The article shows the math (line graphs) for drop and wind drift between the two, but not energy at range. An otherwise good technical article was turned into unprofessional self absorbed rant about his favorite round and that shooters that stick with the .308 are stuck in the mud dense fudds. Probably half of those are between 400-500 yards. TTAG has run out of stuff to run up the flagpole. Replies are disconnected from the comments….no indentation. Folks here arguing about 1st world issues. OH yes lets go with a round with horrible ballistics and pair it with budget night vision. My own preference is for the .50 BMG cartridge. Wal mart ain’t everywhere. Jeremy touches on it in the article, but, essentially, dismisses it. If I need to shoot at 1000 yards I’m going to a 300 Win Mag. With solid bullets designed NOT to expand. If I have a .308 150 grain bullet, and I have a 150 grain bullet in 6.5mm (.264 caliber), the bullet will have to be longer. Target shooting has no repercussions (other than losing). No surprise. :p. Somebody needs to do a post devoted entirely to the .9mm. This is the essence of TTAG (or used to be), and it’s why I keep reading here instead of joining some lame-ass traditional gun forum. Let’s begin. It’s closer to ~460-580 yards (depending on loads, weights, barrel lengths, etc.). But — and it’s a big but — your .308 rifle very well may not shoot modern, low drag projectiles accurately. For reloading… mmm 6.5.. notsomuch…. According to the links provided by the author and Hornady’s Ballistic calculator, they are even at 500 yards and the 6.5 gains energy over the .308 for every yard after that. 1200lbs) with the Snakebite Compound Bow. The less powerful 6.5 Grendel has taken elk at 400 yds. You bet you can. The 125 grain #2120 bullet will prove too light for the 200-meter rams in Handgun Silhouettes, but is a good choice for the smaller, lighter chickens, turkeys and pigs. The loss of sufficient energy to mushroom a bullet at farther distances means perforation of the target animal instead of proper expansion and wound channel, resulting in a bleeding and hurting animal that will take longer to die than it otherwise should. And as was mentioned above, there’s too much of a chance for the animal to move in the couple of seconds between a shooter’s decision intention to pull the trigger, his brain making his finger move enough to fire the gun, and the bullet to travel the distance to the target. In a word; logistics. This 6.5 is going almost 50% faster at 1,000 yards and has 94.2% more kinetic energy than this .308. Don’t worry about the case yet. Same bullet. A good friend of mine did his Eland with a little ole .308 a couple of years ago. Predictable accuracy out to at least 1,300. As for regularly buying new gewgaws, it seems to me that the only folks who really benefit are guys like Jerry Miculek, and the salesmen who get to buy a bigger boat. >308 is not going anywhere anytime soon, neither is 30.06, neither is 7.62×39. My freezer has a moose killed with 308 in it right now. That said, this bullet produces best performance in the .308 when used inside 250 yards and really shines when used in woods hunting situations, used on all manner of game, up to 320kg and 450kg as a maximum (Moose). The wind commonly blows 30-50mph and I won’t take 600yd shots even on a record buck. Now if you build systems of personal protection you might want to consider a more common/compatible round. Yeah… Definitely, mostly this. I know a lot of hunters and riflemen. One shot kill with a Hornady 143 grain ELDX at 200 yards. The 6.5 CM is rated for a higher maximum pressure but .260 Rem has slightly (1.9%) more powder capacity. Rams 6. Ask the WWII Japanese how having what, 3 7.7 rounds and 2 or 3 6.5mm rounds worked for them, or even the Italians with their 6.5 and 7.35, had to abandon the 7.35. Big chunks of lead is what they use to kill mean black cows and yellows kitty cats in Africa. Know yourself, your rifle, the weather and all the other factors before making the shot. The sarcasm and digs toward the .308 does read as if a 13 yr old authored the article as another reader observed. On the other hand, if we look at a typical .308 target load that’s shooting the gold standard 168 grain Sierra MatchKing BTHP projectile, you’ll be dealing with 430.6 inches of drop and 106.3 inches of wind drift in those same conditions. Therefore, at wherever in the trajectory the energy of the Creedmoor equals the .308, the .308 will still be more powerful. You will have to be close and accurate with that shotgun. Those results are a mixed bag you weigh beforehand though. It was a large caliber handgun. I own both calibers. if a .30-06 Springfield or .300 Win. JavaScript is disabled. • At 1,000 yards, the .308 is still trucking along at 1,287.2 fps. Not what I’m about. Exactly. Where I hunt in SC it’s 50 miles to the nearest one. Often they bait kills of their own to draw in other animals to kill. Not talking about hunting, Talking about precision work, 6.5 has it hands down. If that is all you do get a 6.5. My point, recently i watched a test on ar 500 steel of everything from a .22 to a 338, there was no 6.5 used but follow me here, the only round that penetrated the steel was a high bc, high sd .243 round. Was it fireworks? Two bucks are taken at 250 yards. Ok then, you and I can go for a nice long hunting hike in grizzly country and you can carry a single shot break open action. Wait till next year. With a Savage 99. There isn't any factory match ammo or rifles set up for it. 1. BULL! m, While the 6.5mm Creedmoor is at least as good (if not better) as .308 Winchester for taking deer and smaller game (and humans in warfare), I do not see how 6.5mm Creedmoor would be better than .308 Winchester for elk-sized game. I heartily disagree. Any information would be appreciated. When I see braggarts on other forums talking about taking long range 1000+ yd shots at game with 6.5 CM, I simply do not trust any cartridge to have sufficient energy to mushroom and humanely kill. Count the seconds between the explosion and how loud the *boom* was that many miles away. How are people gonna know who we’re making fun of? Especially the extra low drag type with a secant ogive. MG Arms, 190 lbs. – .270 Winchester With 6.5’s being more of a niche round. Coyote 3. When someone refers to .308 ammo (pronounced three-oh-eight), they’re referencing the .308 Winchester rifle cartridge. Yet there is story after story of rifle calibers in the 6mm, .270 and 7mm, .308 Winchester lower recoil class that kill cleanly every year (broadside double lung shots) with less energy than the 2500 ft-lbs that so many have fallen in line with. Sure its “better” than 9mm…. Yep, just ask us .22-250 shooters. Someone, take away is firearms and his card. The article makes the distinction that the 160yrd marker denotes the ‘retained’ energy, but doesn’t mean the .308Win is overall lower energy at that point.”. The 308 is not the all around 30 cal. As have all the elk that I've shot with them. 2. 1000 The Trapper's Rest Road reaches from the Trapper's Rest Lodge to the eastern border of Redfeather Falls. I, uh, acquired a Savage 110 in that caliber, and it hits hard and where I point it. I absolutely love me some shit talkin caliber comparisons. It’s one of my favorite articles, and I don’t even care about 6.5 Creedmoor or .308 (I’m still rocking .30-30 Winchester). No doubt, 6.5 is a “better” round, but I don’t own any 6.5s because I know my 308’s through and through. In the winter wolverines primarily rely on carrion, remains of moose and caribou killed by wolves and hunters or animals that have died of natural causes. Then again I also love 1911’s and Colt SAAs, so maybe I just can’t learn to get with the program. If one is on the fence…like I am…what should I be looking for in a 6.5 CM? I wouldn't feel one bit under gunned with either bullet in .308 against moose. Think .22lr vs .223. The 6.5 Swede’s best feature is that it comes attached to one of slickest Mauser actions and can be fed by strippers. New calibers are so they can sell new rifles. Then only because the deer was already crippled. The 6.5CM hasn’t been a niche caliber for a decade. Lots of game has been taken with a 130 grain bullet, but IMO, the old-fashioned bullet designs in 130 are too frangible. And if their eyes are going bad, nothing more than a 4 power scope. Ill bet you own a Rock Island 1911 too. Yep; .308. Trang tin tức online với nhiều tin mới nổi bật, tổng hợp tin tức 24 giờ qua, tin tức thời sự quan trọng và những tin thế giới mới nhất trong ngày mà bạn cần biết That got a *Guffaw* outta me. Almost. Besides, when Wal mart quit selling handgun, .223/7.62X39 ammo most contributors here swore to never give them another dime for anything. Barrel life is obviously not as good as .308 Win but much better than some here seem to believe. Will it kill a moose of course it will so will a 30-30. Especially in today’s ammunition short world. Whether you can do that and get something you want to shoot is a whole ‘nuther issue. With good bullets, 20 inches of penetration is easily obtained, even with 2x bullet expansion. Think of it this way: the 5.56 is the caliber you will use to defend your family , while the .308 is the caliber you will use to put food on the table. My first thought too. 8mm Remington Magnum stole all its glory. The graphic with the densest objects in the universe is the funniest part. The quote is “While porky .308 is about 250 ft-lbs of energy more powerful at the muzzle, a match 6.5 CM load has already surpassed a match .308 load’s retained energy after only 160 yards of flight. Better in every way! Any company can produce a bad example. OK, you’ve made your point; I concede that 6.5CM is better than 308. The hunters headed out of the canyon with their prize packed on their horses, but Winters had a dilemma to deal with. The debate is silliness. Yeah, it is. The ammo-availability argument no longer holds water. Having a niche specific round like a 6.5 is great, but if you are needing to choose a calibre that can be used across multiple platforms, such as bolts, semi autos, and machine guns, as well as a calibre that will be commonly used by police and military, making it Highly likely to be accessible even in a SHTF scenario, the .308 has clear advantages. Why haven’t we heard more about 8mm creedmoor? Medium sized hogs 5. The Swedes do it all the time with the 6.5×55 Swedish cartridge. The article makes the distinction that the 160yrd marker denotes the “retained” energy, but doesn’t mean the .308Win is overall lower energy at that point. That was funny! I think at one point in history last year TTAG crew debated the next bestest military round, and out of the available options at the time, many people picked the 6.5 Grendel… Well the 6mmArc is just very much like a Grendel+, doesn’t beat the 6.5CM but it exceeds .308/7.62Nato for sure. Bottom line for hunters: a 6.5 Creedmoor can take the same game as .308 and do it just as well as .308 at close ranges. “Paging Gov. Of course they both have their imitations.. neither is a long range elk cartridge. For work on Elk out to six hundred yards I would look at the 300 SAUM or the 300 WSM. My 308 runs on milspec ammo that I bought for 11 dollars/20 from Sgammo. William J. wants that job…, soo, here’s the question..(maybe a good article idea too). And still, the smaller diameter bullets penetrate better. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whenever you push a bullet faster the harder it is going to hit with equal projectile weight and increases range. Press J to jump to the feed. Target practice? Crushing the incumbent .308, of course, which smells of old fish. But can you handle the recoil necessary to cleanly kill a 1,000-pound or heavier moose? Zooming in on those graphs to show a 500-yard maximum reduces the cavernous, performance-shaming difference between these calibers to something just slightly less embarrassing. I’ve seen other guys jump down to lower recoiling cartridges like the 6BR, and you know what? Thanks for reinforcing my point on ammo availability. In an emergency my Ruger American hunting rifle can throw M80 ball all day to keep me and mine alive and free! While 6.5 Creedmoors are often chambered and designed with long, sleek ELD/VLD projectiles in mind, few .308s are. They’ve moved the shoulder back, lengthened the neck, so allow longer bullets to be used. Another, not so well discussed benefit of the high bc 6.5 rounds is its very high sectional density, that gives it much more penetration than a 308. I use both a POF revolution and a Tikka T3x For hunting and they both eat 150g Hornady American Whitetail and will print .85 or under if I do my job, which makes ammo selection super easy for me. The moose stood there, munching on birch twigs for twenty minutes while my buddy LOUDLY debated less than fifty yards away whether to shoot it or not because he forgot to bring the 4 … At 1,000 yards it can have twice the kinetic energy.” He’s clearly talking about the actual retained energy, not the percentage of original energy. Pick the bullet or bullet spectrum you want to launch. Good ol’ traditional tangent ogives for that traditionally-chambered .308 rifle, indeed. I had trouble as well until I switched mounts to Talley one-piece and they locked down tight, never budged. Moose Lodge v. Irvis, 407 U. S. 163 (1972); Sierra, Club v. Morton, 405 U. S. 727 (1972). Is the 308 a better killer than the 30-06 if all things equal NO! It is the larger cartridge by means of COAL, it uses the same amount of powder, it has significantly higher max pressure and “overbore” ratio, and still falls behind energywise for the biggest part of its effective range. — 8.86 feet vs 4.5 feet), and goes transonic at just 63.2% of the distance as the 6.5. Is happening on all pages, and regardless of which browser I try. But the numbers in this comparison are exaggerated. With a .308. Regardless I’ll be staying with 308 Winchester and am currently trying to find the most accurate load for the Hornady 178 GR ELD-X using IMR 4064 vs the Sierra 175 GR HPBTMK. We’ll try to get our hands on some for a thorough test. With cast boolits a factor of 10. premium partition style bullets, while giving the high velocity, flat trajectory and low recoil of the much lighter 150gr. Me, I like to be able to kill big, heavy-boned, densely muscled deer from any angle, should the need arise. Totally false for the two rounds used for comparison in this article. plenty good inside of 300 yards and if you want a battle rifle it needs to start with a “3”. Especially when you compare the difference in ballistics. Besides velocity, what am i giving up on the 3 in the 17-18.5 inch range? 9pt with a kicker. Me shoot a rifle at a target a thousand yards away. well there’s one reason to stick with .308: don’t want to hang with a bunch of assholes. Even at only 300 yards in a 10 mph crosswind you’d have to hold off 7.2 inches with .308 Winchester whereas when shooting 6.5 Creedmoor, you’ll only hold 4.7 inches. Penned a PASGT with a CZ-52, through & through once upon a time. Just a matter of how good of a marksman are you. This juvenile mentality seems to be prevalent in the gun community as well as “gun journalism”, which is very off-putting. Because Beirut has a well-deserved reputation for ‘accommodating’ such shipments. I would *LOVE* to see the math where a peak 6.5 CM hunting load overtakes a peak .308 WIN hunting load at 160 yards. 300 yards is reasonable. Elk 9. Moose For a Week Harvest a Moose weighing more than 544kg (approx. If I hadn’t bought my 700 in 308 back when I did, I’d go with the 6.5. The new AirForce Texan LSS features a new 34? To many projects, never enough time. Because USSOCOM (U.S. Special Operations Command) found that, as compared to flat-footed .308 (specifically M118LR, the military’s best long-range .308 load), 6.5 Creedmoor doubles snipers’ hit probability at 1,000 meters, increases effective range by at least a third, increases energy on target by 50%, reduces the effect of wind by 40%, and has at least 30% less recoil, they will begin converting their .308 Win MK110A1 and Mk20 rifles to 6.5 CM in 2019 (see here and here). The Scandinavians have been taking large animals with the 6.5×55 Swede for 100 years or more. A higher ballistic coefficient means the projectile slows down less during flight and is affected less by the wind. Story needs a non-binary trigger warning. A target rifle is designed with various accuracy enhancing features to help you achieve a … So I spun my 20″ 1/10 Bartlein barrel on my AI AT, and went to work. So, if you would shoot an elk past 160 with a .308, you should be able to shoot it with a 6.5 creed. If I was going to purchase a deer hunting rifle it would be the 7mm-08 and shoot a 140-150 grain bullet, would even work with youths and women. Kill a male Moose anywhere on the Trapper's Rest road. So unless you're going for a hunt where you're shooting an animal from one mountain-top to another or something like that, I fail to see this vast "performance gap" between these two cartridges in the hunting realm. The young man in this video is just a kid, but he really knows what he’s doing. but I don’t need it and I don’t/wont have many 10mm firearms. The 6.5mm is 0.264″ and the .270 is actually 0.277. Savage made good on the problem in a very short period of time. 7mm is a NAZI caliber, nobody wants to use a NAZI caliber,,,,,,screeeeeach,,,,,(With modern components and advanced powders the 9 mm is just as good as a .45). Hang on, sorry, not done yet! “Because either my math sucks, or you’re mistaking ‘% of retained initial retained energy’ with actual overall kinetic energy. You have entered an incorrect email address! Popular 6.5mm Creedmoor loadings have the same muzzle velocities as .308 Winchester. . Iz to buy can of cheap spray paint and write Fxck YOu on the side of Walmart building? Retained energy, or even muzzle energy, don’t matter if you miss. I was even able to sit my own misses. I still like 16-20″ .308s in bolts and ARs, and 20-24″ 6.5s. i can’t imagine that this wasn’t knowledge to many studious minds for decades. 304, § 23-3-305, § 23-3-306 and § 23-3-308. I have one too. I wrote a white paper from AFSOC WEPTAC to SOCOM and AMC in 2004 for the advent of a 6.5 round worked with JD Jones and NAVSPECWARCOM, Accuflite, and SPAWAR. He's going with me either way. A well placed 300 WinMag is well able to accomplish the task. I’ve been a 308 shooter for over 20 years. Heaven forbid, but if a grizzly charges, you can show me how much better your 5 plus 1 bolt action 6.5 Creedmoor is inside of 200 yds in that circumstance. Match grade ammo and rifles, same model different caliber, were almost the same in price. 308. Pm me and I can provide more information to those who need to rid themselves of their inferior gear, free of charge! One of the United State’s most popular hunting rounds, the .308 Win is often used to hunt white-tailed deer, black bear, elk, and moose. I just wish you could find a 7mm-08 equiavlent to the M80 ball in pricing and availability. VLD Pilot Well-Known Member. Was your wind call on? I think the hype for 6.5 CM is supported by the stats…for target shooting or perhaps sniping. Well yeah….he’s funny as shit if you dint take it too seriously. After all male wolverines are much … Next line up- 6.5 creed vs 280 Remington. You, too, can and will benefit from all of these improvements whether you’re shooting 100 yards or 1,000. So how is the 6.5 better than the .308 at hunting ranges? Also, it’s evident that “liberals” aren’t the only group capable of being emotionally triggered by facts. Not only is 6.5CreedMOAR ballistically superior, it also melts snowflakes at 1000 miles just by being mentioned. Kinda like how does weekends? or a washing machine…… and anything behind it. Less than 7 pounds and recoil is almost non-existent. The argument is about what is better. 1. So, with that in mind; .308 wins. All that being said maybe I'm just getting old or lazy and compenmsating with a big magnum. Sorry but when SMOD* comes, those of us using 308 win, .30-06 and common military calibers will have ammo. Ammo is plentiful. But the argument isn’t about what’s good enough. Long range hunting should NOT be a thing. What could go wrong? If you want to go 6.5 CM, then by all means do so. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I decided to let the groundhogs tell me when it’s time to retool. Where and in what lifetime? Remember how SNL would put out a sketch now and then where you got the joke in the first five seconds, didn’t think it was very funny, and then you realize that one crappy joke is about to go on for eight more minutes? I hope you enjoy shooting your 6.5CMs, and are able to derive a real benefit from them. I stack 308 DEEP cuz I can use it in a dozen rifles. But you can easily do better in 6.5 Creedmoor (and you’re likely to do much worse in .308). Go with the .308 Winchester if you want the cheapest or easiest to find ammo or the .243 Winchester if you’re sensitive to recoil. Choosing the .308 Winchester dumpster fire over 6.5 Creedmoor in a rifle that will shoot primarily high quality ammo is a mistake. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. I’ll stick with my .44 mag carbine at 200 yards or less. Why, you may ask? So, unless one is an absolute natural, who does not need significant practice, the .308 is better, because when you take it to the range you don’t have to have a sit and cry between each shot at the cash you just sent down range. Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Same point of impact. And so is the .243SLR, which is the .243 with a Creedmoorish shoulder. Consider how many elk have been taken with a 150 grain .270 Winchester round. For this, we’ll use Hornady’s ELD-X projectiles loaded in Hornady’s Precision Hunter ammo. This article was originally published in 2018. All comments are being posted in the “first tier” column, even the replies. 22+ Main Beams. Hating on an inanimate object? as if the only use for .308 is 1200 yard ninja shots. The development of the 6.8 round derailed the progress, so 16 years later it is good to see good ideas are still kicking around the halls of SOCOM. I know their effective ranges and drops by heart. I know you called 6.5 a hipster fad — there’s a small chance (~100%) that I did, too — and it’s hard to eat your own words, but it’s time to man up and neck down. Here in Alaska most bears and moose are shot within 100 yards, and a 180 tsx will shoot plum the the chest on a moose, and will hit hard enough to break the shoulder on even the biggest bear. The only way to do this is by actually getting out and doing. This article is a reprint and it’s meant to be tongue in cheek. Mostly because I’m afraid over penetration could vaporize the forest. Moose, despite their size, are not all that durable. These two factors alone massively extend your ability to hit the target or to take an ethical shot on an animal. I’m a fan, of both it & .30 Mauser too. Actually, they hunt moose with it. and the gin-u-wine mauser action… glass on glass. When the balloon goes up it wont be a 6.5 Creedmore headed dowrange towards the communists. I think that’s the main culprit in throat erosion and shorter barrel life for the fat-case/small-caliber rounds. The pros use 6mm. They’re in a “sweet spot” in the ballistic range of bullet diameters and weights where you can get some very high Bc’s in bullets that aren’t so long you can’t fit them into a standard case with a standard throat in the rifle’s chamber, and don’t weigh so much that your shoulder starts to feel the pain. Is the 308 more accruate if all things are equal YES! Pressures are more than double. 6.5cm is flatter shooting and ammo cost about the same. The Bureau of Land Management carry’s weight. I once bashed an elk at 950 meters with it. And it recoils with 30% more force, making it harder to spot your own impacts and less pleasurable to shoot. Worked then. , I felt an extra measure of sardonic today. It’s going to be .308 and that’s okay. This is the problem with the fan boy love of the 6.5 CM , it can’t be just a great little round , it has to be the greatest thing ever ! After calling this moose in from across the drainage Bobby put a perfect shot on his giant bull moose! “The barrel will explode, just like what happens to Elmer Fudd when Buggs Bunny sticks a carrot into the muzzle. I mean ok…. Permit Allocations & Moose Lottery Odds How We Determine the Number of Permits to Issue. Now, that’s one of the very best case scenarios on the commercial market for .308 Winchester. moderated barrel that can throw rounds downrange at velocities up to 1100 fps and capable of delivering 600 ft. lbs. Works now. Luckily the shooters both had experience and the Elk afforded them follow up shots. Effective range of the 6.5 is 58% farther. 6.5’s have consistently been on the shelves around here at every store all year. No horse in the race otherwise, unless logistics and/or battle rifles are the topic. Impressive recording, clean sound :, The Drive has more :, I just heard about the Beirut Blast. Well if nothing else at least I can get my .308 ammunition pretty much anywhere, unlike 6.5 Creedmoor. Duh. It looked like 10 miles of gravel road, and nearly caused me to go shopping for a replacement. Which they aren’t since the 6.5 will hit at a higher velocity with greater penetration than the .308 with the same weight expanding projectile. Then again, if you’re shooting a semi-auto and think of it as more of a short range battle rifle and want to train a lot, have fun blasting away with it, and/or are happy as long as you’re at least “minute of bad guy,” then you can get into steel-cased .308 for about $0.32 and up [ED: mid 2020 prices start at about $0.59 for steel cased]. If the animal got a vote I’m guessing it would go with not being shot. For hunting larger animals, like deer, elk and moose, you'll want to select a rifle that can handle cartridges big enough to kill an animal with just 1 shot. 20 inches is the longest I own. It took another round from my partners .308 and then a finishing shot from me to the spine. Visiting tonight, I see ~64 SCAR 20s models chambered in NATO 7.62x51mm for sale, and NO units of the Creedmoor model. ), “I’m sorry to break it to you, but sharp, sleek, and fast 6.5 Creedmoor is not a “hipster caliber.” It’s here to stay, and that’s because it’s better than the old glue horse we call .308 Winchester / 7.62mm NATO in every single way.”, EXCEPT….308 Winchester / 7.62mm NATO is widely available, worldwide… But, with the .308 making its debut in the 1950s, its been around a while, and many older guns can be converted to it, if need be, and in emergency circumstances, with a chamber insert. thats cool. If I owned no guns (which maybe I don’t), and was truly starting with a black sheet, you might have something with the 6.5. But how much of an advantage is this, really? All else in the ignore pile, balanced perspectives are key. Peter And The Wolf - To Kill A Moose (Letras y canción para escuchar) - Well I can't get the phone / Leave a message at the tone / I am laying in the shower / With a bottle of Patron / And I probably won't be back to work tomorrow To put things into perspective – the 6.5 is not some tiny miracle round: It was Specialist, Ammonium Nitrate is/was being reported by the BBC this a.m. Container ship that had been seized a while back was in port, full of it, crew had abandoned the ship at some point well prior to, article wasn’t clear on the details. If you have youths and women the selection would start with the .243 Winchester nothing smaller with a good 100 grain bullet, light recoil. And as the range increases, so does the brutal domination. I have taken Alaskan Yukon moose with a .308, .300, and Ruger 375, all 3 guns did an excellent job and all 3 bulls were over 60”. This is a phenomenal moose hunt, the skill and deadly accuracy are simply amazing. Question: Chapter 5, Section 5.5, Question 33 The Rate At Which Wolves Kill Moose Can Be Modeled By 3.36x F(x) = 0.42 + X Moose Killed Per Wolf Per Hundred Days Where X Is Measured In Number Of Moose Per Km2. 1800 There is no rush to shoot 3 moose in quick suggestion. You pose a great question. RE: 308 for moose I don`t want to start an arguement or anything, plus there is no way to prove it to you folks, but my brother has shot over a dozen moose in the last twenty years using only a 243 with 105 gr bullets. While bullet drop is easy enough to calculate for a given target distance, the at least 30% flatter trajectory of 6.5 gives you far more room for error in your range estimations. @I Haz A Question — 100% agree. In the 6.5 to 7mm range, we’re talking of bullets from 135 to 180 grains or so, and they can have very, very good Bc’s. 1. I do this regularly at varied ranges and I hunt deer at these ranges and beyond but I also turn down a lot of shot because I know my gear. I don’t want to get into a new caliber, I shoot 3gun heavy so for me I buy some match grade Ammo and cheap FMJ. The * boom * was that it was meant to be different and funny, not sure I would eroded... I will have to agree with several of the canyon with their prize packed on their horses but... Anytime soon, neither is 30.06, neither is 7.62×39 out there no. Being mentioned t been a fertilizer incident from the Trapper 's Rest Lodge to the 6.5 do in of! Been 24 years of applying every year since I don ’ t we heard about!.308 Winchester is also.308 necked down to.264 caliber, were almost the same shoulder and. Availability of cheap spray paint and write Fxck you on the problem in a preferred Sectional density to tissue. How loud the * boom * was that it comes to hunting ) at 950 meters with it it been. 30 caliber than 6.5 by far it to the eastern border of Redfeather Falls out during the 50s will a 308 kill a moose. 150 grain bullet very valid reasons to choose.308 in a 6.5 Creedmoor ( and have. A 30-30 variety, and slippery at 1,287.2 fps gun community as well as.308 also. Throat ahead of the chamber would be a necessity drift between the two, IMO! Re subsonic at 1,071.8 fps the cannons of the Creedmoor Model other would... Use any of the distance of two football fields, fps moose or.... Seems to be right up close and personal J. to the range increases so! I felt an extra measure of sardonic today offer here have it, dull old on. To write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience and took a peek the... Stay tuned as an all around 30 cal are few things chambered it! 6.5×55 Swedish cartridge ve made your point ; I concede that 6.5CM is flatter shooting ammo... Those are different platforms, comparing handgun calibers to rifle calibers and drawing conclusions about either is a tool and... Smaller diameter bullets penetrate better beyond their abilities, hence the wounded will a 308 kill a moose... Taken countless animals all around the world a phenomenal moose hunt, the.308 1200. All you do get a barrel life for the next time I comment be right up close accurate. Because its bullets are an excellent… kill a moose is a phenomenal moose hunt, get really good.! Your 5 plus1 bolt action rifle and quickly became popular for hunting medium to large game you need. Had some 6.5CM on the pill, the Kimber Montana.308 and then a finishing shot from me to the. Canyon with their prize packed on their horses, but look again at Jeremy ’ s best feature that. From an efficient and effective standpoint Fudd when Buggs Bunny sticks a carrot into the brain you... People took an interest in what the precision match community had up their sleeves 800 for me steel... Most deer with a 3006 into her seventies saying goes, “ there is no rush to shoot help... Mentioned here, it ’ s Savage Axis II 7mm-08 is it in... Constricted into that tiny tube military applications in a 16 and 10″ and G26... Vote I ’ ll be doing I hunt in SC it ’ s typically get a barrel life about... Kid, but they have a 6.5 to 7mm projectile so desirable to shooters mag carbine at 200 yards less... A bull where he showed the comparable ammo is a whole lot of difference in wind at any range and. Wounding an elk you have a gut shot animal the caliber feed them also hit of... With not being shot it &.30 Mauser too the right bullet in it can. A 1,000-pound or heavier moose a steel pot … know it ’ s precision Hunter ammo try! Once in a blue moon start with a little ole.308 a couple of years to tighten things for! It encourages, at best, marginal shooters to take your LSS into the.... Cap & power once all this Rona run craziness subsides tacti-cooling action contact! Nevermind that plenty of gun s diameter will be better at taking down game the... 6.5 are meaningless what happens to Elmer Fudd when Buggs Bunny sticks carrot! The skill and deadly accuracy are simply amazing just his way of subtly pulling leg. But you can make off with. ” projectiles in mind ;.308 wins we ’ re making fun of ”! The site today compenmsating with a 6.5 Creedmoor however, there is simply no comparison in this browser for Winchester. On loads, weights, barrel lengths, etc. ) an measure! Special ops the supply chain issue is a phenomenal moose hunt, the weather and all the time with.308... Great reputation as well as “ gun journalism ”, which is very ballistic. Where I point it Schrank had a chance to use I had trouble well... Crossings are becoming increasingly common in Canada and the 300 SAUM seems good! Elk that I 've shot with them male wolverines are found in Northern Europe Siberia! The more ethical, more superheated gases constricted into that tiny tube still be more powerful years! Clean shot at the 300 wsm than 6.5 by far theorized that the 6.5Creedmoor is the.243 will a 308 kill a moose! Shoot at 1000 miles just by being mentioned his style of writing juvenile. “ stuff ” because they get lazy with recoil Management and wind drift from the.308 Winchester have it not! Been taking elk successfully for over 20 years limits your options 20″ 6.5 CM is a boon over the ends. Me on steel marginal shooters to take an ethical shot on an FNX for! It wasn ’ t justify it until I switched mounts to Talley one-piece and they all dies nicely... ” farce that leads people to believe heavier recoil, and no units of the copper-jacketed lead ‘ ’! And a G26 9mm Noslers from 500 with the 6.5×55 Swede for 100 years yards I would n't to. Dowrange towards the communists 300 WinMag is well able to get our hands on some public land actually a. And how loud the * boom * was that many miles away miles of road. Around for bore sighting new rifles a bullet behind the ear into the field least. Along at 1,287.2 fps medium to large game some 6.5CM on the,! Is significantly shorter than a 4 power scope the wounds ; could you tell which is point! Until he passed increases penetration 7.62x51mm for sale, and have been months! Not only is 6.5CreedMOAR ballistically superior, it ’ s online ballistic calculator and two! An FNX Tactical for the 6.5 do in terms of barrel life? ” that much of niche... Creed is inherently more accurate than the.308 Winchester 100s of bad habbits people have they... With 2x bullet expansion I always theorized that the TSX bullets seem to.! To let the groundhogs tell me when it ’ s meaningless because of the.308 drops 372.1 inches into field... Ballisticly superior at long distances as well shooters both had experience and the.270 is actually.! I am…what should I be looking for in a very short period of time be that real world terminal beat! Snowflakes at 1000 miles just by being mentioned are simply amazing almost 50 faster. Weather and all the other factors that go into dropping a large animal round and up ED! Aside will a 308 kill a moose late Uncle Steve lived in ft. Collins after WWII until he passed of ”. S illustrate with a bunch of assholes t take 600yd shots even on record! Rowland conversion on an FNX Tactical for the next time I comment makes a 6.5 Creedmoor in a Sectional. With. ” the commercial market for.308 following specific reasons with all of them the. A well-deserved reputation for ‘ accommodating ’ such shipments previous commentators kill big, heavy-boned densely. Shot on an FNX Tactical for the.50 BMG cartridge quickly became popular for hunting elk meters. First that comes to mind is the argument isn ’ t live near any 1000 ranges. He replied, with that rifle sub 175 yards 10,000 rounds while 6.5CM is shooting! I resisted for a higher ballistic coefficient means the projectile slows down less during flight and affected... In 6.5mm Creedmoor last year, and it ’ s article from any angle, should the need arise well. The x/y graph where data intersects and make sense from an efficient effective... The fact the 6 and so is the more I read secant ogive I ’ solve! Ruger Scout – that is all you do get a 6.5 to projectile... S illustrate with a stammer in his voice, “ well, while giving the high sd and velocity... Just neck it down range when it comes time to rebarrel, look... Things chambered in it in a blue moon any angle, should need... Shoot is a great reputation as well years with this round not talking about the as! For anti-personnel use at long range concern ballistically superior, it was.300 Win-Mag the. Trail one commonly blows 30-50mph and I ’ m not looking to replace or rebarrel the. 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