I would like to hear your story ! They are also major “squirrel chasers” when it comes to interesting scents. Yes, if it is a mix or if it is not a good breeder or has health issues. Some breeds have more emotional intelligence while others are capable of more abstract thought. I also own a poodle and a an American Eskimo. The chow is no different. I've had bassets all of my life and they are very intelligent dogs. The least intelligent dog breeds are usually the most stubborn, independent-minded and strong-willed dogs. The largest ones top out at 14 pounds which is toy (small). I’ve had Bassets and they were pretty smart. Hardly. But, I will say that with their size (which you are way off on, you should say the average weight of a well bred dog is 190 lbs, although I know many in the 220-260 range) I have also owned a Bassett, Beagle, and Bulldog. i have a beagle, German Shepherd and 2 Australian Cattle Dogs. They may not be the most obedient dogs, but they are smart in their own ways. I mean i think the reason why i’m writing this is because i i’m sick now for 2-3 days and my chow wakes me up round 6 am then again at 7 and then again 8 so i right away put my clothes on and go walk the dog i go and guess what he does not go to the bathroom just took 6 times normal piss no poop nothing if i knew that i would of have just put him to the backyard. They just like to play, I don´t think they are that slow …, My boyfriend has a German Shepard and let me tell you I wish we had an unintelligent dog. They are quick to pick up on things at an early age and once they are trained right, they will do anything for you. But all the other tricks I taught him only took a day or a day and a half. hmm…they are just stubborn. It caught the squirrel but neither knew what the next move was, so Rosey let it go. Afghan hounds are one of the oldest breeds and loved for their beauty and grace. Please at least read a *little * about breeds before you write about them. They don’t call the Afghan Hound the King of Dogs for no reason….they truly are one of a kind, God himself created them before religion and legend has it this was the breed saved on Noah’s Arc….. Chihuahuas can be difficult to train. So funny, in fact I’m going to leave your comment up even though it is now corrected. Here is a list of the top 10 least intelligent dog breeds: At the top of the list is the Basset Hound. Though this breed of dog lacks intelligence, they are very gentle dogs and are devoted to their owners. We’ve had a total of maybe 5 accidents the entire time of owning him (he’s almost 2 now). Sadly I feel the need to comment on this ignorant list. I have a beagle who lives with eight cats and likes them just fine…he even sleeps with the cats. There’s a difference between intelligence and obedience. Even More Bizarre and Mysterious Deaths from History, 10 Strange and Unexpected Grounds for Divorce, More Shocking Facts About the Russian Empire, Vienna 1913: The Surprising Hotspot for Massive Historical Figures, 10 Countries Where It’s the Easiest to Own Guns, Top 10 Witty (and Badass) Quotes from Ancient Sparta, 10 Influential Families Who Shaped World History, Josip Broz ‘Tito’ Biography: Too Tough for Stalin, Adrian Carton de Wiart Biography: The Unbreakable Soldier. Just check out YouTube videos of huskies on hidden cameras when their owners aren’t around. They are a very quiet dog unless riled. That bit about the Chow chow is such BS! Probably one of the sweetest breeds i have encountered. However, just to be clear we want to define what makes a dog less smart than other dogs. The hounds are actually extremely smart!!! What a silly article. The description that was posted of the chow looks more like a Pomeranian than that of a chow. This is about the dumbest comment I have ever read, you should be on this list, maybe right behind the Bulldog. We are working on “wipe your feet” (because it will be cute). they are nice dogs, but they are truly a bit doey. Who wrote this list. Meet the 19 least intelligent dog breeds ... professor Stanley Coren examined rankings from dog obedience judges of 110 breeds. Like seeing a flock of birds and having the energy to chase them for miles down the road. Receive local crime & courts coverage in your inbox: Get local obituary notices sent to your inbox. Have you ever not followed the rules or instruction, or maybe did something to benefit no one else but you? If you have ever had a pet cat, you can relate to owning a Borzoi. faces. There are many kinds of dog intelligence, trainability not being a good criteria. Most of these dogs score quite well given any reasonable standard. She knows “Go that way” (I point), “shake shake” (shake off water or slobber, before I let her in). Here is a list of the top 10 least intelligent dog breeds: 10. Using PetBreeds’ dog breeds topic and data from UBC psychology professor Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, we found and ranked the 17 least intelligent dogs by obedience intelligence. I can’t say he’s dumb, he just only likes to do stuff on his own time. These breeds are generally not suitable for a novice, inexperienced trainer unfamiliar with the breed tree. Using PetBreeds’ dog breeds topic and data from UBC psychology professor Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, we found and ranked the 17 least intelligent dogs by obedience intelligence. If you actually researched a little more than one article you found on Google you will learn of the Amazing intelligence these hounds have. I felt that we were ready for this breed. And I’m sure many people would complain about that too. It turns out she is basenji/chow chow mix, and MAN, she is SO difficult. Meet the 19 least intelligent dog breeds Nov 9, 2019 Nov 9, 2019; 0; Trainability, or a dog’s ability to learn from humans, has often been linked to its intelligence. Coren, the supposed expert, is all wet. Although the Basenji (#2) looks quite thoughtful. One of mine is 10 pounds. We don’t do that anymore, as he is small and we live in Wild West where it is dangerous. Whether it be the fearless Basenji still used today by the Pygmies in Central Africa to hunt Lions, the Chow Chow used by Chinese merchants and Emperers for hunting, guarding and pulling sleds or like the English Bulldogs used once for bull baiting but now mainly as companions, every dog had a sole purpose for being bred. This is the perfect example of a small dog with a big heart. No dog breed is stupid, some breeds have the aptitude to be more intelligent or be easier to train. The Chow will do the very opposite he will ether take control of the household as he see’s you are weak and will abuse that and will dominate now if you don’t do something about it fast enough then you got a problem you be delta and the chow will be alpha and to get back to alpha position will not be easy the dog might even bite yeah that’s right Chow chows bite if something is not by there liking if there in the alpha mode. ill put a video on youtube of him to prove it. My friend has a Chow chow and they’re quite shy and do NOT demand attention but they are extremely loyal to their owners. Often it's a matter of continuing to try different methods until you find one that works for the dog. The parts on the basenjis are off too, my mother owns one, she is the most needy clingy dog ever not independent at all, she is really smart though and figured out how to open doors, she was not hard to train either she even trained the dog to attack on command and she picked it up fast. If you plan to train a Mastiff, you want to have previous dog training experience. If you’re looking for a lap dog to sit and cuddle with day-to-day, you probably aren’t too worried about how smart the dog is. Using our own data and research from The Intelligence of Dogs by UBC psychology professor Stanley Coren, PetBreeds found and ranked the 19 least intelligent dogs by obedience/intelligence. Casual owners of Alaskan Malamutes might choose not to engage their dogs with the problem-solving games that are necessary to maintain their natural intelligence, which sometimes results in a “dumb dog”. I also work with rehabilitating other dog breeds that others considered "untrainable", and continue working with them until their "bad" habits are turned around. German Shepard's are definitely one of the most intelligent and loyal dogs around, however going to beagle is quite a step down. Intelligence is a characteristic based on genetics. All breeds are made to do a certain thing, therefore a dog can be smart in a certain action, like retrieving, or herding. Looks like these lists were just thrown up here for fun and to get people commenting. We got her a DNA test because her breed was such a mystery. I have to agree with ChowChowPapa – I have owned Chows for years. If you do your history you will find that all dogs have a past that can help to explain why they do what they do. Not small and yappy! These dogs are usually the ones that hog up all of the limelight. Yes!!!! Many dog trainers will describe huskies as “too intelligent”. At least they're cute. Before you adopt ANY breed of dog, you should research it thoroughly, and talk to breeders of the dog to find out as much information about the breed so that you know what you would be getting yourself into before you do it. Sigh, any dog can be a brilliant friend, or a horrible nightmare. In "The Intelligence of Dogs," University of British Columbia psychology professor Stanley Coren examined rankings from dog obedience judges of 110 breeds. The list of the smartest dogs is all dogs that just learn more quickly and pick things up faster. Our beagle we got at the age of 2 from a rescue. lol. It does not take rocket scientist that if someone wants a herding dog they are going to pick a breed that has been bred for that specific job. According to Coren, the top 10 most intelligent dogs only need fewer than five repetitions to understand a new command, and 95% of the time (or better) obey the first command. He’s “bull-headed.”. Do not give a dog away just because it is difficult to work with! The one who acts as a slave or the one who says what’s in it for me? This list itself should be posted under "top 10 least intelligent lists about dogs" lol. Beagles, if trained well can be obedient and intelligent but generally not that smart. Sam (our Cocker) would just remain motionless under the blanket like someone just turned the lights out. This list was just a play on that. But it also demands skill. Did you not even read any breed standards before writing this ridiculous fluff? Love them. The problem generally isn’t the dogs themselves, but the competence of the trainers. Then it shows him putting a treat under a cup and the beagle not tipping it over… My beagle tipped it in 3 seconds… I’m not saying all beagles are genius dogs or easy to train, I’m saying it depends on the dog it’s self and partially the training it gets early on. They open doors and refrigerators and put together their own stair systems to get on top of the counters. I agree though that whoever wrote the descriptions of the breeds knows little about dogs. If my chow barks, I get up and check, because he doesn't bark to hear the sound of his own voice. Would anybody happen to know how intelligent shihtzu's are? The Borzoi can be seen as one of those “stuck-up” dogs. Basenji's have successfully survived in Africa since ancient times. Chow Chows are quite big, and pomeranians are known as the small, yappy, and dominant center-of-attention type. Does bigger breed always mean bigger brain? They are all very sweet dogs, but they just like to do their own thing. With the proper reward you could probably train a Basenji to do complex behaviors, I haven’t found the proper reward : P, They forgot about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. He’s loving, a character and very fun. Always know when to play the right cards at the right times. This is what makes the Basenji a hard breed of dog to train. Independent does not mean stup*d. I’m sorry but what you’re looking for title wise isn’t “the 10 most stup*d dogs.” it’s “the 10 most hard to train dogs.” and then there’s still breeds on here that don’t belong here. This breed of dog is very dominant and can easily take charge of its owner if the owner isn’t firm enough. They are a smart breed that are trainable with positive enforcement only as long as you do your homework as you should with every breed and understand that as long as you keep their training interesting they will cooperate . My dad has one, and that dog is so damn stupid. Not sure where you got 130. He’s older now and knows that stuff doesn’t work out so well in the long run, but every once in a while he will jump on a chair and sneak some thing when no ones around. None of the dogs are stupid. On the flip side – in the "10 Mos Intelligent Dogs" list, I was very surprised not to find the American Pit Bull Terrier on that list. We’ll be looking at the dog breeds that are deemed “fair working/obedience intelligence,” meaning they tend to understand new commands after 40 to 80 repetitions and obey the first command 30% of the time or better. This breed of dog is extremely cat-like, especially when it comes to the independent and free-thinking nature of the dog. The Mastiff is one of the biggest dog breeds available, but they have proven to be extremely stubborn. Females are dominate while males are happy go lucky. I have had chows for now good over 20 years and counting have one right here right now he is seven years old and i got this one from the pound he is clean blood of chow chow. Of course, it’s important to remember that all dogs are different and may have personality traits that aren’t stereotypical of their breed. sit, stay, down, come, and leave it. Really hard. Will all I have to say about the last comment is do some history because Beagles are not stupid that is what they where breed to do. tl;dr Useless clickbait article, I have a French Bulldog. So this hole stupid dog thing is stupid. Most of the dogs on this list are extremely intellegent especially beagles and basenjis. This is a measure of working intelligence, meaning how well is the dog going to listen to commands and how quickly do they learn them. No comments? I don’t know, but maybe it is THE dog, not the breed, but we have a (5 month old) Chihuahua and, boy, is this little thing stupid! with your beagle food if the key because the like smells. It should have been ’10 most independent dogs’. I myself have owned several beagles and they are definitely not unintelligent, just really stubborn. Are we just really lucky or are we crazy dog whisperers? INDEPENDENT? The people taking these tests were absolutely unintelligent themselves; how can a 9,000 year old breed be least intelligent?! So whoever did this study clearly knows NOTHING about these breeds and if they are so off on this breed, I am guessing they are off on the other breeds too. I am really glad I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I adopted her, because I don’t know if I would have taken her home. The dogs can barely run or breath, yet alone work. She destroys EVERYTHING! Actually, the fact Hitler owned an Afghan hound doesn't say anything. Intelligence can be a detriment at times. This is another breed of dog that has a personality that is very similar to a cat. No dog is “stupid”, but Chihuahuas can be difficult to train. I’ve had 10 dogs, 5 breeds and one dog/wolf mix. They were created by GOD not human testing…. Though this would be a great excuse for the Pekingese, this breed of dog is simply very independent and dominating. When it comes to training the Bloodhound, you need to be firm and be extremely patient. Really…stretch this line of thinking, please…WOLVES are also known for being highly un-obedient, but if you have ever been around a wolf or wolf-dog, you would know better than to claim that this is due to lack of intelligence! The picture is right, but the description and attitude is exactly like a Pom. so do not think that the beagle hound is a dumb dog because they are not. The 19 least intelligent dogs Apr 19, 2017 Using PetBreeds’ dog breeds topic and data from UBC psychology professor Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, we found and ranked the 17 … You just have to start at a puppy. i have say it, basset hounds are very unintellegent, my friend owns 1 and they are so clumsy, but at the same time are the 1 of the most cuttest dogs i have ever seen. This is all baseless conjecture, and helps to feed human ignorance. The Chi will go in the end! I understand all that you said, but let's not read into the list title so much. The problem with the word “Smart” is that its being used in relation to obedience. I have a very poorly bred girl, Abby, who is 130lbs and then my 5 year old registered boy, Buddha, is 185lbs, still relatively small and then there is my other registered boy, Patron, who is on track to be approximately 250-260lbs. The author of this article . , We have had a Basset mix rescue dog for 3 years now and I regard him as a very intelligent dog. She is allowed on two sofas, not on the leather ones, and she knows the difference. Using PetBreeds’ dog breeds topic and data from UBC psychology professor Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, we found and ranked the 17 least intelligent dogs by obedience intelligence. My dogs are able to respond to RUSSIAN are you even able to say 10 words in Russian? When somebody is stubborn he is extra inteligent and don’t want to be someone sub. But the love and loyalty they give back are so worth it. Any owner who has a Chow Chow must be firm and strong-willed. There’s a difference between stubborn, lazy and stupid. This is very silly because all dogs are smart, and you just have to train them when a puppy to get better results! They are independent and determined dogs, so they kind of follow their nose more than they follow your training commands. Ugh, if you make a list, make it non offensive please. I agree, most of these dogs would qualify as independent rather then stupid. Several breeds you mentioned are lumbering, lazy or slow but are far from unintelligent. we always said that he was like a human in a dog’s body it is all how you train a dog not the breed. They have a very forgiving nature and yes are sensitive in their feelings. Those that wrote and wasted precious time to put together something  like this should feel terrible ! Most people are terrified of them. It's the owners that don't know how to train their dogs that have problems. You show him a piece of food and he’ll learn a new trick in minutes. Two more Beagles I have we’re rescued at 3 and 4 years. I swear to you all, the dog understands every single English word. It amazes me when the past comments say it only took 3 days, because Link got it immediately. I’m a little confused, what does how hard it is to train a breed have to do with the intelligence of the breed? what a croc….they are stubborn and are extortionists of treats :-), which i would say is a sign of intelligence. it's different for a lot of different breeds. They do not play fetch, frisbee, come when called, or perform any other "trick" they deem to be beneath their dignity. That is the mark of an intelligent dog. Even the writer kept emphasizing how stubborn or independent they are, how they prefer to listen to themselves. Both of them were shocked, so Rosey just let it go? People enjoy this breed sporting droopy eyes and long ears that drag the. Its intelligence as useful as talking to a cat, very independent and sport the greatest personality inevitable to about... 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