Information and translations of hopeless in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Characterized by despair: hopeless resignation. Meanwhile, alarmed at this tendency, and hopeless of obtaining any general system from the federal diet, the middle states had drawn together; by a treaty signed on the 18th of January 1828 Wurttemberg and Bavaria formed a tariff union, which was joined in the following year by the Hohenzollern principalities; and on the 24th of September 1828 was formed the so-called Middle German Commercial Union (Handelsverein) between Hanover, HesseCassel, the Saxon duchies, Brunswick, Nassau, the principalities of Reuss and Schwarzburg, and the free cities of Frankfort and Bremen, the object of which was to prevent the extension of the Prussian system and, above all, any union of the northern Zollverein with that of Bavaria and WUrttemberg. Let us never consent that she should be made the hireling of the Ministry. Francesco, seeing that the situation was hopeless, surrendered to Visconti, in whose hands he remained a prisoner until his death in 1392. 1. without hope; having no expectation of. His unshaken conviction of his mission made him conscious of the responsibility which rested on him, but hid from him the hopeless defect in the coup d'etat. 13. Definition of Hop. With Barnardo's help, childhood trauma need not mean a hopeless future. Example sentences for hopeless in popular books and movies. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was, 27. There was a further complication in that each one of these characters had at least two different phonetic values; and there were other intricacies of usage which, had they been foreknown by inquirers in the middle of the 19th century, might well have made the problem of decipherment seem an utterly hopeless one. The articles of impeachment were sent up to the Lords in October, the trial beginning on the 12th of March 1644, but the attempt to bring his conduct under a charge of high treason proving hopeless, an attainder was substituted and sent up to the Lords on the 22nd of November. What a hopeless muddle, and pure demagogy to boot. Either being endlessly reborn to make the same hopeless mistakes? A dot to indicate the questions you think you know, but aren't sure, and a question mark to show the ones you feel are hopeless. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. Hopeless quotes from YourDictionary: Let usnever toleratetheslightest inroad onthe discipline of our holy Church. Reference has already been made to other cases of geographical vagueness, and one must recognize that in a body of traditions such as this there was room for the inclusion of the most diverse elements which it is almost hopeless to separate, in view of the scantiness of relevant evidence from other sources, and the literary intricacy of the extant narratives. They use hopeless in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for hopeless. "Oh, damn you," she muttered, irritated her first sale was a pity sale and yet thinking even better of Romas for supporting his fiancée's hopeless friend. But the whole mass of bones is in hopeless disorder, apparently without any record of association. But the popes, thoroughly irritated and alarmed, and hopeless of aid from the East, turned to the family which was rising into power among the Franks of the West, the mayors of the palace of Austrasia. For the survivors trapped aft of the torpedo stowage compartment the situation was hopeless. Then, wholly unexpectedly, came a letter from Capo d'Istria upbraiding Ypsilanti for misusing the tsar's name, announcing that his name had been struck off the army list, and commanding him to ?ay down his arms. Hopeless used in sentence example & words in English. 3. The Cornish knights (who in Arthurian romance are always represented as hopeless cowards), dare not contest his claim but Tristan challenges him to single combat, slays him and frees Cornwall from tribute. Synonym Discussion of hopeless. exact (8). 6. And for individuals, the quest can be all but hopeless. External circumstances aren?t everything. hopeless despair in which they desired to know of Peter what they should do. You're not the only one; many people feel hopeless in getting their anger under control or have seen others go through anger management programs without success. What seemed hopeless once, we now realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. A fight between the Colonna and the Orsini, as well as hopeless dissensions among the cardinals, prevented a papal election for two years and three months after the death of Nicholas IV. ! fearless in a sentence - Use "fearless" in a sentence 1. Somerset was in command; he showed hopeless incapacity and timidity, and in a few months the duchy which had been so long held by the swords of Bedford, York and Shrewsbury was hopelessly lost. Find more ways to say hopeless, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The reply to this criticism is that Mr Blaine was the choice of the majority of the party, and that while Mr Roosevelt felt free to fight within the party vigorously for reform, he did not feel that the nomination justified a schism like that which occurred in the Democratic party over the free silver issue in 1896 - a schism which remained afterwards a hopeless weakness in that party. But the dissensions of the native Franks and the crusaders made it hopeless to continue the struggle; and Richard was alarmed by the news which reached him of John's intrigues in England and Normandy. b. It is the sensible schemes, unfortunately, that are hopeless in England. 2 So hopeless, meanwhile, was he growing of being able to return home that, later on in the year, he was on the point of leaving Paris to take up his abode in the south with a French friend, 3 when he was engaged " by the month " as mathematical instructor to the young prince of Wales, who had come over from Jersey about the month of July. Sarah was a hopeless romantic, constantly searching for her 'soul mate'. Presently all these columns converged upon the defile and a hopeless entanglement ensued. Someone or something thing that is hopeless is certain to fail or be unsuccessful. Examples of hopeless in a Sentence. 3. Information and translations of hopeless in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Again, we do not aim at anything so hopeless, or indeed so useless, as a complete description of any phenomenon. Hopeless at managing money, he dined on oysters and cognac even when heavily in debt. Attempts to derive the anacromyodian and the katacromyodian from the diacromyodian condition are easy on paper, but quite hopeless when hampered by the knowledge of anatomical facts and how to use them. They as it was encouraged by John of France; and while John's father opened the Crecy campaign by sending Edward a challenge in due form of chivalry, Edward took advantage of this formal delay to amuse the French king with negotiations while he withdrew his army by a rapid march from an almost hopeless position. An unpaid career as a hopeless, and ever more harmless drudge... . at Worcester in 1651 convinced him that the royalist cause was hopeless, and he decided to return to England. I love reading and writing, watching movies and, to my shame, I am a hopeless telly addict, especially soaps! This man had, after many vicissitudes of fortune, sunk at last into abject and hopeless poverty. By November 1687 he had decided that it was hopeless to expect that James would join the league against Louis, and he therefore turned for support to the English opposition. Sentence Examples. 4. And yet this hopeless, incapable junkie has taken up permanent residency in the media. Seeing that the struggle against the Boers was hopeless, no fewer than 2000 Basuto warriors having been killed, Moshesh again appealed for protection to the British authorities, saying: "Let me and my people rest and live under the large folds of the flag of England before I am no more.". It not only made the efforts of the Turks to suppress the Greek revolt hopeless, but it made a breach difficult to heal in the traditional friendship between Great Britain and Turkey, which had its effect during the critical period of the struggle between Mehemet Ali and the Porte (1831-1841). I tell you hopeless grief is passionless. More a pop orchestral mishmash than a well-defined rock opus, Bat III is dark, seemingly hopeless at times, and über dramatic. But any such ideal is hopeless in practice, as the coal is not a definite compound, and it is impossible to subject it to a fixed temperature. 5. i could go on. ii., and Remade, Bonaparte et les Bourbons, Paris, 1899), but after 1800, and still more after the failure of the royalist conspiracy of Cadoudal, Pichegru and Moreau, followed by the execution of the duc d'Enghien (March 1804), and the assumption by Napoleon of the title of emperor (May 1804), the royalist cause appeared quite hopeless. Already, Hayden's team has identified a marker scientists use in genetic testing for Huntington's disease. If, therefore, the possibilities of exegesis were exhausted in the list of methods already enumerated, science would have to put the New Testament Apocalypse aside as a hopeless enigma. These protests were overruled by the majority of the ministers, who invoked dynastic and monarchical considerations in favor of a desperate stand, however hopeless, in defence of the last remnants of the colonial empire of Spain. A sorrowful supplication, in which the speakers deplore, not the fall of Jerusalem, but their own state of galling dependence and hopeless poverty. The Democratic party nominated the one available Democrat who had the smallest chance of beating him - Horatio Seymour, lately governor of New York, an excellent statesman, but at that time hopeless as a candidate because of his attitude during the war. The worst feature is the confusion in the chronology, which, strange to say, is most hopeless in treating of the contemporaries of Moses himself. Your a hopeless wreck, since you don't know how to use hopeless in a sentence! High quality example sentences with “as hopeless as” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English against the financial project for selling the reversion of the encomiendas - a project which would have involved the Indians in hopeless bondage. catchas looking for love, but I was caught in the middle of a violent house that left me feeling hopeless and frightened. He was a hopeless liar. "Oh, damn you," she muttered, irritated her first sale was a pity sale and yet thinking even better of Romas for supporting his fiancée's hopeless friend. As Castlereagh and Metternich began to regard the position as hopeless they began to look upon him as a possible ally. After having besieged the city for a month Eugene found himself in a most critical, if not hopeless situation. Translations of the phrase HOW HOPELESS from english to german and examples of the use of "HOW HOPELESS" in a sentence with their translations: No matter how hopeless no matter how far. Everyone knew that Mavis was a hopeless drug addict. Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a. Another word for hopeless. This was hopelessly romantic and, speaking on behalf of OOTB, we love hopeless romantics. Man is a hopeless enigma to himself, until he sees himself in the light of being a human with human failings. See more. In this hopeless state of affairs a false report reached Emmet at one of his depots at nine o'clock in the evening that the military were approaching. Sentence examples for he is hopeless from inspiring English sources. She has a keen ear for convincing dialog, and she injects humor and hope into what seems to be a hopeless … Gary is a famous writer who at one point in his life believed that his writing skills were truly hopeless. Two young boys on a seemingly hopeless quest discover that where hope exists, life in a polluted river can renew itself. It is truer to say that on the whole the Jews began at this period to abandon as hopeless the attempt to find a place for themselves in the general life of their country. This miscalculation made Armada, it a hopeless enterprise from the first. adduced as proof that Britain's in a hopeless position. The staff were good on smiles and sartorial smartness, but fairly hopeless at actually doing what was required of them. Protestations were useless and efforts to dissuade him from his purpose of leaving. Learn correct use of word. Hopeless used in sentence example & words in English. This state of things, due partly to mixture and crossing of races, and partly to independent variation of types, makes the attempt to arrange the whole human species within exactly bounded divisions an apparently hopeless task. Philosophy therefore must resign the hopeless ideal of a systematic (i.e. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See hopeless used in context: 100+ rhymes, 6 Shakespeare works, several books and … Anything like an adequate defence was hopeless; Loss of a bombardment began which lasted from the 2nd of Norway. Therefore, it seems to be, with our present knowledge, a hopeless task to analyse the branchial organs of Arthropoda and to identify them genetically in groups. The practical political effect of the Clinton contretemps is simple: Meek, already struggling badly for any traction in the race (polling suggests that his support runs in the high teens) looks hapless and hopeless at a time when voters want the exact opposite. The present outlook was hopeless, but in the enlarged horizon of time as well as space the thoughts of some of the most spiritual minds in Judaism were directed to the transcendent and ultimate. A determined attempt must be made, if not to answer his criticisms, or to disprove his statements, yet to attack him as a man, and to destroy his reputation. The last but one of the Grand Masters who reigned in Malta, de Rohan, restored good government, abated abuses and promulgated a code of laws; but the ascendancy acquired by the Inquisition over the Order, the confiscation of the property of the knights in France on the outbreak of the Revolution, and the intrigues of the French made the task of regenerating the Order evidently hopeless in the changed conditions of Christendom. They feel hopeless and don't make plans for the future because they don't want to live much longer and some people believe they won't. Of the two chief cities, Cleveland (under a special act providing for the government of Columbus and Toledo, also) in1892-1902was governed under the federal plan, which centralized power in the hands of the mayor; in Cincinnati there was an almost hopeless diffusion of responsibility among the council and various executive boards. Understand 3 different senses of Hopeless in Urdu along with English definitions and sentence(s). The overthrow of the monarchy on the 10th of August and the September massacres rendered hopeless all attempts at an entente cordiale between the two peoples; and the provocative actions of Chauvelin, undertaken in order to curry favour with the extremists now in power at Paris, undid all the good accomplished by the tact and moderation of Talleyrand. Throughout this distance the river is a hopeless labyrinth of rocks, islands, reefs and rapids. His son Prince Edward, who had been victorious on his own flank of the battle, and had not been caught in the rout, gave himself up next morning, wishing to share his fathers fate, and not to prolong a civil war which seemed to have become hopeless. Lists. . And so by default, because I was hopeless at everything else, I became a director. What does feat mean? In April 1754 Townshend was transformed from the position of a member of the board of trade, which he had held from 1749, to that of a lord of the admiralty, but at the close of 1 755 his passionate attack against the policy of the ministry, an attack which shared in popular estimation with the scathing denunciations of Pitt, the supreme success of Single-Speech Hamilton, and the hopeless failure of Lord Chesterfield's illegitimate son, caused his resignation. He has become just another helpless, hopeless victim in Zimbabwe. Though you may feel as though your situation is hopeless, treatment for addiction is available. Her case was hopeless from the first. A doctor is there to treat and to cure, not to dismiss anyone as a hopeless case. I'm afraid I'm hopeless at DIY tho - I once nearly electrocuted myself while trying to unplug the oven! What does hopeless mean? A tiny band of humans outside the matrix wage guerilla war in a seemingly hopeless effort to free humanity from captivity. He failed, however, to convince two prominent members of his cabinetLord Stanley and the duke of Buccleuchthat protection must be finally abandoned, and considering it hopeless to persevere with a disunited cabinet he resigned office. I don't believe your situation is as hopeless as you think. A constitution on the French imperial pattern granted by the king remained practically inoperative, an arbitrary bureaucratic regime was instituted, the finances were from the beginning in a hopeless condition, and the country was drained of men and money for Napoleon's wars. 2 But the chronology is hopeless, and only ten years are allowed according to another and later scheme (xxv. Gary is a famous writer who at one point in … It was a hopeless task. between London and his mother's house at Ashby St Legers in eight hours, informed his friends in Warwickshire, who had been awaiting the issue of the plot, of its failure, but succeeded in persuading Sir Everard Digby, by an unscrupulous falsehood, to further implicate himself in his hopeless cause by assuring him that both James and Salisbury were dead; and, according to Father Garnet, this was not the first time that Catesby had been guilty of lies in order to draw men into the plot. The Syracusans sullied the glory of their triumph by putting Nicias and Demosthenes to death, and huddling their prisoners into their stonequarries - a living death, dragged out, for the allies from Greece proper to the space of seventy days, for the Athenians themselves and the Greeks of Sicily and Italy for six months longer. For then the night will more than pay The hopeless longing of the day. After the murder of Darnley he was again sent to Scotland in June 1567 on a still more hopeless mission than the first. There are many instances in American politics of nominations made solely on a war record which have led to hopeless defeat in election. Her situation was hardly hopeless - tough, but every body had tough times. After Ellen lost her fortune in Las Vegas, her days were hapless and miserable. at that crisis, probably convinced him that the cause of moderate reform and the framing of a bicameral constitution on the model of that of England were hopeless. But even so Haakon's position was hopeless. Meaning of hopeless. With Barnardo 's help, childhood trauma need not mean a hopeless future. Though he discharged his civic duties in spite of a frail physique, he emphasized the sorrows of life; and yet he advocated no hopeless resignation, but rather the remedy of work, and took as his model Heracles, the embodiment of virile activity. Sentence examples for he is hopeless from inspiring English sources. In 1855 he was appointed as lieut.-colonel the course of the struggle, and his surpassing ability was never to the 2nd Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Sidney Johnston, more conspicuously shown than in the last hopeless stages of with whom he served against the Indians of the Texas border. Brazen in a sentence | Short example sentence for brazen Defiant in a sentence | Short example sentence for defiant Overt in a sentence | Short example sentence for overt He was disappointed so often that he became, 15. , Just when things seemed hopeless, we stumbled … So it was hopeless! How to use “hopeless” in a sentence. The more dismal, the more savage, the more hopeless a spot appeared, the more did it please their rigid mood. ; Notwithstanding his brave appearance he was as useless in a crisis like this as Canby. Major depression refers to a single severe period of depression, marked by negative or hopeless thoughts and physical symptoms like fatigue. Sitting in jail, Roy felt that his situation was hopeless without the slightest … January 13, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. Hopeless quotes from YourDictionary: Let usnever toleratetheslightest inroad onthe discipline of our holy Church. She had apparently recovered from an almost hopeless illness, when at the end of 1865 he was elected to the rectorship of the university of Edinburgh. Next Spanish hides, with the tails still preserving their twist and the angle of elevation they had when the oxen that wore them were careering over the pampas of the Spanish Main--a type of all obstinacy, and evincing how almost hopeless and incurable are all constitutional vices. 2. a. without hope; having no expectation of good. Having no hope; despairing: lost hikers who felt hopeless. It is hopeless attempting to make a wood fire, so you light the methylated spirit stove, and crowd round that. (8) It was hopeless. (10) It was felt to be hopeless. 2. He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled, 30. Everyone is different, I know women that are hopeless at multi tasking and men that are great at it and vice versa. 2. His last telescopic discovery - that of the moon's diurnal and monthly librations - was made in 1637, only a few months before his eyes were for ever closed in hopeless blindness. It must be confessed, however, chat nothing can well be more confusing than the references in Bacon's works, and it seems well-nigh hopeless to attempt a complete arrangement of them until the texts have been collated and carefully printed. The situation looks hopeless and you feel helpless that things will never change. It's hopeless trying to convince her. Supported by only small and dwindling majorities, they saw that it was hopeless to carry the measure, and they decided on placing their resignations in the queens hands. 11. Whenever things looked hopeless he was sure to appear in person and by his apparent unconcern for danger restored the confidence of all ranks. Lists. 4. In 1848, when Milan and Venice rose against Austria, Cremona, then only a lad of seventeen, joined the ranks of the Italian volunteers, and remained with them, fighting on behalf of his country's freedom, till, in 1849, the capitulation of Venice put an end to the hopeless campaign. Usually “hopeless” in a sentence like this would be describing the subject of the sentence. So my overall record will be slightly better if I never resign; instead, I keep playing until I am checkmated or rarely, the game ends as a draw. . You'd be hopeless looking after children - you're far too impatient! Sentences. And for individuals, the quest can be all but hopeless. New friends were wanted, for in 1792 Mrs Unwin had a paralytic stroke, and henceforth she was a hopeless invalid. A rider with an insecure seat is apt to be thrown by any unexpected movement the horse may make; and, without a firm seat, the acquirement of good hands is well-nigh hopeless, because, when the balance is once disturbed the insecure rider will have to depend on something else for the maintenance of his seat, and this generally takes the shape of "riding on the horse's mouth," a practice as cruel as it is ugly. How to use hopeless in a sentence. Example sentences from Wikipedia that use the word hopeless: . 3. In such comments, I see that any discussion is totally hopeless after the first sentence. Man is a hopeless enigma to himself, till he sees himself in the light of revelation as a fallen creature. It is so bad that all hope of ameliorating it is hopeless.". January 13, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. Definition of hopeless in the dictionary. The hapless storeowners went bankrupt during the economic crisis. 2. January 13, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. See hopeless used in context: 100 poetry verses, 6 Shakespeare works, 17 definitions (8) Harry was hopeless. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Finally, as though to render the task - of patriotic Spaniards wellnigh hopeless, there was little evidence of any cessation of that purely factious spirit which in Spanish politics has ever rendered stable party government impossible. Savoy French became a French province, and, although the Pied montese troops resisted bravely for four years in the face of continual defeats, Victor at last gave up the struggle as hopeless, signed the armistice of Cherasco, and died soon afterwards (1796). i-6, in which the public and private corruption of a hopeless age is bitterly bewailed, possibly belongs to the same context. 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