Amen. In MARSHALL, it's 1941, and Thurgood Marshall (Chadwick Boseman) is working as a trial lawyer for the NAACP.He's sent to Connecticut to defend Joseph Spell (Sterling K. Brown), a black man working as a chauffeur who stands accused of raping his employer, a white woman named Eleanor Sturbing (Kate Hudson).Spell … INSURRECTION ACT WAS SIGNED BY PRESIDENT TRUMP LAST NIGHT,, Ratcliffe designates Space Force as 18th member of intel community | Fox News,, TRUMP HAS SAID – NEVER TELL THE ENEMY WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO…, I’m awaiting the call, it’d be my pleasure. That being said, I have no doubt that God is in charge and that he will do as he has said he would do and great tribulation was never going to be a little event. Media using the “siege” narrative to push for more censorship of all conservatives, which will only drive them to more frustration and anger. It reminded me of the scripture John 16:16 where the Lord said to the deciples, “A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.” Although we are talking apples to oranges here and I am not comparing the President to Jesus at all except in the context of the events. […] a hat tip to Hocuspocus13 for his comment on Bunkerville — The Marshall Report provided a number of tweets that point toward the Capitol invaders being from Antifa and Black Lives […]. I looked at the woman shot dead in the neck in the video, supposedly a woman named Ashli Babbit, but I also looked at the Facebook pictures of Ashli Babbit, the woman shot in the neck has a completely different nose than the Ashli Babbit I see on Facebook….. hmm, that needs to be looked into. Each person is free to heed, laugh or scoff. Pass this to all your patriot peeps ATTENTION PATRIOTS!!! Delete your Twitter account. Mo Brooks reveals “growing evidence” the capitol building “siege” was initiated by Antifa operatives. So stay steady at the helm as you navigate through turbulent waters. It Tracks Systems and aquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State! The question now is does President Trump still have enough juice that the Generals will still take orders from him now. It is written for God’s people to pray unceasing and to go inside and shut the door for a little while until the scourge passes over. Big Tech censorship is part of a cleanup operation to hide all the evidence and truths they don’t want people to see. This is a Red Sea parting moment and as Moses said to the people coming out of Egypt when the armies of pharoah were behind them and the sea was in front of them…..”Stand still and watch the salvation of the Lord thy God”. Now the airlines are saying you can’t get on a flight as Pelosi and Pence do their takeover of America for the entire world to see. A false flag to blame on the Patriots and coherse other politicians on board to do as they were told? Censorship and now all who oppose the new regime in Wonderland and all who oppose human and child sacrifice and trafficking, all who call themselves Christian and love commitments like “In God We Trust” and the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the rule of law are the enemy of Pelosi, Pence, McConnell, Graham, Schumer, Biden, Harris et al. AOC tweeted about left-wing riots: “To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.” But now she wants Big Tech to censor anyone quoting her. PRESIDENT TRUMP SAID ON PARLER: CHY-NA AND POLL PADS Worth an ECHO!!! Trump Will Not Bow To The World Establishment’s Agenda 21! What is about to take place is indeed Biblical. The Marshall Report Menu. The organization'… Europe was devastated by years of conflict during World War II. Don’t read any further. No yellow tape, no investigation and back to business as usual in the same building? “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”, I wondered why President Trump said…”It will be wild”. Because according to one source that has briefed me, the globalist controllers are threatening to detonate dirty bombs in every US state representing a senator who voted against the Biden slate of electors. Due to the purge and the levels of infiltration on all online media. This is when some individuals in the crowd started … “Does the day seem surreal to you? This enabled the media and the SWAMP rats to call them a mob and say they swarmed the Capitol. This was a planned event by ANTIFA and their handlers. They have been acting like those in Communist Countries and blocking the info that the OTHER SIDE (the Republicans) put out. All I know is that anyone, and I mean ANYONE listening to ANY talk show without “evidence” is just another talking head and will lead Patriots down the WRONG path. Was he setting another trap? BLACKOUTS…. It is not a game. Think about it. As the Lord said to his disciples, if they shall do this to a green tree, what shall they do with a dry? After the end of the Second World War, the Marshall Plan was enacted and $15bn flowed from the US to Europe to help the continent rebuild. SHAME ON ALL OF THESE SEDITIOUS TREASONOUS HATERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE AND AMERICA! Trump Silent As Cannible RINO’s Eat Each Other Over Voter Crumbs. So if there was going to be trouble…why did President Trump allow millions to come? TEAM TRUMP ON PARLER REVEALS CENSORED TRUTH! There are times when no one can fully understand a thing until after it has fully transpired. Video testimony of an ITALIAN JUDGE about LEONARDO’S role in switching votes from President Trump to Joe Biden!!!! Read full article here: Report: Trump fighting from secure location, did not concede ( and learn more about these topics: FREE SPEECH IS THE FOUNDATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND DENYING IT TO A PEOPLE IS TREASON AND TYRANNY! They have infiltrated the purged with imposters and until the dust on this blackout settles I am only posting information from sources that are checked and verified such as Donald Trump Jr.; Lin Wood; and etc. ( Log Out /  He plans to address the American people at 9:00pm Eastern Time (7:00pm in Arizona) tonight. In effect, they were led to slaughter. Trump need to pardon those proud men! It was seen at the Capital in Arizona and else where. AMERICA REST ASSURED, PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOT CONCEDE! ET. Bull Crap – nothing will come out. He has a terrific band of supporters behind him! HOLD THE LINE AND PRAY, STAY SAFE WHILE THE SCOURGE PASSES OVER. Gen. McInerney: With high treason in play, Trump must invoke 2018 Executive Order!, AMERICA – PHAROAH ARMY AT YOUR BACK AND THE RED SEA AT YOUR FRONT – STAND STILL AND BEHOLD…,, ATTACK ON CAPITOL ENABLED BY MCCONNEL, PELOSI ET AL SAYS LT.GENERAL McINERNEY,,, Report: Trump fighting from secure location, did not concede ( According to Underground Patriot, since the purge is on- disinformation is everywhere and those who can’t be attacked on controlled social media sites, the information shared on President Trump and any on their banned forever lists are being traced back to their sources. God bless each one. I expect him to be strategic and do what must be done to get the mission accomplished. But, they also know there is a great shaking and a great battle. Marshall reported to Boatright so given all of this, you’d think he might be in some trouble too. President Trump told us all in many rallies and in primary debates in 2016 way before he was elected that the dumbest thing any one can do is tell the enemy when you are coming and what you are going to target so they can prepare. He should have taken over mainstream media last year. I heard 5 but, it could be longer and then again maybe nothing at all takes place. The police stood by and allowed TRUMP supporters to be attacked right and left, and they were marched right into the real mobs. And beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Why else was one of them inside Pelosi’s office? “The USDA’s report on price spread between fed cattle and boxed … Jake Angeli, Richard Barnett, Baked Alaska, and Adam Johnson are known patriots! REMEMBER, THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE! Leftists declare war on conservatives and plan to silence them and destroy them in any way possible, all in the name of “tolerance.”. The last time the Capitol was breached was not in the War of 1812. You watch what’s going to come out and watch what’s going to be revealed.”, NPR caught publishing capitol “siege” story hours before it took place. The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland has been working on the issue of CSE since its establishment. There won’t be crosses on the White House lawn, there will be lynchings. A State-by-State Look at Coronavirus in Prisons The Marshall Project is collecting data on COVID-19 infections in state and federal prisons. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Even when told they could get inside they said no and could not believe others went in past police. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! #capital #DCProtests #WashingtonDC #DC, Protestor breaks window of capital building. In Military courts: Other Federal Courts. PATRIOTS FRAMED WITH ANTIFA TROJAN HORSE AND PRESIDENT TRUMP IS KICKED OFF SOCIAL MEDIA? A PDF version of the annual security and fire safety report is available by clicking the link below. “Twitter came for President Trump today. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”. released the following statement after the publication of a report and recommended actions by the USDA amid the ongoing investigations into market manipulation by beef packing plants. The goal is to take reliable sources and try and turn them into fake news sites by feeding misinformation. There is plenty of good footage showing the Patriots were shocked that others went into the capitol, and they were staying outside, they are heard saying things like, “Oh my God, a bunch are trying to break in the Capitol!” “It’s getting dangerous, we’re leaving.” I’m not going in. President Trump is safe and he has a lot taking place. This is an insurrection and an attempt…let me stress IT IS AN ATTEMPT, to take over the government. It is not a wear a mask and social distance. Some are saying all electronic communications will go down and that means credit card transactions will be useless for some days. It will be posted at 12 p.m. “Yet Trump fully realizes that far more American would die under the totalitarian communist-run regime represented by Joe Biden. Q said it would be Biblical. This Group Who Stormed The Capitol Was a Planned Set up False Flag Event That by Now Many People Realize What Has Gone on! Very good article, but a slight correction. Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? The Marshall report gives young people a voice and approaches the issue of CSE with the fine balance of raising the acute challenges, while recognising growing problems. #capital #DCProtests #WashingtonDC #DC, Protestor punches police officer in the face shield. Don’t believe for one minute that Donald J Trump will roll over and play dead! Do you know who you can trust? FBI SWAT team in Capitol complex Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update: blob: Most of Congress is on the take or frightened. The Plan, it is said, is needed to save the people of Europe from hunger, poverty and possible Communist takeover (ironic, given the fact that the U.S. had just saved Soviet Communism from Hitler!) He has publicly urged President Trump to invoke his 2018 Executive Order on “foreign influence” due to the high treason being committed by Democratic operatives. It was in 1954 with a group of Puerto Rican communist terrorists. BE SMART, BE SAFE, USE DISCERNMENT AND KNOW PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS TAKING THE STEPS TO END THE TREASONOUS OVERTHROW. Much of Europe was on the brink of famine as agricultural production had been disrupted by war. He asks that you tune in – to hear the EVIDENCE that the mainstream media has been hiding and not reporting!!! Think about this….why was a person killed, allegedly a 14 year military veteran and no crime scene? I say this not out of fear, for I go in faith that I am in God’s hands and whatever is to be is to be, but in relation to the REALITY of what is taking place. They made sure to put the Q shirt up front for the camera too. When he took the stage they roared. Trump supporters instantly convicted in the left-wing media, even though obvious evidence of election theft by the Dems is thrown out of court without any hearing at all. Does it confuse you as you struggle to ascertain truth from lies? He has never lost to the deep state yet and I believe that is because he has been protected by God’s forces to do what needs to be done against those who desire to destroy this land, and all that represents “In God We Trust” that it was founded upon. Millions of people had been killed or wounded. – THE MARSHALL REPORT – Additional survival tricks,, Lies and Coronavirus in Joe Biden’s America – Mark 1:1. Complete staged Psyop… I think President Trump waited too long. Anyone going before a military tribunal can have an attorney appointed through … Just One More Scam by Deep State Operatives! This video is better. But this action causes a reaction and that reaction is what each must be guarded not to fall into. God bless America. But in these uncertain times, I choose to do as the Lord said and take heed for if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. For God is not mocked and it is written that this would come and God will stand in the gap and as all hell breaks loose, in the end his people make it through the purge and into the promises of peace and joy! He told us a little while back, “You won’t hear from me for a while”. TRUMP-NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS – AMERICANS WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK, TRUMP WINS – CNN WINS – CARLY LOSES OVER LIES. Do you feel the revelation of truth occurring? And who is filming it? Well….. many military plans fail…..What next for us? As an author, Dianne’s books reflect wake up calls to America and historical reflections of good verses evil. Trump Got Carly’s Persona Wrong- Forget The Face, She’s A Bully! The Marshall Memo, published 50 times a year since 2003, is designed to keep principals, teachers, instructional coaches, superintendents, and other PreK-12 educators well-informed on current research and best practices. HANG IN THERE – THIS HAS JUST BEGUN. An impeachment “trial” is scheduled for Monday to try to remove Trump by other means, claiming that Trump still has access to the nuclear codes and might unleash a nuclear missile. TRUMP-NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS – AMERICANS WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK, TRUMP WINS – CNN WINS – CARLY LOSES OVER LIES. I am collecting the videos one by one. He is obviously bribed by China. Let’s see… We have a president elect that has dementia and can’t put two sentences together. Reblogged this on jmilamdeal and commented: This is the United States Department of Energy Report to Congress regarding the status of the Runit Dome (also known as the Cactus Crater containment structure) in the Marshall Islands. Read Ezekiel 21. (Yes, the GOP is finished.). The Marshall Report Holy Radar – that’s the Kraken!!! THEY LITERALLY JUST LET THEM THROUGH, Terrible acting. I apologize for any and all misinformation as to when and where President Trump is to be speaking, and the Monkeyz. I believe they shall fail. But…wait and see. Trump Got Carly’s Persona Wrong- Forget The Face, She’s A Bully! For those who don’t believe anything is taking place. No other figure commands such power. The current editor is Susan Chira. Could it be Trump has laid a trap that caught them all? So as we wait, watch and pray upon the Lord for the world is shaking and things will begin to look like the end of the world… know that it is all according to God’s plan and prepare ahead for what is upon us. “In fact, as I cover in today’s podcast, Trump is in a secure location and he’s fighting from there, alongside loyal forces of the US military who are preparing for decisive action against the deep state traitors who are desperate to remove Trump from power by any means necessary. He knew it all. As he saw the censorship reaching the point that it has this very day. But how so? But We have the right to be mad though, For America 🇺🇸 A number of key actions have been … Do you have an intense desire to see justice done? The greater the change, the greater are all of those emotions. Could that trap expose all those involved in staging a false flag attack at the Capitol? His son is a criminal pervert and also on the take. What did he need to gain by this? There’s no other leader in my lifetime with such power. The Marshall Report says: A registered civilian military lawyer IS NOT A JAG which is a Judge Advocate General. The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system. Unless stopped, Twitter will eventually come for you. These criminals now know that if he calls again for help. The Marshall Report Wall Street’s great merchants of the earth have been tracked and traced down and it is now evident that those doing the tracking have found voter fraud along with over 100 trillion dollars stolen by Wall Street’s great merchants of the earth over the last 15 years. Those who know the word of God know that in the end God’s people win. Who really was this mystery girl that was shot….. my guess….. an actual Antifa member. ( Log Out /  STAND FIRM AND HOLD THE LINE IS THE MESSAGE. HAVE FAITH AND TRUST IN THE LORD FOR THESE ARE THE DAYS SPOKEN OF THAT WOULD COME! This is war and not a joke. Send Jack a message that his effort to control your speech failed. The police literally let them through. Change is difficult, painful, & demanding. Don’t drag their names and images through the mud. Why efforts to remove Trump by force will set off a hot civil war. We still have our freedom. Founded in 2014, The Marshall Project is a nonprofit nonpartisan online journalism organization focusing on issues related to criminal justice in the United States, led by former hedge fund manager Neil Barsky and former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller. 16 talking about this. Americans are under attack on all sides. Your right to free speech comes from God as confirmed in our Constitution. (They often just cut off the President, or lie to the American people.). No binding concession language in his speech. I believe America’s best days lie ahead for all of us. This needs to be sent to all the Country and President Trump. It’s not a “breach” if the police invite you in: The media’s false narrative about the capitol building “riots.”. Suddenly they believe in walls after all. So watch and prepare so you are not caught unaware. #capital #DCProtests #WashingtonDC #DC, WE ARE PISSED OFF! The Marshall Plan is sold by tugging upon the heart strings of America. PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS MADE A TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT – PLEASE READ!! And for General Flynn & for Sidney Powell. He will take this to court and prove the fraud and stealing that went on in November 2020 election! He knew the swamp would take advantage of this opportunity. You are delusional. (Echoes of 9/11 media staging.). The report also notes that in May 2019, Marshallese officials requested that the Department of Energy build a fence around the island where the dome is located, to keep people off. I will not allow that. Why Doesn’t The Media Interview The Man Who Wants His Questions Answered? That would prove the sedition and treason by all who were involved by assisting the terrorists? Pelosi et al involved I am sure. Trump isn’t going to be threatened into quitting. Trump has prepared for this moment since day one. See how the virus has affected correctional facilities where you live. Fear is the opposite of faith. “Nancy Pelosy, who will obvious face arrest and prosecution for treason if Trump secures his second term, is running around D.C. like a crazed hyena, trying to get Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump immediately. Nothing like taking selfies with the protestors at a good old false flag. This one is a little difficult to see, but protestors did manage to break through a window and are entering the capital. ... a CDC scientist who was the lead author of the agency's report. “Sly Foxes Wolves and Men” is a conservative’s fact finder of … Fool me twice shame on me. For you see…there are times when there is a thing to be accomplished and to tell of that thing would interfere with what is to be accomplished. Congress operating its betrayals under the cover of darkness. It will take patients, but there will be justice served for the ANTIFA involvement and those who supported their activity! This election has been stolen and we the people will not sit back! The threat against Trump is that if he does not concede, the dirty bombs will be set off, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. Supporters of President Trump are peaceful. Trump during rally on Monday in Dalton, GA: “We have to go all the way… you watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. Biden calls Trump supporters “domestic terrorists” but was completely silent on the actual terrorism and violence of left-wing insurrectionists. Trump Got Carly’s Persona Wrong- Forget The Face, She’s A Bully! Kim Marshall, drawing on his decades as a teacher, principal, central office administrator, … Now it's on to Friday, where we have three college football games and a loaded college hoops slate. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Marshall University is committed to assisting all members of the University community in providing for their own safety and security. Why Doesn’t The Media Interview The Man Who Wants His Questions Answered? Trump did not concede. Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Planned Ahead of Time For Trump to Get The Blame! This is no drill. Yesterday after the President spoke in Washington, the million or so followers of the President marched to the Capitol. They were just a few but they did open fire, in the chambers if I’m not mistaken. 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