Never, EVER Adopt a Pit Bull. What better way t, No matter who you support, please exercise your ri, It’s my birthday and no matter what I’m facing. First time I adopted a pitbull from a shelter and not the last ! Click here to visit the FREE Resource Library! They are absolutely terrible all around. The Dog’s Ordeal. They live up to every stereotype they are given, and they truly are some of the worst dogs. you cannot afford to have this dog misbehave. i socialized her early at dog parks, car rides, and neighborhood walks. Why? Also, you have to check possible reasons for the Pitbull puppy behavior problems. She breaks my heart every time I leave the house watching me with her puppy eyes and sad face but, when I get home she is so excited running around in circles and wipping her tail my blood pressure drops and my heart melts with love. 23 Pit Bull Factsand why you should adopt one 1. Can’t ask for a better dog. They’re also very intelligent and easy to train, and they learn quickly. 10 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Rule Pit Bulls are relatively healthy. « A Classic Hound Martingale Collar Giveaway! They will excitedly welcome and lick visitors with an uncontrolled passion only they … Ill probably have to wait a couple years (she’s a very hyper active pup and I do know they have to be of the calm type). They’re also a top choice of dog among gang members. Now, I have four Pit Bulls and I love them to pieces! My favorite part of the day is coming home and Fergie just smiling away and shaking her butt…yes pibbles smile, it’s crazy! They’re wonderful with kids and other pets, and they’re just sweet and wonderful animals. Give Them Plenty Of Exercise. Let Me In! Not because I thought they were vicious and aggressive…Mostly because I didn’t think of them as sweet and family dogs. I feel it is the least I can do to speak up for other dogs like him and let people know that he was the exception, not the rule, and in the right home, he could have been someone’s family pet. Top Ten Reasons “Vicious” Pit Bulls Can Not Be Trusted. The procedure is done on puppies below twelve months of age and not on full-grown dogs. 10. My Pit Bull mix is the smartest, most lovable dog I’ve ever known. Those who own one love them and say they’re wonderful animals. I have been a dog owner for the majority of my life and I’ve been a pit bull owner for nearly 10 years. Obedience training completed by 4 months. My boyfriend thought they were great dogs and I started doing some research, and all I read was owners raving about their pitbulls. Do yourself a favor,adopt a pittie. Every Pit Bull I’ve ever spent any time with has been a total lover. She has me walking 2/3 miles a day. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a “family dog” and a “companion dog” breed. Make sure the breed is a good fit for your family and your lifestyle. We’re crazy for our ‘pit bull’, best of girl dogs we say (in respect for our late boy hound). Unfortunately, too many people adopt a Pit Bull for the wrong reasons, or have little understanding of the common traits of the breed. If you see that non-stop wiggling butt happy to see you and you don't laugh, then you probably don't deserve a pit bull. PETA Helps Pit Bulls. Great dogs and VERY easy maintenance. She is so sweet, cute, and devoted to us, and so pleasant and polite with all strangers. 10 Reasons To Own A Pit Bull Pit bulls deserve love too. Tragically, the primary reason why pit bulls are … I hope your love affair continues for many years! – Pit Bulls are extremely affectionate and loving. Robin has been rescuing, rehabilitating and advocating for Pit Bulls for over 10 years, and she has worked with thousands of Pit Bulls. Why pay big bucks to encourage breeders and pet stores to create more excess dogs, when you can get a *terrific* dog like this at a shelter? From the words of the wise – “A tired Pit Bull is a good Pit Bull”. Apr 25, 2016. Pit bulls are pretty much the most horrible dogs ever. Pit bulls smile. 367 Ur Dogs Owning a dog takes a special kind of soul, but owning a pit bull takes a special kind of heart. My dog is a cuddler, too. People-Orientated, When Socialized Properly. He is so sweet, smart, extremely trainable (he literally picks up on things that I don’t even teach him!) If you say it, then you are racist. My Roxie is awesome. by Dave Stopera. Once you own one, you simply can’t believe anyone would think badly of them. But people’s minds are still stuck in history. They are pretty much “wash and go”, aren’t they? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. That is for sure. Blog posts may contain links to products available through these networks, and we may receive compensation if you make a purchase using these links. However, a dog brought up in a home full of love is nothing like how people imagine. They want to be with their humans, and they’re happiest when they’re sprawled out on top of you, cuddling on the couch. They want to be with their humans, and they’re happiest when they’re sprawled out on top of you, cuddling on the couch. Every Pit Bull I’ve ever spent any time with has been a total lover. One day I came home from work and my husband was telling me about a Pit Bull who needed a home. No matter what breed you ultimately choose, make sure you know what you’re getting. Pit Bulls Are Badly Behaved – Any dog who has this much energy and motivation coded into his DNA can cause problems if he doesn’t get enough attention and exercise. Indiana University. The original reason for cropping a Pitbull’s ears was probably to protect them from being bitten during dog fights. Pit Bulls are one of the best dog breeds, but aren't for everyone. Every day I regret the decision I made regarding the dog that attacked me. BuzzFeed Staff … He changed my life and my attitude toward bully breeds. I can’t believe I was once afraid of pit bulls. And as long as you exercise the dog regularly, a pitbull can be very comfortable in a small dwelling. I mean, she’s more than a little spoiled! Most of the time she just sniffs, wags her tail,and sits calmly. They have a reputation for sweetness, and, as the owner of a three-year-old female Wheaten named Frankie I can attest that besides being eccentric—mine barks … . Happy November, friends! Alternatively, they … If your Pit Bull is keeping you awake at all hours of the night, for seemingly no reason, it could be because they are bored. You find puppy smiles creepy. Your email address will not be published. to get access to my FREE Resource Library for fun printables, checklists, wall art, planners, and more! Due to irresponsible owners who do not spay and neuter their dogs, there’s a major over-population issue with Pit Bulls, which often causes entire litters to end up dumped in shelters. Filed Under: Responsible Dog Parenting Tagged With: Adoption and Rescue. Wonderful information. I love you “patches”, That’s been my experience, too, Debbie. She’s not always the best behaved, but that’s probably my own doing. She was crate trained from day one of bringing her home and house trained in 2 wks. 6 Reasons Pit Bulls Make Great Pets. Product Review & Giveaway: Freshpet Pet Food ». So when you put these two concepts together, the name “Pit Bull” starts to take on tough and mean qualities. Based on common belief, they are literally the most feared and irrationally loathed and legislated dogs in the world. They're just so scary. Those who don’t will probably tell you they’re violent dogs that can’t be trained nor do they ever fully adapt to a human family. function ml_webform_success_1729816(){var r=ml_jQuery||jQuery;r(".ml-subscribe-form-1729816 .row-success").show(),r(".ml-subscribe-form-1729816 .row-form").hide()}. We met her and I just fell in love. Pit bull breeders often crop the dogs’ ears when they are puppies to conform with show dog standard but this may be being phased out, and many pitbulls sport their original floppy ears. She’s always by my side,and I can’t wait to get home and see her racing done the stairs to see me. Studies show that talking to and petting your pooches are often accompanied by lower blood pressure, and that means a lowered risk for a myriad of different illnesses. Some people believe everything they read and hear on the news, and they’d never even consider adopting a Pit Bull. But I’m glad she convinced me. It took a few years for my husband to talk me down from my fear and hatred of bully breeds. Pit bulls are an extraordinary breed of dogs, but unfortunately, a lot of people really do not like them. Another crucial fact can be the bad press. The Everyday Dog Mom also participates in affiliate programs through several other networks. I adopted my pitbully from the MSPCA…I had put my 15 yr old Boston terrier to sleep and was looking to adopt a small breed type dog and everyday I went to the shelter looking and there he was my Sirris with a fractured pelvis and I visited with him everyday while looking for my small breed , but the more I visited with him and got to know him I became more attatched and finally asked if I could adopt him even though he was not healed yet and required 2 additional months of very short walks and crate bound … I got him and spent countless hours of floor time with him so he won’t be in his crate anymore than he had to , I talked and held him for hours every day … That was 4 month ago and he is truely my best friend and although I miss my Boston , my Sirris is the best ever … He exceeds everything I could have expected out of a dog ! They will steal your spot on the couch while you are up getting popcorn. They were bred as a fighting dog previously, however with time the need for aggressive behavior changed. You will not be sorry. Because it will probably eat you and then sniff out your children and then gobble them up too. My first piece of advice is, do your research. I LOVE PIT BULLS. Now thanks to all my friends on facebook, I know better. Marki Smith. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. She lives with her husband Joe, their five children, adopted dogs and cats and various foster dogs. Why or why, Do you make your bed each day? Are You Thinking About Getting A Pit Bull? This does not impact your cost in any way. Their short coats don’t require brushing, and although they do shed, I find it to be almost unnoticeable. Pitbulls Are Aggressive. From their big boxy heads to their muscular bodies, this breed was obviously bred for one purpose, and one purpose alone: To be a totally lovable and cuddly companion. by. She is the sweetest most loyal thing I could have ever imagined. I used to fear Pit Bulls. A year after our wonderful hound passed away our grown daughter insisted we adopt a ‘pit bull’ from a local shelter. This is a highly specific problem with pit bulls, but it can be annoying if you’re on a hike. I am now proud to be an advocate and foster for these loving, smart, and silly dogs. They also really like to cuddle (since such short fur, they are alway cold). . They take pleasure in their kills. In a couple I months I plan to start fostering pits and I want to try to get my pit mix a canine good citizen certificate and maye even turn her into a therapy dog for special needs children (Hazel loves children ) but I want to do more. They will wag their tail with such exuberance and excitement when you return home that it knocks over everything on your coffee table. . She follows me at the foot, lays with me on the recliner, and waits for me to go through doors before she enters. Whenever a person gets injured by a dog, the media just assumes that it’s a pit bull. – Pit Bull-type dogs make up the majority of dogs in US shelters, and they’re the most frequently euthanized. I was skeptical, not least because an overly rambunctious ‘pit bull’ at the dog run had scratched her ear with its claw when she was little, traumatic at the time. i have a Pit mix and she’s the best dog i’ve had. When we were ready for another dog, we went to the local humane society and met “Gordon”, a pit bull. I am a police officer in metro Atlanta. She cuddles with me at night and let’s me know if she needs to go out, wants to play, or wants a treat. I am sure, there will be posts on here of how they were bitten by a pitbull or how they should be banned, but I don’t care to hear that you want them banned. Lunging, barking, or raising hackles For pooches with no history of aggression, the act of lunging, barking, and raising hackles are guaranteed signs of a behavioral problem. Most pit bulls do not get larger than 50 to 60 pounds, although there are some larger sub-breeds. Great article! 3. Even my human kids are jealous of the love I give them LOL. You May Want To Reconsider.10 REASONS TO NEVER TRUST A PIT BULL.http://peaceloveandpitbulls.org So you’re thinking about getting a dog, but you’re not sure what kind to get. Do you like free stuff? Is your dog dressing up for #Halloween? What I do want to hear is your happy experience with your dog. I was a big rottweiler fan until i got a pitbull that was going to be put down at the pound. I don’t, now that, an animal’s past isn’t a predictor of his present or his future, Pet Adoption: The Numbers Behind the Need, Celebrate National Mutt Day with Royal Canin, 7 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog #NationalDogDay, When You Wonder If You’re Making A Difference. There are multiple breeds under the Pit Bull umbrella. You can get a new best-friend and save a life at the same time, you hero. 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