Management then created a curriculum to build them through the “forum and field” approach: hands-on training and coaching forums (on topics such as performance management, time management, and problem solving) followed by practice in real-world applications. It uses a variety of process improve - ment and change management concepts and approaches to increase operational efficiency and reduce clinical variability; the ultimate objective is to drive down the total cost of care while maintaining or improving care quality. A definition of throughput with examples. Businesses must boost their operational efficiency whenever … And they must meet these dual imperatives against a backdrop of fierce competition among traditional rivals as well as digital disrupters. McKinsey Global Institute. Pooja Kumar: Today I’m joined by Dr. Ron Walls, who’s the executive vice president and chief operating … This section analyzes the performance and operational efficiency of three operational functions: participant managed care enrollment, claims processing, and contact centers. Robert Cocks . Applying the Horizon Model for Marketers. This company had sent its operations experts into field offices, so they could work closely with employees at individual plants, where they had enjoyed significant success. Because they are not applying transformation levers across operations in a systematic way, banks are in effect winning battles, but losing the war. This revelation spurred the executives to refocus the program, investigate the organizational factors behind the difficulties, and ultimately identify much more far-reaching solutions—starting with an effort to get sales and operations to collaborate in setting production priorities and to work together on a daily basis. But it failed to replicate this success in other high-potential areas and thus aggregated operations costs hardly budged. Reinvent your business. Operational efficiency is the act of improving all of the processes that support the production of your final product or service. Likewise, enthusiasm often wanes when workers, who may receive training months before they apply it, come to view the program as distracting. From a technical perspective, the changes, though significant, were relatively straightforward: an individual back-office employee, for example, would no longer shepherd a single motor insurance claim through the claims process from end to end but might instead handle only a specialized subset of these activities. Never miss an insight. Since joining the Firm in 2001, he has worked with clients in the public sector and in philanthropy on topics related to economic development, higher education, infrastructure, innovative social finance, and organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. He advises companies in industries where operational efficiency … Pickers had been measured quantitatively (primarily on speed, not accuracy), packers qualitatively or not at all, depending on the site. Something went wrong. The tradeoffs between efficiency … After pursuing the customer journey-led transformation, the bank embarked on a center-led transformation—systematically transforming each operations center. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. They reap bigger, more sustainable benefits by balancing the program’s hard and soft elements and developing their line managers’ lean leadership skills. I herewith confirm that I read, understood and accepted the privacy policy.I hereby confirm that data which I typed and clicked might be sent to social network owners and saved and electronically processed by them. Recently, organizations as diverse as steelmakers, insurance companies, and public-sector agencies have benefited from “leaning” their operations with Toyota’s now-classic approach: eliminating waste, variability, and inflexibility. McKinsey Quarterly. collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners As marketing departments mature, they often are asked for more accountability from the C-Suite on the department’s value. Flip the odds. To ensure that everyone understood the permanence of the changes, the company made weekly one-on-one training and coaching sessions a part of its line managers’ jobs. The key is to start with just one or two operating areas and transform their performance completely, in essence creating the building blocks to be replicated throughout the company. Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. Why operational efficiency matters now As businesses consider how to weather the road ahead, many are finding they need to make tough decisions about how to allocate ... A recent McKinsey study1 found that these legacy systems account for 74% of a company’s IT spend while hampering agility at the same time. The new system was supposed to increase productivity by redistributing labor more efficiently to meet shifting demand. ... For this group, the priorities are to improve operational efficiency … Companies typically follow this template because it appears easier than significantly involving their line leadership. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. They are used in different industries to track organizational processes, improve efficiency and help businesses to understand and reflect on the outcomes. To achieve improvements in cost efficiency and customer experience that make a significant bottom-line difference, they need to rigorously apply the full set of levers across their entire operations cost base. 3 Examples of Machine Efficiency » Efficiency vs Quality . Robert Cocks . Organizational (or human) energy is the willingness and ability to adopt new, value-creating forms of behavior. The first step toward organizational excellence is building efficient processes that make it clear to all employees whether or not an organization’s systems are running smoothly and make it possible for team members to step in with improvements when necessary. A recipe for banking operations efficiency In the current environment, piecemeal productivity gains will not lead to significant bottom-line differences for banks. collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners Some companies set their sights too low; others falter by implementing lean and other performance-enhancing tools without recognizing how existing performance-management systems or employee mind-sets might undermine them. Senior executives found that back-office workers were relatively prepared to adopt a mind-set of continuous improvement because they already had a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for customers. Please try again later. In parallel, it revamped its performance-management system to encourage the new ways of working. To ramp up the program quickly, while taking care not to jeopardize the results by overextending the company’s people, senior executives used this first expansion of the pilot as a training ground for the leaders of subsequent ones: the line managers and lean-team members who would run the second and third waves (extending the program to cover a second and third customer, respectively) were included in the first wave. During the past 20 years, lean has become, along with Six Sigma, one of two kinds of prominent performance-improvement programs adopted by global manufacturing and, more recently, service companies. McKinsey Global Institute Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. 5 Examples of Throughput » Machine Efficiency . These and other line-led improvements helped significantly to raise the plant’s output and, subsequently, to cut its fuel costs. The potential benefits of digital risk initiatives include efficiency and productivity gains, enhanced risk effectiveness, and revenue gains. The benefits of greater efficiency and productivity include possible cost reductions of 25 percent or more in end-to-end credit processes and operational risk, through deeper automation and analytics. These factors complicate efforts to design, execute, and scale operational-improvement programs (see sidebar “A better approach to scaling”). By contrast, when a company shifts the attention of its line managers away from firefighting, develops their leadership capabilities, and expects more from them, the gains are bigger and longer lasting. The company’s back-office managers, however, found the program disquieting. Humayun has coauthored a number of publications, including the ‘McKinsey on Smart Grid’ publication as well as McKinsey's recently completed work on energy efficiency, and clean technologies. According to the report, "McKinsey & Company bolsters executives' CX decisions with analytics. Yet that is a mistake. At times, such an improvement initiative first appears to be successful but is later found to be insufficient to meet the company’s main objectives. Units often are scattered across dozens or even hundreds of sites throughout the world, function independently, and have distinct corporate cultures—particularly if M&A has fueled a company’s growth. our use of cookies, and Industry 4.0—which includes connectivity, advanced analytics, automation, and advanced-manufacturing technologies (Exhibit 1)—was gaining momentum before COVID-19, helping companies transform their operations in everything from production efficiency … Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. A large logistics group that tried to overhaul its transport network, for example, overlooked the way years of inadequate capital investment would affect the program’s ramp-up. After accounting for the way culture and other organizational factors will affect the goals of a program, leading companies put what they learn into action. By taking a more coordinated approach to implementation, senior executives can concentrate attention on these and other cross-cutting initiatives (say, a new IT system or compensation scheme, or even special career paths for employees who leave their line positions to assist in company-wide scaling activities over many months). An example of reviewing your marketing capabilities using the McKinsey 7S framework. Our tech-enabled transformations address high-impact levers, such as advanced analytics for commercial, operational, and planning optimization; large-scale process automation and digitization. Such examples show that neglecting the organizational components of an operational transformation can delay or even derail it. Successful enterprises take a balanced approach during the design and implementation of performance-improvement programs. An edited version of their remarks follows. McKinsey Quarterly. Stefan Roggenhofer is a principal in McKinsey’s Munich office. McKinsey surveyed more than 1,400 US physicians from a range of geographies and specialties (including primary care, internal ... execution on operational efficiency and utili-zation management … Senior executives recognized that its success would require these managers to adopt their new roles as coaches and mentors for junior employees wholeheartedly, so they could bolster the skills of their direct reports and encourage them to find ways of improving constantly. Unleash their potential. By approaching implementation in this fashion, with cross-cutting initiatives serving as the mortar holding together the building blocks of the program, top companies minimize the chances that poor timing or unanticipated events will return employees to the firefighting mode that characterized the old ways of working. Decision-making is siloed, with business, ... (Corporate Average Datacenter Efficiency), a new industry standard efficiency measure developed by McKinsey, in conjunction with the Uptime Institure. For more about the role of energy in performance transformations, see Josep Isern and Caroline Pung, “Driving radical change,”, November 2007. People create and sustain change. ... perspectives, adopt flexible staffing models, and deploy streamlined labor pools aligned with decisive strategic and operational choices. Since the program’s goals weren’t adequately defined or communicated by senior managers, the experts focused on what they could achieve—primarily easy wins, including technical changes to redesign assembly processes and to improve the effectiveness of certain machines. After conducting a pilot project, however, executives saw that about 60 percent of the value it generated came from new work processes, not new and more efficient machines. Exhibit 1 But there are a few banks that have identified a full range of levers and developed plans to apply them across all of their processes, putting them in position to achieve efficiency gains of 30 percent or more. Why did the company make this mistake? While this approach almost always introduces useful skills and tools, its disjointed application subtly encourages workers, and even some leaders, to see training rather than business results as the real objective. The task of rolling out a performance transformation program across a company’s global operations—with thousands or even tens of thousands of workers—presents big challenges, which are particularly evident in attempts to scale up successful pilots. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. Soon, employees began carrying index cards listing the improvement priorities they had spotted during the previous week. David Fine is a director in McKinsey’s Johannesburg office, Maia Hansen is a principal in the Cleveland office, and Stefan Roggenhofer is a principal in the Munich office. To meet this demanding productivity increase, McKinsey analyses a number of models – broadly finding that to meet the growth potential both “closing the gap” and technological development needs to take place. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new Making fundamental For instance, check that predictive maintenance … Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. 2 Data center inefficiency may threaten profitability Operational excellence is a framework for businesses to focus on growth and execute their strategy better than their competitors. Use minimal essential Still, by outsourcing the responsibility for initiatives (and, by extension, the underlying ideas) to experts, even their own, these companies often miss significant opportunities. Use minimal essential Senior executives, however, observed that enthusiasm and engagement soon started fading among the line workers. Operations leaders identified labor balancing as an important technical improvement: they planned to create teams that would combine two roles—“pickers,” who located products to fill customer orders, and “packers,” who loaded orders onto trucks. hereLearn more about cookies, Opens in new What’s more, the tools and experts actually are invaluable in diagnosing and improving operational performance. Rapid, concentrated projects aimed at making continuous, incremental, small-scale process improvements at the line level. Noshir is the global leader of McKinsey’s Outsourcing and Offshoring practice and has assisted many clients in the areas of strategy development, organizational restructuring and operational performance improvement. Large-scale change requires all employees—from the C-suite to the shop floor—to think and work differently (Exhibit 2). Here are 5 strategies that pharmaceutical companies can use to gain efficiency and streamline R&D processes: #1: Outsourcing The company didn’t stop at such technical fixes, however. Some companies, however, overcome the challenges and get more from their operational-improvement programs. That undercut many of the efficiency gains the experts managed to create. On the surface, the program was working: the number of projects and employees trained in the new approaches—two indicators the company tracked—were increasing. This kind of doubt is common when companies lack a self-evident catalyst for change—say, a takeover or a looming bankruptcy. Transforming customer experience, and enterprise efficiency and effectiveness. ; The survey found 64% of respondents saw cost reduction in the … Their rates of operational-equipment effectiveness are more than … ... A recent McKinsey study found that these legacy systems account for 74% of a company’s IT spend while hampering agility at the same time. The experience of a North American distribution company that sought to address higher customer expectations and eroding margins in its network of 70 distribution centers shows the virtues of a more balanced approach (Exhibit 1). Kevin guides strategic and operational transformations, helping executives take stock of their performance in core functions and find ways to achieve sustainable cost and efficiency gains. This effort is targeting a further 25 percent savings in small processes (e.g., RPA to automate account closure, optical character recognition and RPA to reduce manual rekeying for incoming mail). Without getting into a mini-course on strategy … Mastering lean’s softer side is difficult because it forces all employees to commit themselves to new ways of thinking and working. Technical solutions are objective and straightforward; analytical solutions to operational problems abound in lean and Six Sigma tool kits; and companies make significant investments to train experts who know how to apply them. Moreover, the experts coached individual managers to help them learn, understand, and gradually feel comfortable with the new way of working. A better understanding of the cultural starting point enables top companies to determine where they should focus at the beginning of a program, when to implement its various elements, and how to achieve their goals. These efforts have delivered tangible benefits over the last five years, but often in isolated pockets, and without dramatically reducing overall operations costs. Experts still play a vital catalyzing role, of course, but now as teachers, coaches, and counselors. In retrospect, these changes, while broadly useful, did little to help meet growing demand for the product. (Often, companies undermine their performance-improvement programs by introducing otherwise useful training elements at inappropriate times—for instance, several months before the implementation of the program, when its goals may not be clear to the trainees.). When companies tackle implementation in a more coordinated way, they get bigger, more sustainable results. Against a backdrop of growing economic uncertainty, their success can be a source of inspiration and enlightenment for industrial and service companies and for public- and social-sector organizations looking to extract greater value from these efforts. By contrast, companies that misread employee mind-sets and other cultural elements squander time and resources. Learn about Automated operational efficiency is in vogue but can produce mixed results if automation creates its own inefficiencies by acting too quickly. In this article, we outline best practices that are equally fruitful in lean, Six Sigma, and related hybrid environments rather than advocate one approach over the other. In addition, the company created a prominent visual tracking system to reinforce the new behavior by showing employees, in real time, when shifting workloads required their immediate attention. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND ... BEST PRACTICES HOW TO TACKLE OPERATIONAL ISSUES TO MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCIES AND COMPETITIVENESS Experts agree that changing from a reactive to proactive culture is challenging, but achievable. The new way of working, while posing significant problems of adjustment, didn’t fundamentally change the way these employees felt about their jobs. The broader challenge underlying such problems is integrating the better-known “hard” operational tools and approaches—such as just-in-time production—with the “soft” side, including the development of leaders who can help teams to continuously identify and make efficiency improvements, link and align the boardroom with the shop floor, and build the technical and interpersonal skills that make efficiency benefits real. This change not only balanced speed and accuracy but also pushed workers to collaborate and to focus on a common goal. Many companies are tempted to undertake everything simultaneously, often by launching a frenzy of loosely related kaizen1 1. That experience was instrumental in helping the managers address their own employees’ uncertainties about how much improvement was possible. We strive to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. 11 best practices for operational efficiency and cost reduction with Google Cloud. Published In 2018, a McKinsey study had revealed that “Africa has the second-fastest-growing … We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. As morale improved, so did results. ... operational efficiency… Digital upends old models. Need for Operational Excellence According to a McKinsey estimate, an operationally excellent team spends 50% of their time on value-added activities compared to an industry average of 25%. Shop floor deadlines are fierce, line leaders are busy, and many of them lack the skills to direct large initiatives. Overlooking the softer side, however, drastically lowers any initiative’s odds of success. ... even near-perfect execution on operational efficiency and utilization management will be insufficient to drive the necessary level of change and will never truly be sustainable. tab, Engineering, Construction & Building Materials, Travel, Logistics & Transport Infrastructure, McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility. Previously, they had considered themselves akin to general managers, with high standing in the organization. Operations typically account for the largest number of a company’s employees and the widest variation in skill levels. People create and sustain change. The company’s abiding respect for science and for highly educated experts at first biased managers in favor of solutions based on new technology rather than line-level process improvements. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. For companies seeking large-scale operational improvements, all roads lead to Toyota. Please email us at: McKinsey Insights - Get our latest thinking on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. An aerospace manufacturer, for example, wanted to increase production of a product with rapidly growing sales. And analytics cultural elements squander time and resources are used in different products or services and face pressures... 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