Help us!! The one I use is OptaGest. When pommy isn’t happy mommy isn’t happy. suggest plz. As an aside, I feed him raw and he is much more energetic, healthy and happy. They are confident, mischievous and curious, and make great companions for the elderly and for families. It’s tough not knowing whats wrong with your Pommy, especially with a little one that is so young. There’s been no real change in her diet. Won’t happen unless you’re feeding more than dry puppy kibble unless it’s organ failure or allergy of some kind. Sadly, when bloat is caused by gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV), the process can cause death within hours. It turned out when we arrived at home she has a quite runny nose and she poops 3 times already and her poop was kind of in the middle of hard and watery.. what should i do?? We just got our pomeranian he is 6 weeks old! Hope you little one feels better soon! That includes shots, grooming, teeth, neutering ,boarding, vet bills for injuries, surgery, food and supplies. Check out my blog post on how to make cold treats using homemade chicken broth. So my dog has been sick since Christmas! Queen Victoria owned a small Pomeranian and during her lifetime, the size of the breed decreased by half. Pommy Mommy of the Week: Mrs. Illinois America... A Big Pomeranian Happy Easter from Maggie, Yoki... How I became Pommy Mommy… a Pomeranian Rescue... Top 10 Things to Not Feed Your Pomeranian, Celebrity Pomeranians: Kelly Osbourne rescues another Pomeranian,, How To Cure An Upset Tummy Fast | Information. Not active. I believe the issue of Black Skin Disease is quite clear now and we should know when to spot the signs if it becomes an issue. Breed specific garden flags, pillows, house flags, door mats Before you begin, warm up with this 6-minute warm-up routine. Well, I'm not sure how big my dog's stomach is (he weighs about 10 lbs,) but I know that my sister told me that his bladder is about the size of a walnut haha. Thanks. Thanks! Once they get past 10, they begin having issues many aren’t prepared for. suggest some remedy on FB. Seizures most of the time are typically a “neurological” … Ask Your Own Dog Question. She won’t eat to well. Hi could you please help me I have a 8 week old male puppy and and he poo 10 to 15 times a day and his poo is loose and wet not like a normal firm poo I have tried the chicken and rice then its good and as soon as I put him back on his pelets which a vet suggest for him then it starts all over again the wet loose poo he is very playful and full of energy and does show any signs of been sick just this loose stools and 10 to 15 times a day is the normal and what should I do please help me email me at, Thank you for posting this it really helped me and my dog shes a female pomeranian as well and she had/has the exact same symptoms as maggie sophia and yoki thnx for your good parenthood. Any suggestions will be very helpful? Hi, my mom has a 7 year old pomeranian that recently started vomiting at least twice a day, he eats fine, drinks plenty of water and also likes to go for walks. Is she not eating and hasn’t pooped in a while. Hey I just bought my Pom 3 days back and its one and a half month old. General description: Pomeranian dogs are small in size. This usually happens after the stomach is filled with gas the entire process can take … My vet says to let him eat people food. can you please recommend a vitamins for a 1 year old Pomeranian. … It’s about quality life, not quantity or how many years you can get! Show Less. It's not an exact science, and many breeds will have some overlap. Matted hair is unpleasant for any dog, so make sure grooming and brushing becomes part of your regular weekly routine if you own a Pomchi. Though the Pomeranian may be small, his needs for a high-quality … (If Sophia sleeps in past 8:30am I know somethings wrong! I will go 1st thing tomorrow and buy a small pumpkin and mix some of the insides in with rice and chicken. Til this day he is still having loose stool and is not improving ! His appetite has reduced due to infection. If your Pomeranian is excessive itching, biting, or scratching at his ears, face, neck, sides, legs, paws, or stomach, he may be suffering from an allergic reaction. He is in limbo as our family has moved into a home where no dogs are allowed . So it takes her a few days for her to realize she better eat her puppy kibble if she wants to eat and feel better. She may have eaten something she wasn’t supposed to. I think I will be needing to take him to the vet as it has been over a week. The Pomeranian is a European spitz dog, accepted by the FCI within the V group: spitz type dogs.Although we know the pomeranian as a spitz dog or spitz dwarf, their official name is still "wolfspitz". I believe it is stressing him & grieving us all. It’s better to be prepared for the worst by having that amount set aside. milk 3-4 times just 13ml each time It’s a good idea that you consult a puppy weight chart first so you can get a good idea what to expect as your cute, little furball grows up. I called the vet and he told me to make her some white rice with scrambled egg. We walk ours twice because it ensures better health, happiness, and real bonding and love. im trying to get back onto dog food tho but he just doesn’t want it. The double coated Pomeranian, with their big beautiful hair, is one of the most emblematic characteristics of a Pomeranian. She’s never been a fan of any dog food, but she loves her kibble when she’s hungry. Their size My 5 month Pom Valentino 🙂 isn’t feeling well tonight I will try the chicken and rice I have been giving him lots of water. Teacup poms usually weigh between 3 lbs and 7 lbs. Should I just not worry about him eating just people food? This afternoon, it’ll be 48 hours without a poo. Not Feeling Well Mommy? I have a very small toypom male but he doesn’t want to eat or drink anything I have to force feed him please need help? He has peed and pooped though. Well, it depends on how much they are fed, how much excercise they have, and whether they are pregnant or not... Well, I'm not sure how big my dog's stomach is (he weighs about 10 lbs,) but I know that my sister told me that his bladder is about the size of a walnut haha. Worried. not that kind that she has a sick, i think she needs my attention. He is so sweet . We were told 6 months ago that he suddenly had three different heart conditions, skin disease, trachea issues and cough began a week prior to his death. and she got up throw up then she went out and some grass what another thing should I look for. Hi there! No bleeding in his stool. Poms that are sick have droopy tails, not up in its normal curl! In fact, a bloated stomach in puppies may be a sign of intestinal worms. In the morning she doesn’t eat much, nor n the afternoon. It’s worth buying the large bag because it will last 6 months if contained properly. Hi, I just bought an 8week old Pom teacup. This is a great alternative for your Pomeranian when their stomach isn’t feeling well. Is it weird to rename a puppy you adopted? 🙂 Thank you for your awesome information. Puppy Growth Chart by Breed Size … I’ve been keeping the water down, but worried about his stool. hey! Get your answers by asking now. The most important thing is to get your dog pain medicine if he’s hurting at all!!!!! Lol It was worth every cent! These are; toy, small, medium, large, and giant. 2 weeks Amirah has had diarrhea. She is always at this friends house. People should expect to pay between $10.000 to $30.000 for one Pom that lives to be 12-14 years old. A sick Pomeranian is never any fun. he is very active now and eating and drinking well but that dam loose stool is still there >< what to do ?! Have you changed his diet to one that is more bland? The Pomeranian is typically a very healthy and long-living breed of dog. The expressions of Pomeranian dogs are like fox. Then, this evening and tonight she has had diarrhea; the poor baby has been in the bath twice. It would be awesome if they could just tell me where it hurts and what it feels like! And that would only give him a 50% chance of living a week or a few years longer. Despite their size, Pomeranians can be bold with other larger dogs and can also be very protective of their families, making them good companions and watch dogs. Depending on size, lifestyle , genetics, and diet, poms only live between 7 and 16 years. I know of too many small dogs that passed due to human food parts being stuck inside them somewhere or other. Poms need walks at least once daily! Their conditions are still not encouraging. Are Pitbulls dangerous dogs or is this a myth? I don’t know what to do. What am I to do. She is said to have loved them so much that when she lay dying she asked that her favorite Pom named Turi stay with her Not eating much. I owe my baby’s life to this site. But, we normally do Not see this condition in small breeds like a Pomeranian. My Pom is 12 and went into kidney failure a few weeks ago. However, they've also told us that figuring out how to measure a dog for clothing can be confusing. Changes may include size, shape, texture (it was soft, now it is hard lump), or the appearance of more lumps that were not previously there. They have never turned up their nose at chicken broth. I would also try to get him to take in some extra fluids once the stomach seems to be a bit softer and less upset. I can tell when Maggie is sick if I ask her if she wants to go “bye bye” and she just lays in her bed. I just got him today. I took her to vet a week ago she lost 2 pounds they gave her medicine but she is still not keeping much down. To clarify this is the size of your average regular Toy Pom. Any advise? Pomeranian Build Information The Pomeranian is a tiny spitz with small ears and a furry coat. She’s not throwing up or doesn’t have loose stool, just wants to lay around today & isn’t eating so I figure sometimes they just have an off day just like we do. It’s starting to get a little better, but now she is throwing up. Sitting Around Too Much. Bitches should be a little bigger than the dogs. Also, females in certain breeds, such as French Bulldogs, … Because of his small size, Pomeranian dog is also known as toy dogs. When it comes to Dog Veterinary and Pomeranian, you can take your pick from hundreds of Dog Veterinary professionals all over the world who frequently answer questions about Pomeranian. Some of the common additives to avoid include glyceryl monostearate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), ethoxyquin, BHA, BHT, TBHQ, and propyl gallate. His stool is fine but he doesn’t go as much because he can’t seem to keep food down. He is so small and I get so scared when he is not himself and I feel bad because he usually sleeps with us but since he is sick we put him in his crate 🙁 he has a vet appt in like two days for a booster shot but I pray he is better before then! Pomeranian Authority website providing accurate Pomeranian information and facts about the Pomeranian dog. What are some things that I can try? He himself is not taking meal and remain idle. My Pomeranian is 8 years old. Dr said 3 days of diet. First-year expenses are around $2,845 and will be about $1,160/year (or $97/month) after that. After many decades of my own ‘ hands on “research, I offer my expert opinion on correct Pomeranian feeding. Learn about the Pomeranian breed. From Pets Best, a pet insurance agency for dogs and cats. I had to feed him thru a syringe. However, although they have relatively few wellness issues, they do have some common health problems, similar to all breeds of dogs. I was keeping a dog for a friend once and the dog didn’t eat for three days because he was so sad. I just want my little baby to feel better. Other indications that your pet … Or adopt him out to a family that can afford the $5k-40k in vet care most older poms require if the goal is to extend life. It includes the recipe for how to make the broth. Size Chart Based on Breed. Pomeranian cross Chihuahua grooming can be very important, particularly to those dogs with longer, fuller coats. Felt his tummy – rumbling sounds . If your Pomeranian is excessive itching, biting, or scratching at his ears, face, neck, sides, legs, paws, or stomach, he may be suffering from an allergic reaction. Its not eating his dog food since yesterday evening but a lot of water. I would call my Vet and see what they suggest. I have been googling every single night trying to find help. my 12 year old boy has had flare ups this year .I had x rays ..blood work etc done everything came out great the vet was pleased ..they put him on i.d.perscription diet ..11 days later he had another flare up ..they recommended gas x 25 helped..not sure what to do now..I heard simple wellness duck and rice food was good ..should I just keep trying to see if it is the food? It started withthe first pom which later died since I dint observe that he was sick, then the next day the 2nd showed same symptoms and a day after, the 3rd showed same symptoms. hello. A Pomeranian puppy is likely to cost between $600-$2,000 with the average price being $1,200. Also, this dog food is full of vitamin and mineral-rich fruits and vegetables that provide antioxidants for a healthy immune system. I have an 8.5 y/o pom – he is drinkuing plrnty of water however he can not seem to hold it down, he continues to drink his water – He also is bleeding from his rectum when trying to use the B/R. shes not her self and I can feel her bones .. The Pomeranian is a perfect example for very low drooling tendency. There’s no doubt that there are times in my Pomeranian’s life that they eat something that doesn’t play well in their stomach. The Pomeranian is an enthusiastic and lively little dog that only weighs about 5 pounds, but has a big personality. Stomach crunch. She will starve herself! Despite their size, Pomeranians can be bold with other larger dogs and can also be very protective of their families, making them good companions and watch dogs. What is the best Pomeranian food and what can Pomeranians eat? Breed Size Categories Typically dog breeds are split into five categories by size. it does not have to be pomeranian just a small dog. What can I do for him? Glad I could help George! She may be depressed knowing she’s not going to be the only “baby” around anymore, however it’s a good idea to see what the vet says. She’s been wanting to just lay around. Recovering from bloating stomach due to too much air. If my Pomeranians refuses to eat the chicken and rice and won’t drink water I make them chicken broth (and usually call the vet) The chicken broth will sooth their stomach as well as keep them hydrated. Thank you for the wonderful tips. To continue to provide them with much needed energy, divide your Pomeranian's food amount for the day into three or four servings; feed the growing Pomeranian these smaller servings for breakfast, … If your Pomeranian’s stomach isn’t feeling better with in a day or two and he/she still can’t keep anything down or if they are not eating, I suggest you call the vet and make an appointment. Our Pom Einstein is 11 years old and sometimes (like right now) stops eating and even drinking. I’m taking care of a Pomeranian. What is the best Pomeranian food and what can Pomeranians eat? It’s very frustrating. I wish someone told me to be prepared before we decided to invite two poms into our lives! Dogs should be 4 to 4.5lbs in weight, and bitches up to 5lbs. It may take a day or three. My pomeranian is 12 yrs old she won’t eat, drink, pee or poop. I’ve bought the cheapo kind and the expense kind and everything inbetween. Breeder and Exhibitor of Best in Show winning Supreme, Grand Champion and Champions since 1975. This makes socializing a Pomeranian with other dogs important in order to avoid aggressive behavior. And do I need to buy a can of chicken broth? Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from larger Spitz-type dogs, specifically the German … Rice with some omega oil will help. This morning I gave her wet drop food and she ate and she hasn’t eaten or drank water all day and now she seem’s very tired and sleepy. Thank you, your advise was way more specific & helpful than the other sites I clicked on. Thanks for your help in helping my sweet gran dog with upset tummie. This is why I started this blog to help all the Pommy Mommies out there help their fur babies live long, healthy, happy lives. please help me… I have a 4 month old pomeranian and tonight he experienced diarrhea… the characteristic of his stool is really watery like stool it has no blood or mucus like substance on it but still I feel worried. The smaller kibble size of this dog food helps remove tartar and promotes dental health, which is a common concern for Pomeranian owners. You’re insane to spend that much on a 12 year old Pom. Well by afternoon they are dry heaving from not eating. More than likely this is all apart of the recovery process. Be careful with designer breeds such as Pomchis, too. This breed of dog is actually one of the healthiest and most liveliest amongst all dogs and they generally live to a lengthy age of 12 – 16 years. The one time I would love it if my Pomeranian could talk is when they are sick. i have a pompom and she is not feeling well. Only you know if your dog is bigger or smaller, skinnier or pudgier than the typical breed. In this article we will be discussing Pomeranian health and various medical issues that Pomeranian dogs are particularly susceptible to. A Pomeranian puppy is likely to cost between $600-$2,000 with the average price being $1,200. male Puppy. Let me know how she’s doing in a few days! Stomach Issues – Make sure you keep chocolate, raisins, onions and other harmful things out of paw’s reach to help avoid tummy upset or worse. Target: … How can I get him to understand my boyfriend isn’t? Have your Pomeranian in an area where she feels safe and comfortable. I don’t have money for vet. I set out there food and they don’t eat so I pick it up to store in frog. He is descended from large size Spitz dog specially the German Spitz. Pomeranians burn calories at a much faster rate than some other breeds due to their small size and high energy levels. The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe. My pommy, Bella developed IBD, and suffered with tummy aches all the time. Thank you. If he looked sick or was acting sick, i would have taken him last week. I’m glad you contacted me. most of the day but now this evening she is kind of blah again and does not want to eat and just wants to sleep… She did pass the small stone last night should i still be worried and take her back to the vet? So plan on spending a little cash to make sure you’re little one is safe! show dogs being between 4-6. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I give it to her in the morning or as an afternoon snack, or before bed, whenever. I took at the vet and got blood exams and the results were negative. my dog is 6 yrs old he is not eating food since morning .. i know something is wrong with his stomach because yesterday i found him licking soil..and today i can hear his stomach making noise can u tell me whats d matter.. Is it normal for poms to have a big bloated tummy? Hi my Pom is 15 years old and for the last 3 weeks his not eating well or at all please help let me know what to do thanks. I tried giving milk and poached egg too. Have them lick half a teaspoon 3 times a day–dogs love it–works every time! Just like a new little puppy. My Pomeranian's belly is hard and he yelps when you touch the top and sides. Designed and Developed by askROCCO Media, How to Take Care of a Pomeranian with an Upset Tummy, ENZYDERM™ Pomeranian Topical Skin Spray, ENZYMX™ All Natural Antioxidant Formula, Pommy Mommy of the Week: Christal McBride, Pommy Mommy of the Week: Stephanie Branam, Pommy Mommy of the Week: Trelayna Stormborn, Pommy Mommy of the Week: Christina Rallo-Daniels, Pommy Mommy of the Week: Jennifer Culicchia. Dogs aren’t supposed to get much smaller than the Pomeranian’s already tiny size. Pomeranian Grooming | In this video I demonstrate how I groom this particular Pomeranian.I am grooming him as a Pet and not for show. May 30, 2018 - The Pomeranian, also known as the Zwergspitz and commonly called the Pom, descends from spitz-type sled dogs of Iceland.. She still has an appetite and is drinking water. One of the most common health issues with Pomeranians is obesity. But after a day now she won’t eat anything. Pomeranian breed expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie fame. Seriously. I am wondering if something might have gotten stuck in his intestines like you mentioned. I usually feed chicken breast, carrots, peas and a little rice. What should I do - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian This has been going on for 5 days. Hi, I’m really worried about my Pomeranian puppy , she is 6 weeks old and she has really bad diarrhea, she’s throwing up and has no energy.. Could she have an upset stomach? It sounds like you need to take your Pomeranian to the Vet so they can run some tests Kanika. Shes getting so weak and I am out of options. Clothing can be completely normal pomeranian stomach size a few days if he ’ s finally hungry!! For health problems with her there food and so on of egg and egg yoke make treats. However the one thing she loves her kibble when she lapped it up its. Did, he barely uses the bathroom and barely wants to come in the house rescuing them has! 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