Yaza Kumar prince, son of King Kyansittha had his men engrave the letters on the stone in four languages, Pyu, Mon, Pali and Myanmar. It had to take about two years to reach the destination and King Jorge II accepted  the letter in 1758 and transferred it to the Library of Hanover which, then was the region under the jurisdiction of Great Britain. The inscription was believed to have been engraved in 1112 AD. So far, Myanmar has four tangible objects inscribed in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register—the Kuthodaw Inscription Shrines in 2013, the Myazedi Quadrilingual Stone Inscription and the Golden Letter of King Alaungpaya to King George II of Great Britain in 2015, and the King Bayinnaung Bell Inscriptions in 2017. Why? The manuscript itself is pure gold leaf on which the letter has been written in Myanmar language. The world's largest memory chip and smartphone maker said on Friday that its operating profit hit 9 trillion won ($8.2 billion) in the October-December period, up … Its mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has started the program “Memory of the World” in 1992 to do assessment on the heritages of the countries and select the heritages that meet the required criteria to be registered in the “Memory of the World” UNESCO had issued the list of heritages that went as far back as 1700 AD registered in the “Memory of the World”. It had emerged and gained attention of public thanks to the effort of Dr. Friedrich Hulsmann. International Memory of the World Register Myazedi Quadrilingual Stone Inscription 2014-45 1.0 Summary (max 200 words) In Myanmar, the stone inscriptions, inscribed with Pyu, Mon and Myanmar languages have been found Australia will hand over a trove of film footage from 1905 to the Myanmar Film Archive to mark the approaching 100th anniversary of cinema in Myanmar. The document is an inscription in four languages, Pyu, Mon, Myanmar and Pali, on each of the four sides. The gold leaf letter is of outstanding aesthetic value and it is considered a unique attestation in world history as well as in the history of Myanmar and Europe. Previously, an application to include Bagan in the Memory of the World register was sent in 1996. All rights reserved by Global New Light Of Myanmar. Hanover was the native land of King Jorge II, that is why he sent gold leaf manuscript to his native land Hanover . The stone tablets with inscriptions of Tripitakas text in Pali were the merit of King Mindon  and the inscriptions had been done from 1860 to 1869 taking 7 years 6 months and 14 days to finish the inscription. One of the two stone inscriptions was found near Myazedi Pagoda of Myingabar  village, one and half mile away in the south of Bagan. Myanmar ratified the World Heritage Convention in April 1994 but does not yet have any properties on the World Heritage List. May 15, 2017. The three winners from Myanmar are Pitakas Stone Slabs in the Maha Lawka Marazein Pagoda of Mandalay, Gold Leaf letter of Alaung Mintaya U Aung Zeya, Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription. A project to Safeguard the Documentary Heritage of Myanmar through the UNESCO Memory of the World (MOW) Programme has begun. The country is an active member of the Memory of the World (MoW The first inscriptions on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register were made in 1997. Myanmar News March 7, 2018 UNESCO has been working with stakeholders in Myanmar to support the identification, preservation and access to the country’s documentary heritage within the framework of the Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Programme. The stone was rectangular pillar in shape , hence having four faces that accommodate one language on each face of the stone. The Maha Lawka Marazein pagoda and its world biggest book were built in 1871 and hence the age of the structures is 146 years old. In … Year of submission: 2014; Year of inscription: 2015 Out of 338 heritages which won the registration in “Memory of the World”, 3 heritages were from Myanmar. King Alaungphaya sent the gold leaf letter to king of Britain on 8 May 1756. The gold leaf letter was put in the ivory casket together with the translated version in English and sent to London, a royal capital of United Kingdom of Great Britain. Moreover, it records the administration, social and economic affairs, literary works of religion, construction of pagodas, the enslavement of villages by royal princes and princesses, respect for parents and meritorious deeds of Bagan Period. Dr. Bladdin of London University had translated the stone inscription into English and published in1919. Documentary heritage submitted by Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2015. Documentary heritage submitted by Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2015. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Myanmar is one of the long lasting and rare nations for belief in Buddhism in the World. Washington lifted most of its sanctions on Myanmar in 2016, but kept in place an arms embargo, though it would likely not cover sales of equipment like bulldozers. Gold Leaf Letter The gold leaf Letter of King Alaungphaya, a phenomenal documentary heritage which has been selected to include in the register of “Memory of the World” in 2015 is now in a foreign country. As the inscriptions on both stones were the same, Professor U Pe Maung Tin considered the one is the copy of the other one. UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the ravages of time and climatic conditions, and willful and deliberate destruction. During the Majapahit empire (14th-15th centuries), the Panji stories became extremely popular, spread by sea merchants, became one of the most popular literatures in Southeast Asia during the 17th-18th centuries, from Java to Bali, the Malay world, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and probably the Philipines. Tripitaka consists of 5 treatises on Vinayas recorded on 111 stone slabs, 7 treatises on Buddha Abhidhamma recorded on 208 stone slabs, 5 treatises on Nikaya and 3 treatises on Sutta recorded on 410 stone slabs. Documentary heritage submitted by Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2017. WHAT: 1st National Memory of the World Workshop, Myanmar. Pitakas Stone Slab UNESCO has put the 729 stone slabs with inscription of Pitakas on both side of it in the list of “Memory of the world” in June, 2013. If the Pitakas books are read 8 hours a day, it will take 1 year and 3 months to finish all the books. Documentary heritage submitted by Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2015. Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription is a quadrilingual document  that rendered the historical, religious and cultural account of Bagan period in four languages, Pyu, Mon, Pali, Myanmar and it was the oldest of all stone inscriptions of that type. “The Embassy of France and the French Cultural Institute in Yangon are very proud to support the Memory Film Festival, contributing to opening minds, fostering Myanmar talent and paying tribute to Myanmar’s rich film history. The Memory of the World International Register of the Memory of the World Programme cannot include all the records in public and private archives, no matter how important those bodies or individuals may be. U Pe Maung Tin also translated it into Myanmar and published in 1955. These tasks are recorded as follows: 1. There was a controversy among the historians whether Yaza Kumar was Kyansittha’s own son or not, however, most of the historians believed Yaza Kumar was son of King Kyansittha. King Mindon had his men inscribe the Pitakas on the stone slab with intent to safeguard the Pitakas from damage and to make them last till the end of the world, otherwise the scriptures were highly vulnerable as they were traditionally recorded on the palm leaves. TAPL's ultimate goal is to provide value-added support for the group companies' business activities and hence These documents were placed online prior to the 204th session of the Executive Board. Now, the letter on Bayinnaung Bell which is located on the platform of Shwezigon Pagoda is submitted to be listed in “Memory of the World.” The richness of the archaeological heritages indicates the cultural standard of a nation. “Bulldozing these areas threatens to erase both the memory and the legal claims of the Rohingya who lived there,” HRW Asia Director Brad Adams said in a statement. Other Memory of the World documentsAll the forms, guidelines, publications, promotional documents, etc. UNESCO » Communication and Information » Memory of the World » Register » Access by region and country » Myanmar. Everywhere we are seeing and hearing gridlock. In 2015, the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the Memory of the World (MoW) Programme initiated a review of the MoW Programme. The stone inscription is important evidence of the early history of Rakhine, especially from the late BCE to the eighth century CE, as no other contemporary inscriptions have so far come to light. and the letter was ending with strong urging to his own progeny to sustain the amicable and friendly relation with Great Britain. Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO (MNCU) began its tasks to form Myanmar Memory of the World National Committee since 2016. Located in Bagan Historic city, Myazedi quadrilingual stone inscription is the oldest Myanmar Language inscription documenting the Myanmar history, religion and culture in 12th century A.D. They also nominated government officials to become members of the committee. Myanmar Memory of the World National Committee to be formed. The World Health Organization has approved only five Chinese vaccines for export compared to 47 vaccines from India, testifying to the latter's rigorous quality controls. In 2013, UNESCO plaque indicating that the Maha Lawkamarazein or Kuthodaw Inscription Shrines at Kuthodaw Pagoda, which contain the world's largest book in the form of 729 marble slabs on which are inscribed the Tripitaka, were inscribed on to the Memory of the World Register. Memory of the World RegisterFull list of documentary heritage inscribed to the Memory of the World Register. UNESCO Memory of the World Project in Myanmar Begins November 25, 2016 A project to Safeguard the Documentary Heritage of Myanmar through the UNESCO Memory of … Memory of the World Myanmar - Myazedi Quadrilingual Stone Inscription Myazedi quadrilingual stone inscription, located in Bagan Historic city, is unique and significance written documents of Myanmar history, religion and culture in 12th century A.D. 12 pieces of ruby has been embedded on each end of the gold leaf. The Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription described the same historical account in different four languages on four sides of the stone. Myanmar Heritage in “Memory of the World”. Participants will also gain knowledge on how the MoW programme can benefit the safeguarding of documentary heritage of Myanmar, mainly in the formation of a national committee and register.. Those heritages registered in “Memory of the World” included both tangible objects and intangible culture. NAND flash memory is a critical component for storage and is used in solid-state drives found in devices ranging from smartphones and personal computers to … 1 International Memory of the World Register Maha Lawkamarazein or Kuthodaw Inscription Shrines (Myanmar)2012-04 1.0 Summary (max 200 words) Myanmar is one of the long lasting and rare nations for belief in Buddhism in the World. We, Myanmar people have to take pride in the vision and farsightedness of King Mindon. Then, he could discover the fact in 2007 that the gold leaf letter was the authentic one that had been considered being lost for many years. A reapplication is underway. Emergence of new peace architecture set in January, MSWRR holds coord meeting of National Disaster Management Working Committee, Fundraising Working Committee, MoALI discusses Farmers Organization Bill, Myanmar nationals abroad brought back home by relief flight, Newly-harvested onion entering Mandalay market, State Counsellor delivers video message, VP II attends National Tourism Development Central Committee meeting, Speech delivered by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at National Tourism Development Central Committee meeting 1/2021, VP U Henry Van Thio inspects development of elephant camp, forest resort near Nay Pyi Taw, Announcement on fund establishment to purchase COVID-19 vaccines, Thaton hatchery sends 1.3 mln fingerlings to licenced fish ponds during pandemic, Visitors flock to cloud sea tourist spot in Mogaung on Independence Day, Originally established on 12th January 1964 as “The Working People’s Daily”, the New Light of Myanmar is Myanmar’s oldest. Myanmar’s documentary heritage is rich and diverse, ranging from ancient texts carved in stone and palm leaf manuscripts to cinema and audio-visual materials. Memory of the World Myanmar - King Bayinnaung Bell Inscription The King Bayinnaung Bell Inscriptions document the donations made for Buddhist religious merit and are inscribed in 3 languages; 43 lines in Myanmar language, 35 lines in Mon language and five lines in Pali language. Theravada Buddhism flourished and influenced the daily life of people and community since the early days in Myanmar. A memorial stone slab with records of event was fixed at the south-east angle of the pagoda. The digital copy of the Gold Leaf letter is now shown at National Museum in Yangon. The workshop will focus on increasing participants’ knowledge of and skills related to the MoW programme, particularly developing nominations to MoW registers and how the programme can bolster efforts to safeguard Myanmar’s documentary heritage. The paper described that King Alaung Phaya sent the letter (gold leaf letter) to the British King, Jorge II through the East India Co., with the intention to foster friendly relation between the two countries. Therefore, all people have the obligation to passionately love, take value and conserve the nation’s cultural heritages that have already been discovered across the country.—(Translated by Khin Maung Win), The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) updated this rates on MMT January 8, 2021 - Friday 2:30 PM. To support Myanmar’s implementation of the World Heritage Convention, the project provided exposure to the most up-to-date international conservation practices. UNESCO encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by promoting collaboration among nations. The Stone Inscription is a collection of 729 stone slabs on which are inscribed the whole of the Buddhist scriptures whose religious and social significance is important for Asia. Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription is also known as Myazedi Stone Inscription. India's track … Documentary heritage submitted by Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2013. Myanmar News March 7, 2018 UNESCO has been working with stakeholders in Myanmar to support the identification, preservation and access to the country’s documentary heritage within the framework of the Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Programme. Maha Lawka Marazein (World Biggest Book Pagoda) is the one among seven primary buildings which were built contemporaneously with the Yadanabon City (Mandallay city) and it has three wallings around it and the small stupas housing the Pitakas Stone Slabs were set up in the spaces between the walls. Alaung Mintaya U Aung Zeya, who founded Konbaung Dynasty sent the gold leaf letter to King of Great Britain, Jorge II in 1756. King Mindon convened a fifth Buddhist Synod from April 15 to 12 September in 1871 with 2400 revered monks discussing and citing the Pitaka texts and after five months of deliberation a new authorized version was agreed on. It was discovered in the 19 th century, and there is no doubt about its authenticity. Before that East India Co., had to station at Hainggyi Island a bit isolated from the main land where inclement weather was more liable to occur. The Memory of the World International Register of the Memory of the World Programme cannot include all the records in public and private archives, no matter how important those bodies or individuals may be. Institutes and Centres linked to Communication and Information, Linguistic diversity and multilingualism on Internet, UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, Communication for sustainable development, Professional Journalistic Standards and Code of Ethics, Extrabudgetary Projects on Freedom of Expression, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses. By Kyaw Hsu Mon 12 October 2015 RANGOON — Burma is proud to have had two more artifacts included in the UN-established Memory of the World Register for 2015, Kyaw Oo Lwin, director general of the Ministry of A large proportion of This manuscript is considered to be the only one that has been left undamaged, out of many gold leaf letters issued by Myanmar Kings. The Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription have won the entry in 2015 to the list of the documentary heritage of world significance known as “Memory of the World Programme.” Out of many stone inscriptions of Bagan Period, Yaza Kumar Stone Inscription, a prominent documentary evidence of cultural heritage of Bagan was found in two places, one in the precinct of Myazedi Pagoda and another one in the Bagan Archaeological Museum. The letter begins with lavishing the glory and epithet of the king describing the splendor and  great wealth of the King’s State, vast lands of vassal states, immense power of armed forces fortified with great elephant and horse forces and etc. T HE MEMORY of Myanmar’s most recent election, in 2015, still cheers Kyaw Zayya. 5. 1895. The texts were also published in 38 printed books, each book having 400 pages. Dr. Jacque Leider wrote a paper in 2009 under the title “Letter from King Alaung Phaya to Jorge II of England” containing 141 pages. The aims and objectives of the “Memory of the World” program is primarily to promote the conservation works on historical and cultural heritages of the respective countries. UNESCO usually makes the assessment on the heritages submitted and issues the list of winner biennially. UNESCO Memory of the World Project in Myanmar Begins 29 Nov 2016 The ‘Safeguarding the Documentary Heritage of Myanmar through the UNESCO Memory of the World (MOW) Programme’ project has begun with a high level coordination meeting in Yangon on the 25th of November 2016. The UNESCO Memory of the World Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP) is pleased to announce the results of the 2020 round of the MOWCAP-Asia Culture Centre (ACC) Grants Program. The country is an active member of the Memory of the World (MoW) programme, with four inscriptions on the International Memory of the World … Omanis revive memory of village swallowed by desert published : 10 Jan 2021 at 10:45 writer: AFP 0 0 Located at the bottom of a valley nearly 400 … The king had his minister, Letwe Nawrahta write the letter on the gold leaf. After keeping the code number Ms IV 571a of the letter at the library, he sent the gold leaf letter to Dr. Jacques Leider, an expertise in history and oriental linguistics from Institute of Asian and African Affairs, Hamburg  University in July 2006 with request to disclose the meaning and language of the alphabets written on the gold leaf Dr. Jacque Leider studied the ancient history of the Gold Leaf Letter and distinct political characteristics of Britain and Myanmar. Those 729 stone slabs with Tripitakas texts inscribed on both side of each slab is metaphorically  coined as the World Biggest Book. The gold leaf letter had been in the underground chamber of  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library  of Hanover , Germany for over 250 years. Myazedi inscription (Burmese: မြစေတီ ကျောက်စာ [mja̰ zèdì tɕaʊʔ sà]; also Yazakumar Inscription or the Gubyaukgyi Inscription), inscribed in 1113, is the oldest surviving stone inscription of the Burmese. Those pitakas stone slabs are the memory objects of Myanmar with full record of Buddha’s Teaching on them. 104 countries in cooperation with 5 organizations had carried out the program and could have registered 338 heritages in the “Memory of the World.” till 2015. Malaysian voice captures young readers around the world Ghosts and race riots dominate in prizewinning author Hanna Alkaf's work Malaysian novelist Hana Alkaf's work provides a … Website Design & SEO Service in Myanmar by MWD, Myanmar Heritage in “Memory of the World”, Printing press of Hermit U Khandi to be displayed as…, Myanmar team to join World Cup Qualifiers in 2021, Phone Myint Kyaw ranked 16th in World Master Chinese Pool, Myanmar rice shipment plummets in past two months. Therefore, it has won the recognition to be included in the “Memory of the World” register. Meeting documentsMeetings of the International Advisory Committees of the Memory of the World Programme and its Bureau and Memory of the World Conferences. The Kuthodaw Inscriptions, collection of 729 stone slabs were inscribed the whole of Buddhist scriptures in 1868. Another one found near Gubyaukyi Pagoda was broken into three parts, but fixed them intact again and placed in the precinct of Myazedi Pagoda. A large proportion of the records are concerned with local, national and, sometimes, regional issues. Documentary heritage submitted by Myanmar and recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register in 2013. Copyright © 2017. The gold leaf letter is rectangular in shape having length 55cm and breadth 12cm. California-based Western Digital is the world's third-largest NAND flash memory chipmaker by market share, behind Samsung Electronics of South Korea and Japan's Toshiba Memory… On 6 April 2018, the Chair of the IAC submitted to UNESCO, after approval by the IAC, three documents arising out of this IAC-led review. It was expected British owned East India Co., was highly satisfied with the provision, but no reply had been received from British government. One stone slab measures 5 ft.in length, 4.5 ft in breadth, 0.5 ft. in thickness and 1 ft. underground. Three procedural meetings have so far been held, including a preparatory meeting organized by the UNESCO Secretariat on 7 December 2018, at which the draft terms of reference were presented and modifications suggested for … It is also a prominent historical landmark in 18th century between Myanmar and Great Britain. However, the application was rejected, partly because of poor management and partly due to the fact that Bagan was not classified as a heritage zone at the time. Myanmar and MoW The Memory of the World (MoW) programme aims to increase awareness worldwide of the existence and significance of documentary heritage, facilitate its preservation using the most appropriate techniques, and promote universal access. Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte., Ltd.(TAPL) is the regional centre of Toshiba group companies in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Those agreed version of Tripitakas were inscribed in Pali on the 792 stone tablets. Myanmar’s documentary heritage is rich and diverse, ranging from ancient texts carved in stone and palm leaf manuscripts to cinema and audio-visual materials. Maha Lawka Marazein pagoda is also known as Kuthodaw Pagoda of King Mindon (Kuthodaw  means merits of royal king) as the Pitakas stone slabs were set in the precinct of Maha Lawka Marazein pagoda at the expense from King’s treasury. The space inside the inner wall had 42 slabs, inside the middle wall had 168 slabs and inside the outer wall had 519 slabs. Golden Leaf Manuscript sent by King Alaung Phaya U Aung Zeya to the British King 261 years ago was very momentous and invaluable historical evidence for not only Myanmar but also for Britain. It was in good condition and now had been placed in the Archaeological Museum (Bagan). Total cost of this work was kyats 22 crores and 6 millions. The UNESCO Memory of the World Committee for Asia-Pacific (MOWCAP) is pleased to announce the results of the 2020 round of the MOWCAP-Asia Culture Centre (ACC) Grants Program. According to the golden leaf letter, Myanmar had to allow the East India Co., to open the port station at Pathein Port. It manifested the significant value in linguistics and also the historical accomplishment of King Kyansittha. YANGON — Myanmar will make a bid for the inclusion of the 1988 pro-democracy uprising in the Memory of the World Register, according to the committee for the establishment of the 8888 historical museum. Memory of the World Presentation, Preliminary Results of the survey, Information Meeting, 30 January 2019 The final report of the online survey is available here . Global New Light of Myanmar. UNESCO first introduced the programme in Myanmar in a 2011 training workshop for local stakeholders. 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