Social aggression is normal, a behavioral set that maintains the pack. And if you are stupid enough to get in a fight with a dog, by provoking them through teasing, rough treatment, or abuse, then it is your own damned fault if the dog attacks you. Training is part of the socialization process. What is often misunderstood is that a dog can be doing something for multiple reasons. Dogs need to live in homes, supervised and properly contained. The dogs escape and then attack people or animals near their territory. Groups of coyotes will do this, as well. A dog can’t help if it is sickly or injured. We also work with law enforcement to make sure the law is upheld, and strict penalties are given to animal abusers. But, they still keep doing what they are doing. Training makes a dog a functional part of the family. Their dogs aren’t taken places as pups, not put in puppy socialization classes, not trained in public, not taken places, not even allowed out of the back yard. Those motivations are additive. Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You. Pit bulls aren’t much different than any breed of dog. They also tend to course in packs, not as individuals. People are especially concerned about attacks like this in third world countries, where dogs are allowed to roam in packs. Sometimes the dog that attacks isn’t the dog that started the fight. This is true with every dog breed. No. They worked together better in packs. In that same town, all 10 Pugs and 20 Pit Bulls bite someone. Pit Bull dogs (american pit bull terrier) have very strong bodies, with widely developed musculature structures and extremely powerful jaws. For some reason, pit bulls tend to attract a higher percentage of animal abusers. Any dog can be considered dangerous.There are horrible stories that involve Pitbulls, but that doesn't mean all Pitbulls are dangerous. Why You Should Care When Pit Bulls Are Abused, Even if You Hate Them. Predators tend also to attack the sick among them. But, even so-called good breeders often mate dogs that shouldn’t be bred. It is even stronger if the dogs in the group are all male. I must first say… I like pit bulls. The Presa Canario was traditionally wary of people. 8.) Bicycles and motorcycles, and autos and trucks, can trigger the predatory instincts of some dogs, and cause a chase. The primary mission of this non-profit organization is to end animal abuse through REAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Dogs that aren’t socialized become overly wary of other people and strangers. ), PLEASE READ: Nature has its way of preserving the health of the pack. There are a lot of things about pack behavior that people tend to disregard. So, when I say that predation might play a role in a dog attack, people conjure up the idea that maybe a pit bull is similar to a human sexual predator, and then draw conclusions that they are somehow defective, and that society needs to be protected from them. How many people own a pack of, say, Irish Wolfhounds? Most attacks are on or near the premises on people the dog isn’t bonded with. So do lions, and hyena. It Is Not Its Own Breed. So, they have a strong predatory instinct towards other animals, and that can sometimes be activated if the dogs are highly agitated and running in groups. If the dog was abused; the dog protected the master from an intruder; the dog is sick or injured; etc., it will take time to wind down. Pitbull Abuse and Neglect admin | July 5, 2018. Pit bulls were originally used as hunting dogs, to bring down big game. We get dogs to protect our property and our families, to protect livestock and to hunt animals. In these circumstances, the attack isn’t defense oriented. OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Prey animals do behaviors that trigger carnivores to chase and capture them. People have also tried a lot of crosses between Pit Bulls and some of the mastiff breeds, such as the Neapolitan Mastiff, to try and get a more people aggressive dog. Pit bull is a breed of dog. Watch: Love for the 1st time after a … So, stop blaming the dogs. We can also look at the news and see for ourselves what happens when they are mistreated or mishandled: they can be made dangerous. The other thing to note is that note that not all pit bulls have the same temperament. We all know you shouldn’t leave kids and dogs unsupervised, but babysitters do it all the time. It is very important that all animal abuse be reportedly immediately! None of us can fix all of the suffering that some of our canine friends have to endure, but we can surely step up and intervene for abused dogs when we see it. Most of the time, you can’t tell them a damned thing. … Unlike purebred dogs, pit bulls are often really mixes of a lot of breeds. In one theory, pit bulls began during antiquity as the so-called Molossus, a now-extinct breed that was used by the Greeks as shepherds and guard dogs. If the dog is socialized, then normally friends and friendly strangers can enter the property with no problem. 1.) It is also why some farmers had an American Bullldog on their property. Their original purpose was as companions, hunters of big game, and pit fighting dogs. I have had a difficult time with breeders over the years. In times of war, they marched off to battle with their humans. Pit bulls need all the help—and friends—they can get. Even though we are talking about dogs, they still are programmed as canines, and so certain behaviors trigger their predatory instincts. It is our job to keep them medically well. For some reason, pit bulls tend to attract a higher percentage of animal abusers. And it also must be mentioned that the pit bull doesn’t necessarily have to be the instigator of the attack. Group aggression is also a common trait in most social animals, including humans. Animal neglect is cruel, and a lack of socialization is a form of animal neglect. There are also times when an innocent dog is set up to bite an innocent person, and then it is the owner that is really the one at fault, even though often times the dog is unjustly sentenced to death. (By the way, I will be updating this article from time to time, as people comment. Packs of predators also attack the vulnerable: the weak, injured and young. Fear, territoriality, predatory instincts, and aggression can all combine in one attack. AJLA respects the privacy of the citizens reporting abuse and acknowledges that without these individuals we would not be able to bring justice to the abused and neglected animals, specifically pitbulls. It is not unusual for these dogs to be severely infected with parasites and diseases, to have unhealed wounds and injuries, and lacking in vaccinations. The Chinese crested dog is a hairless breed of dog, often known as the ugliest dog in the world. Second, house sitters and baby sitters aren’t all good with supervising kids or dogs. No. This is … Male horses are that way to help protect the herd from predators, to fight back by kicking and biting. It is a group defense. There are also some rare pit fighting breeds that aren’t like the American Pit Bull Terrier. The same effect is true of sighthounds. Training reduces the chances for unwanted aggression. A super-dog, if you will. We need to respect this behavioral pattern, because there is no way to train that out of a human or a dog. Thus, dogs running in packs are more likely to attack out of their predatory instincts to chase, corner, and attack. People are stupid to run away from a chasing dog. Let’s use an oversimplification to explain: Let’s say in a town there are 100 Pit Bulls and 10 Pugs. Lack Of Socialization: For some reason, many pit bull owners don’t socialize their dogs. Guess what? Their stories are great examples of how pitbulls can actually be one of the most loyal and loving family dogs when given the right environment and a loving home. Contrary to popular belief, pit bulls are not their own, defined breed of dog. The Pit Bull is the most common dog breed (along with pit bull breed mixes) found in shelters in the United States. Wild animals have been trained by their parents to then eat their prey, which is why most dogs don’t eat prey that they have captured. Pitbulls are wiggly, cuddly, affectionate dogs. • Pit bulls were known in the early 1900s as “nanny dogs” because they were tolerant and gentle with children. There are always risks when house sitting for someone else’s dog, regardless of the breed. 4.) Some have been mixed with other breeds, so you get a wide variance of territoriality, gameness, fearfulness, predatory instincts, and aggression. They look a lot like the types of bites a boar, bear, mountain lion, wolf or coyote would have after being mauled by a pack of dogs. Pitbull-type dogs make outstanding canine citizens and are loving companions in millions of U.S. households. People that the dog knows, that enter the home in a mannerly way, are going to get a slobbery kiss, not a nasty bite. Another thing to note is that most pit bull attacks often involve multiple dogs. They were hunting dogs, used in groups to capture big mammals, such as pig dogs in Australia. The following list are the main reasons. Founded in 1996, Sam The Dog Trainer is a private, Phoenix-based company that provides on-site and online dog training services specifically designed to enhance the relationships between dogs and their owners. In such circumstances, which can happen with any dog fight, the dogs can actually turn on the human… even the dog owned by that human. When most people hear about a pitbull they think aggressive, viscous, dangerous dog. Pit Bull Training. Animals in the wild, as well as domestic dogs, protect territory from competitors of their own species, and from predators of other species. People are attacked in the streets. But, back to dogs… even in litters of puppies of any breed, they can gang up on one puppy and kill it. I believe some group attacks on people or animals can be considered mobbing. Males, and even females, will kill the young of competitors of their own species, and those of other species. They even have a more limited range of vocalizations. This is also a people created problem. Once a dog gets upset, it takes time to unwind. Territorial attacks are usually also a people problem. Many pit bulls aren’t game, either, and won’t fight back if attacked. The very trait that makes them a great pet works against them when that world all falls apart. This is why we can use dogs for hunting purposes. Many of the types of injuries we see from these group attacks also make me believe they were partly motivated by predatory instincts. Source = Wikipedia . That is a normal thing with many species. Louis Vuitton the Pit Bull. Most of the dog attacks you read about involve a stranger either entering the yard or house, or when the dogs escape the yard. Dog breeds are characterized by certain physical and behavioral traits. A properly trained Pointer or Retriever will pick up a dead bird and bring it back to us without eating it. So, you get punks that want a dog to attack people, so they’ll abuse the dog to the point it will attack anyone. One shelter staffer recounted hundreds of abuse cases that came through their doors — pit bulls that had been burned, beaten, starved, neglected and used for dogfighting. If your little nasty fluff ball is a brat, aggressive and rude, and it challenges a bigger dog to a fight, then which dog is at fault? Dogs can’t socialize themselves. Thus, dogs have inborn predatory behaviors which are honed through experience. But, it is being developed in Pakistan for pit fighting, and there is a lot of interest in the breed worldwide by those that want the next greatest thing. No way. I read of one city that has 100,000 dogs roaming the streets. Without knowing the dogs and the situation, there’s no way for you to definitively say what caused the attack. I will guarantee you that most of the pit bull attacks you hear about involve dogs that had little to no formal training. If a dog is upset, such as getting loose from the property, then it is in escape mode, it panics, and it will protect itself. I had a student that had all of her chickens killed after a strong wind storm weakened one side of her fence. Eventually, so the theory goes, the Molossus made it to early Britain, where it became known as the Mastiff. If you don’t know the dog, and the dog hasn’t truly accepted you, and if you don’t know what you are doing, then you can provoke an attack. Socialized pit bulls are known for being people friendly. Just as I see with all breeds, I see way too many pit bulls with weak temperaments. Thus, lions will attack a sick member of their pride, driving it away from them, and killing it if it doesn’t go away. 21: While pit bulls mingle well with humans they can get violent with other dogs. And there are other pack motivated reasons for attacks…. The efforts of Animal Justice League of America are growly quickly. Follow and support the organization as they begin to make history in the war against pitbull abuse and neglect. Are they devil dogs? Thus, dogs will see prey like animals and chase them, and even grab, shake, and kill them. They think that a pitbull could never be a family dog and will even harm their children. Unfortunately, a lot of people treat their pit bulls this way. If you leave them in a yard, especially if you don’t socialize them, they will then protect that property. But, those dogs were created to kill canines… wolves. When they are upset, we need to keep them apart from others until they have gotten back into a happy state of mind. Dogs are unlike cats, which stalk, hide, rush, and then attack. How stupid is that? They think that a pitbull could never be a family dog and will even harm their children. The most important thing you can do in animal abuse cases is provide information - photo and video evidence are extremely helpful to law enforcement and animal services. In the night, a group of canines (we don’t know if it was dogs or coyotes) came into her yard and killed all her chickens. There were packs of feral dogs in Georgia’s countryside, that would kill livestock and endanger people. Poor Breeding: Many dogs are poorly bred. The breed suffers horribly at the hand of humans. The pit fighting breeds had the recognition and display of submissive gestures bred out of them. Dogs truly want to obey and please their master. You don’t have the legitimate right to correct a dog that isn’t bonded to you, so the dog isn’t going to be inhibited from attacking you instead of obeying you. There was a study done many years ago, where they bred fearful Pointers with fearful Pointers. Medical Problems: A dog will defend itself if it isn’t well. Abuse is also a people created problem. He’s known for being fun, kind, intelligent, and humane. Pit bulls can become highly territorial if allowed to live in a back yard. They are still dogs, and if they perceive there is an intruder, they will protect their territory. From 2000 to 2009, there were three fatal attacks involving shelter dogs (one pit bull, one breed similar to a pit bull, and one Doberman). Predators attack the weak, injured and young because they are programmed to look for easy food. What kind of stupid cheapskate gets a pit bull and doesn’t train it? So, you get punks that want a dog to attack people, so they’ll abuse the dog to the point it will attack anyone. I’m inclined to think these were dogs because they weren’t eaten. That is why it is so important that if anyone sees an animal being abused or neglected that they should report it to local authorities immediately. They don’t look like, and aren’t located in the same places of the body, that personal protection dogs bite someone. 20: The gentle-souled Razor Edge Pit Bull is one of the most expensive breeds of Pit Bull! Though, I have known dogs that will grab an injured bird, kill it, chew it up, and eat it… all part of normal canine behavior. Animal abuse and neglect, especially cases involving pitbulls should not be ignored or assume someone else will report it. The human will always win. Once upon a time, Louis Vuitton the Pit Bull was named "Cain". They are domesticated canines. These thugs do things to these dogs to make them fight without any of the normal survival triggers for aggression. We know that about ourselves. Canines hunt other animals and eat them. If you allow abuse, or purposely abuse any dog, then the dog will have to defend itself. A dog with weak temperament sees threats where there are none. When most people hear about a pitbull they think aggressive, viscous, dangerous dog. There are a number of motivations which trigger these attacks. As with any breed of dog, if a dog is raised to be mean or aggressive, as many breeds are trained in the dog fighting world, they may behave that way. These pit bulls are a true testament to how resilient dogs are -- and how even those who have suffered the most can thrive. We are the ones that have the moral responsibility to make them safe for our homes, strangers, and other animals. Strangers that tease a dog behind a fence cause a dog to become motivated to get out to bite the next person that threatens them like that. 8) Chinese Crested Hairless Dog Breeds. I want to address everyone’s opinions. So, this is a people created problem. Thus, the more true examples of the breed are noted as being confident, people friendly, not very territorial, and not people aggressive. On the other hand, many pit bulls are not really purebred dogs, but they still look a lot like a purebred pit bull. If you don’t like dog kisses then consider another breed, because most pitbulls love licking. It is stupid and harmful to let dogs roam the streets freely. All of these factors play a role in almost all the dog attacks we read about in the news. Any dog with poor breeding, that is neglected, abused, not properly supervised or contained, and then put in an impossible situation, will bite. Then, there are the situations that lead to the dark side. A June 20th piece by Charlotte Alter called “The Problem With Pit Bulls” elicited a flood of protest mail from supporters of the breed. Animal Justice League of America was created to help bring an end to animal abuse and REAL ACCOUNTABILITY for animal abusers throughout all 50 states. Not all dog bites are bad things. 3.) Because they are often so misunderstood they are sadly also one of the most abused and neglected dogs. But, with all that said, whenever dogs are intensely aroused, and allowed to run in packs, especially after escaping from their yards, they are more likely to get into serious trouble. Packs of free running dogs are responsible for many dog bites in countries such as India. It is also possible that the pit bull could come to the defense of one member of it’s pack, but because of its strength, be blamed for the attack when it really wasn’t the one that started it. Only people a dog is bonded to have the right to correct that dog. Some have had even worse things done to them to make them medically unwell. Training gives you more control. Mood State: Pit bulls, like all dogs, once upset, are going to be more likely to defend themselves. 2.) They produced fearful puppies. All Pit Bulls Are Bad – Dogs do not have a conscience; they cannot be “bad.” Pit Bulls react to their … They are family orientated. No law can make a dog into a human. That could be because of the unethical breeding of the breed. They are all coursing predators, which capture their quarry by running it down. If the dog has not been socialized, and left in the back yard too much, that’s when the attacks tend to happen. Thus, it is important that if you own a pit bull that you don’t let it run unsupervised in packs in the neighborhood; that you prevent your dog from escaping the yard; you are wise about how many dogs you own, because the more you own, the more pack oriented motivations will surface; and that you keep your dog on leash in public. TAKE ACTION – See Something, Say Something! Learning and habits increase the probability of dogs attacking as a group, too, because learning implies past success at using aggression to drive away a threat, or capturing prey. They’re deprived of everything that’s natural and important to them, and in many cases, they’re denied even basic necessities, such as food, clean water, adequate shelter, and veterinary care. Strangers that surprise a dog, by jumping into the yard, or breaking or entering into a home uninvited, provoke a territorial bite. I’ve seen many “before and after” photos, and read many stories of pit bulls that were taken out of rescue in horrible shape, and turned into model citizens. They do what animals do. Here are six reasons why: 1. Forcing them to become guard dogs is a mistake, it goes against their programming. And the set up looks more like a predatory attack. It starts with misunderstanding dog behavior, especially that of the pit bull breeds (yes, there are many dog breeds that were created to fight). There have been many pit bulls shot and killed by the police, after the dogs got upset and hadn’t yet wound down. This is partly why pit bulls that have escaped their yards tend to bite people. For a long time now, I have been preaching that pit bulls aren’t inherently dangerous dogs. Further, many pit bull attacks are the result of the dogs being left in yards that have a broken fence or gate. Bears will kill wolf pups. They are sick. Fear is one of the triggers for biting. They don’t guard the property, and they are happy to see someone, even if they are a stranger climbing over the wall. Strange people and dogs are viewed as unwelcome competitors. A pack of dogs, regardless of the breed, will do things that an individual dog won’t do. Since dogs bond to their human families, those people are considered part of their pack, and are not considered competitors or predators. And some dogs will attack children because of this motivation, regardless of the breed. When developing a breed, breeders selected only those dogs that performed their job best to produce the next generation. What many people don’t know is that there is evidence that often the same individuals that abuse animals have or will also abuse humans. People are dumb to have their animals in situations where a pack of roaming dogs can chase or get to them. Animal Justice League of America works to pursue meaningful legal action against animal abusers. Properly bred, trained, managed… they are a good, safe, fun family dog. When we watch shows on animals these days, the camera cuts away after the wolf kills the calf, the lion kills the baby gazelle, or the cat kills the mouse. We can either prevent accidents or we can allow them to go on. A type of social superiority is enhanced when groups of dogs work together. That’s one reason why ranchers haven’t liked the re-introduction of wolves in the West. Also, there are times when it is OK and normal for a dog to bite. The term ‘Pit Bull’ encompasses mainly three breeds of dog: the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The other side of the ditch is where some of the pit bull advocates are heading, promoting a false image that these dogs aren’t what they are. I’ve had numerous conversations with breeders to tell them that they aren’t breeding protective dogs, they are breeding fear biters… and it went in one ear and out the other. That wasn’t their purpose. If the dog escapes, and is well socialized, it is possible that the dog will be very friendly, too, but not always. there are times when it is OK and normal for a dog to bite. Chimpanzees do it. 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