Long Life Span. Rottweilers have short, coarse hair and should be brushed about twice a week. In addition to legal regulations, you may also have trouble getting renting a home or getting a homeowners insurance policy if you own a Rottweiler. It cannot be stressed enough to socialize, socialize, socialize! Owning a Rottweiler. I am keeping her and walking her a lot .... looking for help, Had rotties for 15 years now, always as a pair too. If you are fully committed to training and socializing your Rottweiler puppy, it can become a very loyal and loving companion and a great family pet. You play the long game. They aren’t as aggressive as most may think. I've had the experience of owning both a rescue Rottie and one from puppy. Even homeowners may be rejected by some insurance companies or face higher fees, because Rotties are considered to be a “dangerous breed” by some who lack experience with these dogs. While I was talking to breeders, she got close to a short fat 3 year old Rottie and the Rottie has shown no aggression. You will be rewarded with a true friend. This is a breed that needs a job to be happy. To learn more about this amazing breed, go to: ©Copyright 1999 - 2021. More into shoes and jewelry. Keep in mind, however, that they do shed quite a bit. I have had the pleasure of owning these amazing dogs for the past 10 years. If you own a dog or plan on getting one, be aware of homeowners insurance dog breed restrictions. This will help him become a calm, well-behaved member of society. I have a dear friend who has a rotty. Raising a Rottweiler from a puppy allows you to train and socialize him. It’s definitely important to remember that they get the proper amount of exercise. Rottweilers are protective of their owners and make great personal … They are also NOT for the inexperienced, as a walk through an animal shelter will prove. This can evoke territorial aggression, because they feel threatened by the restriction of movement and may feel the need to protect their space. … They are rowdy and enthusiastic jumpers. NEVER hit your Rottie as punishment! She was no saint, she had her emotional scars, but we took time and worked through it. First, consider the reason you’ve decided that a Rottweiler is the breed for you: If the latter is true, please consider not getting involved with this breed. Therefore they do not have to be taught to guard or protect; rather, if they are socialized well and learn who to trust, they can automatically determine when there is a threat. Do you feel that owning … Dogs such as pit bulls, Rottweilers, Chows, Presa Canarios and Akitas are often on … About Rottweilers. They are not apartment dogs; in fact, you will be hard-pressed to find an apartment that even allows Rottweilers due to their size and liability issues. Dog owners choose to welcome a Rottweiler into their family for a variety … A puppy will give you the advantage of starting all training from scratch, on a clean slate if you will. You’ll need to teach your Rottweiler puppy social skills and to harness his natural territorial instincts in a positive way. hi there i just rescued a 6 moth old rotti that was feed raw meat and trained to fight she is small and underfeed.. petrified pee and poops in her crate.. very skiddish .. and wants to bite other dogs.. A Rottweiler is a medium to large dog. If … They are naturally protective, but this should not be confused with aggressiveness. Because of the Rottweiler's size, strength, and protectiveness, owning a Rottweiler carries a great deal of … Finally, though you will certainly fall in love with your Rottie, you should know that they can be quite messy, so if… Happy to see likeminded people joining! Look for a formula specifically targets the special needs of large-breed dogs. Since they have black nails and you will be unable to see the “quick” (the center of the nail which contains the nerve and blood vessel), it is best to consult a professional groomer if you are not experienced with nail trimming. They require a large, fenced yard to run in, and they should not be crated for extended periods. If you decide to purchase a puppy from a breeder, it is important to see and handle the parents of the litter, so that you can evaluate their temperament. The Rottweiler is an extremely loyal dog and will instinctively guard his family and territory. Then you will understand the joy this sadly stereotyped and misunderstood breed can bring! Looking forward to reading your hubs too! Their growl … The IHC Group. Obesity can cause major problems for such big dogs, putting unnecessary strain on their joints, heart, and lungs. Once in a loving home, it is then … . The "dangerous" label is also partly due to biased statistics in the media. Daily walks will help keep them fit and prevent destructive behavior due to boredom from too much confinement. Mrs. JC has owned Rottweilers for more than 10 years. References and Resources. Rottweilers may be targeted for "banning" in certain areas, or refusal of homeowner insurance policies. Start Young And I must say the joy, loyalty and companionship in this breed is second to none. Overall, the Rottweiler makes a wonderful companion . Being I am also fat, we can be workout buddies together. Garske, R., et al, “Owning a Rottweiler,” American Rottweiler … The Pros And Cons Of Keeping A Rottweiler As A Pet The Rottweiler is one of the oldest extant dog breeds, with a known history going back many hundreds of years in almost the same physical form as the Rottweilers … Thanks Bukarella! In-home training should be immediate and ongoing, but also consider professional training classes. Rottweilers dogs are generally live a long life average live about 8 to 10 years, but … Rottweilers were originally “drovers,” meaning their job was to protect cattle and other livestock. Rotties also need plenty of exercise; while many are content to laze around at home and sleep the day away while you’re at work, they can still have a considerable amount of energy and need an outlet for it. Males can be a challenge at times but they're just making sure we still know what we are doing LOL, I have had my Rottweiler for 3 yrs... i bought him to be one of the family my granddaughter was 1 yrs old when I had Marley,, he was 8wks old.....when I brought him home my granddaughter was here waiting with my daughter and from the moment his paws touched the floor he was by her side an has such a beautiful bond with her ...he loves everyone from cats children older ppl dogs sheep you name it he wants to lick it to death lol...if you bring them up correctly take them to puppy classes walk them where there are all sorts of situations ppl dogs animals cars then you will have one super loving pet they sure do know how to show affection... no other dog ive owned has shown me more love than this breed ...i absolutely love my big guy ..if you have no time to train and spend time with a rottie then you shouldnt even consider owning one as they really do love their humans being around ....best dogs in the world makes me so sad hearing horrible things about them which are not due to being aggressive its the owners that dont do the right things by them to keep them from being over protective and most of the time being scared if their not used to being around certain situations (lack of socialization)...how will they know its ok ....I will always own a rottie now I can't think of any better breed x, I had a resue she was taking from dog fighters she became my best baby and my service pal she had 4 strokes in the last year of her life she was 14 1/2 when I had to let her go she has been gone 4 yrs and I miss her every day ,she (nelly bell) was my first rotti and leaned quickly than when you have such a dog you don't lose just a slipper but maybe even a couch but nothing she did ever made me think she was too much for us jst know that training is not an option when you have a rotti in your life it is a necessity. She is now my shadow my best friend. When looking for the right Rottweiler, do a careful search to avoid over-aggressive or unstable lines. If a young Rottweiler is raised with other pets in the home, they are usually good with them, but Rottweilers can be very aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex – and they can see cats as prey. Chris from Illinois on November 11, 2011: We have had ditties for25 years with children, babies, cats, other dogs, birds and there has never been any bad behavior. If you’re interested in owning a Rottweiler, do your homework. :). Since they have a docile nature, they are one of the easier dogs … Rottweilers express most of their concern with growl instead of whining, howling or crying. The Rottweiler is a majestic breed, not only because of his impressive stature and commanding presence, but also his loyalty to those under his watchful eye. Even before his puppy immunizations are complete, you can invite people to your home to get him started. We just need someone to love and fill the hole in our hearts. Because of the Rottweiler's size, strength, and protectiveness, owning a Rottweiler carries a great deal of … Still miss and cry over our Barry (90% black lab and 10% German Shepard). First, consider the reason you’ve decided that a Rottweiler is the breed for you: Will he be a companion? However, these are not impossible to overcome for an experienced dog owner. when placed in the right hands. I suppose the Rottweiler thanks I'm a truly nice person - she is always coming over to where I sit, begging for attention. Still, certain regions have passed legislation banning this breed; so make sure to check for local regulations before you purchase a Rottweiler. She enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for these amazing dogs and her experience with them. But the love you get in return is all worth it. With that said, if you are someone who truly appreciates this beautiful animal and are ready to take on its challenges, read on! When properly trained, Rotties have a keen ability to sense the difference between friend and foe. We lost our dog quickly to a cervical disease. Many end up there because their owners were not prepared for the demands of owning such an intelligent but stubborn breed. I unfortunately lost her only 3 years after, she died of severe liver cancer. As noted before, the Rottweiler is an incredibly loyal dog. Exercise is something that is the essentiality for a Rottweiler. Their fairly thick undercoat is short, but it will still cause little black tumbleweeds of fur all around your house. Excellent. They are well rounded dogs … Yes as long as you are a responsible owner who is prepared to do the work and understand the breed. The Rottweiler is a robust, powerful, and loyal dog with strong protective instincts. With the right training, the Rottweiler is a wonderful companion. Giving one a second chance may be the best for you both; it’s just important to be patient and allow extra time for the dog to adjust. There are many advantages to Rottweilers. You have to keep a Rottweiler entertained with physical activities, especially walks, exercise and outdoor activity. The breed is considered a working dog and guardian, and it is believed to be a descendant of the herding drover dogs of the ancient Romans. Be prepared for weekly if not daily sweeping or vacuuming. Also keep in mind that a puppy will need potty training, while many adult shelter dogs already have that experience. He was an awesome alarm dog. This type of breeder should focus only on Rottweiler … We helped each other, she was my best friend, she became my strength. Rottweilers are just a little different in behavior but they never attack the owner. Scott, J.V., “Buying a Rottweiler Puppy FAQ,” Von Warterr Rottweilers, 2019. If you have done your research, surveyed your home, analyzed your lifestyle (and bank account), and feel you are ready for the commitment, then congratulations! It helps to keep your dog happy and healthy. Rotties are NOT fighting dogs, and they should never fall into the hands of anyone interested in using them as such. They can suffer from a number of health issues, for which you will need to be prepared financially, physically, and emotionally: One general rule of thumb to remember: The bigger the dog, the bigger the vet bill! A licensed veterinarian can help you determine the correct amount to feed your pet. The real-world experience and socialization with other dogs and people is invaluable! Posted by thecassiette December 18, 2020 December 21, 2020 Posted in Dogs Tags: dog breed, dog life, dog mom, own a rottweiler, owning a dog, rottie, rottweiler, rottweiler character, types of dog breeds. They do well with children and are generally very tolerant, though caution should always be taken never to leave a child alone with any animal. When choosing a breed, it is best to consider such factors as size, temperament, compatibility and health problems, and to see how this breed would (or would not) fit into your family lifestyle. They have big personalities and are very affectionate with those they feel safe with. . Exposing him to as many new people, animals, noises and places as early as possible is crucial to his development. If you are interested in owning a Rottweiler, take the time to familiarize yourself with characteristics of this breed and make sure they are a good fit for you and your family. Any dog can be dangerous when with the wrong person; Rottweilers as a whole are not, but they can be trained to be by a dangerous owner! If you’re interested in owning a Rottweiler, you should first acquaint yourself with the characteristics of the breed to make sure that it is a good fit for you. Learn all that you can about the breed. Again, please do your research before deciding to own this dog. They are strong, powerful and fearless, making them good watchdogs. Rottweilers are prone to obesity. My first girl Millie, an 8 year old arrived completely emaciated and neglected as she was left to die from previous owners, she arrived at a time when I was going through a serious life ordeal. Their heavy build and dark coat also do not make them well-suited for hot climates; so long periods outside in the heat should be avoided. Without these needed distractions, a bored Rottweiler may become destructive. If a Rottweiler puppy is raised with children, friends and other pets it is more likely that he will become a well-socialized dog. Thanks to Millie, Roxie is now part of my life, and like that, could not ask for a more gentle, kind, loving companion. Rottweiler dog has so many fans in the whole world. Beginning this regimen while your pet is a puppy is an excellent way to begin a close, trusting relationship. Just remember, that cute little puppy will … Such a beautiful dog I had one for 9 years and miss him so much. Training and socializing your Rottweiler are two of the most important parts of owning the breed, and the process should start before the puppy even leaves the breeder. Most Rottweilers are inclined to be dominant but they will respect an assertive owner who knows how to lead a strong-minded dog. Do you feel the need for protection? Rottweiler Dog Training Steps 1. They aren’t a rebellious breed, so they will remain obedient. Remember, no one ever owns a rotty, you just come to an understanding. They are such a great breed. Buying your Rottweiler puppy from an ethical breeder is your best chance of ending up with a good-natured dog. The positives of owning a Rottweiler include the dog's great potential as a guard dog. We looked at many breeds including but not limited to Rots, German Shep, Dobermans, etc. (Your puppy should be fully vaccinated before coming in contact with animals or places where animals frequent.). X Research source … Spend as much time as you can getting to know the dog before you adopt, maybe even fostering him first. While Rottweilers are popular family pets, it is important to understand both the positive and negative characteristics of this breed before deciding to own one. What You Should Know Before Owning a Rottweiler Rottweiler’s are known for their confidence and strong physical appearance. Lyudmyla Hoffman from United States on June 20, 2011: I joined HubPages to write about Rotties. I am looking for any and all advice since we are new to Rotties but not to dogs. Yet there are certain things one should consider before acquiring such a dog; after all, introducing this breed into your household will truly be a life-changing experience! Rotties retained some herding instincts from their ancestors, so they may feel inclined to herd small or excitable children. All Rights Reserved, What You Need to Know About Rottweiler Temperament, How to Avoid Rottweiler Behavior Problems. A Rottweiler may not be a good choice for first-time dog owners. Some breeders intentionally use selective breeding to bring out aggressive qualities in their dogs, not at all what you want in your Rottweiler! Buy from a reputable breeder. They form a strongly cemented bond with their owner and enjoy being with them; my big furry babies follow me around the house, insisting on being close enough to nudge me with a paw or a wet nose if at all possible. We found a little love hound lap dog, but I like bigger dogs and one who will protect her. One cannot blame you, for such a desire is not unfounded. A Rottweiler’s lifespan can be 10–15 years with proper care; I currently have a 13-year-old female. Young Rottweilers can be very rambunctious. We hope the information presented in this detailed article has given you the knowledge and confidence to select the healthiest Rottweiler puppy to expand your family! With Rottweilers it is important to remember that they need extensive and continuous socialization to be good family companions. It should also be noted that owning a Rottie purely for looks is likely to end in disaster; without the proper research and understanding of the breed, they can become quite unmanageable. Unsupervised, they can become nuisance barkers and diggers. Whether you acquire you Rottie from a breeder or a shelter, beginning positive reinforcement training ASAP will be one of the best things you can do. In this day and age, the legal liabilities of owning any breed that looks intimidating and has a history as a guard dog should be considered. This is helpful because training a Rottie can be tricky, so the earlier the better! Owning a rottweiler is a blessing because they are such loyal, affectionate and sweet dogs with an excellent temperament, a versatile skill set and phenomenal work ability. Obeys commands and already heels. People are quicker to sue if such a dog … It is important that your Rottweiler gets enough exercise and eats a healthy diet. Your article is truly informative of the breed. The Rottweiler is an intelligent dog. So you think you want a Rottweiler? not a fighter, just wake me up when someone came to house (usually just deer in the back yard LOL). She is home a lot because of studying while I work many hours. Stick with an experienced breeder, and ask for references! They do well as police dogs and therapy dogs. Rottweilers should never, ever be chained or tied outside. They are territorial and leaders (as opposed to followers)... 2. Those people who try to train their dogs to fight or to … So many animals are killed every year in shelters because there aren’t enough homes for them all, so adoption could be a great option! Humane society says they just found her walking the street and no one claimed her. However, those who have come to truly know the breed cannot help but to love them, and that love is returned ten-fold. They are a great pet & come with many good qualities as well as some not so good … You don’t view friends aren’t short-term acquaintances; you’re in it for the … Try to socialize your puppy with your friends, other dogs, and long walks. Rottweiler needs daily exercise This is one of the things to know before owning a Rottweiler. She was with me for only a short time, but made a huge impact on my soul. But without continued socialization, companionship, supervision and obedience training a Rottweiler can be too much dog for many households. It is important that you commit to training your Rottweiler and that you be very consistent. :), Do you feel that owning this dog will improve your social status or make you appear “tough?”, First, you will definitely want to consider, Since the Rottweiler can grow to be well over 100 pounds, they can eat quite a bit so you will need to do your research on, Rotties are predisposed to different forms of, You may also encounter other less severe health problems, such as. And leaders ( as opposed to followers )... 2 you will his development home! Rotties have a dear friend who has a rotty, you can getting know... Undercoat is short, coarse hair and removes older hair that is to! And is genetically predisposed to hip dysplasia responsible owner who is in Charge obesity can cause major problems such! 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