Another way of approaching Meursault's "motivation" to kill the Arab is provided by psychoanalysis. Both of these interpretations are rather unintuitive but they uncover aspects of the novel that remain hidden when reading the novel and analysing its characters as if The Stranger were a realist novel. Presently, however, the Arabs have vanished, and the three men find an empty beach. @Hamlet I'll do that. His reasoning shows a longstanding lack of empathy for and interest in his mother. Several early critics have commented on this, for example Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Blanchot and Claude-Edmonde Magny. Meursault’s anger resulted in a kind of baptism that cleared away his confusion. In the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, Meursault realizes that death is a subject that cannot be erased. The final words of Part I read this: I wanted to hear the murmur of its water again, to escape from the sum and the effort and the women's tears, and to relax in the shade again. Meursault describes how his physical sensations affect his mental state. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The presence of the Arab disturbed him. Meursault thought that these attempts at emotion were good enough for the world to consider him a normal person. Meursault is also a robot. In most instances, it is based on a scant few seconds without taking an opportunity to get to know the person. Meursualt is accused of "morally killing" his own mother; during his closing speech, the prosecutor even claims Meursault is also guilty of killing his father. This illustrates his refusal to lie. Why can't I move files from my Ubuntu desktop to other folders? ), Shortly before that he had already thought to himself: "I probably loved mother, but that didn't mean anything. You have to remember that Meursault had simply gone with his friends for a day on the beach. Did Proto-Indo-European put the adjective before or behind the noun? It conveys the theme of existentialism, as well as the title of the book overall - Mersualt is an outsider in the way that he defies the laws of society. Meursault kills as a response to the sun. Meursault was undoubtedly under the sun, and it was affecting him. He does not think much about events or their consequences, nor does he express much feeling in relationships or during emotional times. He also refuses to adhere to the accepted moral order of society. There was a bit of a defensive mood at this point in the story. From this point of view, as I already mentioned in my discussion of the Czechoslovak traveller's story, Meursault is put on trial for refusing to lie and not playing by society's conventional rules. Meursault describes his physical reactions to details he notices in the world around him. Meursault explains his response to his employer who offers to transfer him to Paris. Why and how did the orphan kill his adoptive mother? After returning, he goes on a date with Marie Cardona, a former co-worker, and has a sexual relationship with her. Why would Maman ask for a religious burial? The Arab didn't move. In that case, they can reform their feeling of loss and the process of mourning ends with a kind of acceptance. Meursault feels none of the same emotion. For this reason, analysing Meursault like a character from a realist novel is a vain pursuit. For Meursault, the solitude of prison is incessant. But strangely enough, no real explanation is given for why Meursault killed "the Arab". Nightmare Stage Meursault has been in prison for a year and is found guilty of murder. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. For Freudian critics, Meursault's wish for his mother's death is as if he had effectively killed here, so it would only be just for him to share her fate. Gallimard, 1992; page 114-123.) And this time, without sitting up, the Arab drew his knife and held it out towards me in the sun... All I could feel were the cymbals the sun was clashing against my forehead and, indistinctly, the dazzling spear still leaping up off the knife in front of me. They treat him with respect and without malice, which lulls him into believing that they are his friends. He attends the funeral and shows no remorse during it, but he complains about how hot it is. Promote our site and earn a Booster badge or a Publicist badge! It comes through the naturalism. (This reading puts the prosecutor's claim that Meursault had "morally killed" his mother in a different light than the previous interpretation.). What more often occurs is that the outsider finds himself on the outside. The novel is concerned with the absurd and touches on the French colonization of Algeria. as literature The Stranger is naturalism. Could all participants of the recent Capitol invasion be charged over the death of Officer Brian D. Sicknick? Just pinging you to let you know there's now an open bounty on the question. When he shot the Arab four more times, it was his attempt at feeling misery, or unhappiness. As mentioned above, Meursault tells his story with a kind of outsider's objectivity. The director of the home where Meursault’s mother lived responds to Meursault’s feelings of guilt regarding his mother’s situation. He is also presented as a character that refuses to lie and play by society's conventional rules. Meursault kills the Arab in cold blood, gets tossed into jail, and awaits his trial for a year or so. The sky seemed to be splitting from end to end and raining down sheets of flame. And I fired four more times at a lifeless body and the bullets sank without leaving a mark. You see, this novel is largely about existentialism. As he kills the Arab Meursault says that it felt like “knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness”. Did you mean "shows no remorse" rather than "shows remorse"? Meursault even acknowledges that he doesn't have to kill "the Arab". [Marie] asked me if I loved her. When Meursault kills an Arab, nothing happens to him. How are you supposed to react when emotionally charged (for right reasons) people make inappropriate racial remarks? This is why society needs an excuse to put Meursault on trial, and by letting Meursault unintentionally kill an Arab, the novelist provides exactly that excuse. In Albert Camus' book The Stranger, Meursault kills a character known as "the Arab" for no real reason at all. In the case of Albert Camus's main protagonist from the French novel The Stranger, Meursault, is literally put on trial. The man is lying in the sand, watching him intently. And it was like giving four sharp knocks at the door of unhappiness. After his mother's death, he does not seem to be mourning: he is not interested in having his mother's coffin opened so he can take a last look at her, he smokes during the wake, even falls asleep, and he doesn't weep during the funeral. Meursault is also honest, which means that he does not think of hiding his lack of feeling by shedding false tears over his mother’s death. (And that maybe you could talk a bit more about the important parts). The conversation prompts Meursault to admit to the reader that he seldom visited his mother in the last year as he found it an inconvenient waste of his day off. fly wheels)? No matter how you look at it, there is not a reasonable explanation for Meursault's actions. All sane beings had more or less wished for the death of those they loved." Two Arabs were seemingly following them. He looked upset and told me that I never gave him a straight answer, that I had no ambition, and that that was disastrous in business. The magistrate breaks this self-delusion when he escorts him to the door, calls him Mr. Antichrist, and hands him back to his jailers. How does Camus build tension in the passage describing Meursault's walk down the beach before he kills the Arab in The Stranger? His lack of emotion at the funeral comes back to haunt him at his trial when witnesses testify to his uncaring attitude. Likening the day to the day of the funeral summons death into the scene right before Meursault shoots. Man is an animal that can only respond to the environment. During this talk, Salamano mentions that Meursault’s mother had been fond of the dog, which leads to a brief conversation about the narrator’s mother. Some critics have claimed that Meursault is a victim of society, and others have even claimed that he’s a type of hero. The Stranger Quotes Showing 1-30 of 412 “I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn't.” ― Albert Camus, The Stranger. December 2020–January 2021 topic challenge: literary theory, January–February 2021 topic challenge: Theodor Fontane. I n The Outsider, Albert Camus’s tale of alienation, ennui and ruthless honesty, the anti-hero Meursault murders an Arab on the beach at Algiers simply because the sun gets in his eyes. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. As far as The Outsider goes, the most obvious point is that Meursault kills an "Arab". But introspection is exactly what we don't get; instead we get a narrative that gives us roughly the same insight into Meursault as a third-person perspective, almost as if an outsider were observing Meursault; only it is Meursault himself telling that story. Character is difficult to judge. Meursault recounts a conversation with Salamano, who visits him to tell him that he has lost his dog. Submit your literature reviews to our Tumblr! This would explain Meursault's unusual behaviour each time people ask him something about his mother. He says, "One can never be sure" on morals, even on physical beating. This would explain why, at the funeral, Meursault behaves in a way that witnesses later describe as insensitive. “The defining events in The Stranger are set in motion by Meursault’s murder of the Arab” (Plant, 10). You see this most notably in his trial, where he shows remorse, and is ultimately convicted not because he committed the murder, but because he doesn't live up to what society wishes. Perhaps one of the most valuable ways to understand Meursault is to quote what Camus has said about him: "Meursault for me," writes Camus, is "a poor and naked man, in love with the sun which leaves no shadows. It follows the life of Meursault, a French Algerian whose apathetic responses to life get him in trouble socially and eventually get him killed. His final peace is the "benign indifference" of the universe. It struck me that all I had to do was to turn, walk away, and think no more about it. It would also explain why his mother is mentioned again and again later in the book, for example, when he hears Salamano weep over the loss of his dog, he suddenly thinks of his mother but can't explain why (end of Part One, chapter III). However, the focus of Meursault’s murder trial quickly shifts away from the murder itself to Meursault’s attitudes and beliefs. The universe has no judgment because there is no God or objective morality. When I look into a man's face ... all I see is a monster. Meursault repeatedly reveals a lack of a sense of reality. Where did all the old discussions on Google Groups actually come from? The abyss that separates Meursault … ("Le réalisme est un mot vide de sens (Mme Bovary et Les Possédés sont des romans réalistes et ils n'ont rien en commun." Why is Camus asserting that “Marx scientific Messianism” is Bourgeois? I took a step, just one step forward. He lets go of any expectations for life and accepts the universe’s indifference. a type of perspective that, in French literature before The Stranger, had been used to allow introspection. The language used in this passage is so elaborate and rich in simile – “The steel… was like a long, flashing sword,” for example – almost detaches the act from Meursault and causes the reader to question whether he did it with intent or not: “That’s when everything began to reel. Well, that is what the book is about. What he did not realize is that normal people feel these emotions regularly, and usually in less deplorable scenarios. Raymond is later seen assaulting this woman and after being let off with a warning invites Marie and Meursault to the beach. It comes through the naturalism. First atomic-powered transportation in science fiction and the details? Maybe consider moving the last paragraph of this answer to the front of it? Marie asks Meursault to find and bring a policeman, but he refuses for purely selfish reasons. When Salamano says that he must be feeling his mother’s death terribly, he makes no response because has no feelings that he can report. The novel ends with Meursault’s epiphany that quickly follows his burst of anger at the chaplain. The concepts of past and future are essentially irrelevant to meaning. Why does Meursault kill “the Arab” in The Stranger? Yet the Arab's connection to Raymond is, to Meursault's mind, entirely incidental and he shoots the Arab without even thinking of … This moment marks the beginning of Meursault’s undoing as he later uses that gun to murder one of the Arabs. The passages in these pages offer that parallel. As soon as he saw me, he sat up lightly and put his hand in his pocket. Readers imagine that the employer might be hurt by Meursault’s completely ambivalent response to such an offer as he accuses Meursault of lacking ambition, a grave defect for a businessman. I realized that I'd destroyed the balance of the day and the perfect silence of this beach where I'd been happy. What are the earliest inventions to store and release energy (e.g. Sadly, he takes his next step forward toward the Arab, not away and out of the sun. He was alone. The director kindly explains that he understands Meursault’s decision to put his mother into the institution. He embraces meaninglessness as a kindness. It’s the most perfect Booker stage three ever. Witnesses are questioned about Meursault's character and about his behaviour during and after the funeral but not about what they know about the killing. How does The Meursault Investigation reference The Fall? We are given very little information why Meursault is on the outside of society - Camus does not care to give us a back-story. Meursault expresses a tenet of existentialism here: Each individual possesses only the present moment in which to act. If you edit this answer enough, maybe you'll get the bounty :-). What's the earliest treatment of a post-apocalypse, with historical social structures, and remnant AI tech? You can shoot or not shoot. And nor is this how marginalisation often works: Man is a gregarious and social creature - he does not exclude himself from the social. At his mother's funeral, he was largely alone and almost kept to himself. I'm sure you're right, but without any evidence it's hard for me to know how to vote on this answer. I told her it didn't mean anything but that I didn't think so. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. That said, I think there are a lot of positives about this answer. At two o’clock on a sunny afternoon, Meursault kills an unnamed Arab. I said that people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good as another and that I wasn't dissatisfied with mine here at all. When he does shoot "the Arab", he notes that "each successive shot was another loud, fateful rap on the door of my undoing.". The Stranger. Why? Can 1 kilogram of radioactive material with half life of 5 years just decay in the next minute? His protagonist, Meursault, becomes a nihilist. I spent a bit of time writing this answer, but now I'm hungry and will probably grab some food :). Quoted in Bernard Pingaud: L'Étranger d'Albert Camus. I realized at that point that you could either shoot or not shoot. How does this nihilism come out in the text itself? How can a non-US resident best follow US politics in a balanced well reported manner? 1 Educator answer . In Europe, can I refuse to use Gsuite / Office365 at work? Rather than decide whether he is guilty of murder, the prosecutor seeks to prove how Meursault is an unloving and uncaring individual, that he has 'no soul.' Meursault answers, "Yes, like everybody", after which he notices that the clerk behind him suddenly interrupts his regular typing as if had mistyped something and needed to delete it. The entire story is told from a first-person perspective, i.e. Best Questions & Answers from 4th Quarter of 2020. We see an example of this in The Stranger when Meursault kills an Arab. In Albert Camus' book The Stranger, Meursault kills a character known as "the Arab" for no real reason at all. Moreover, if I recall rightly Camus insisted that he was not an existentialist - at least in Sartre's mould. The murder came as a shock - here we are looking at the life of an absurd man. What one should check when re writing bash conditions for sh or ash? However, a novel about a character that is prosecuted solely for this reason would be implausible. It struck me that all I had to do was to turn, walk away, and think no site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. There, he fights with the mistress’ brother and is cut by a knife. Why does Mersault say “Hello image!” to his girlfriend? The Stranger is not existentialist, but nihilist. Moving on... (emphasis mine). Though Meursault may feel "the whole thing was over," the fight actually happened only a little while earlier and must surely be fresh in the Arab man's mind. Why is the tense wrong in the beginning of The Stranger? He tenses, accidentally pulling the trigger. Albert Camus, the author, was an existentialist. In that case, according to Freud, the grief is so heavy that it is repressed and cannot be processed by the conscious mind. This is due to Camus's narrative technique. The sun was beginning to burn on my cheeks, and I felt drops of sweat gathering in my eyebrows. She looked sad. Camus was not a nihilist. I stood there, motionless." He knew exactly what he was getting into, but embraced it anyway. At the end of a normal mourning process, the mourner eventually prefers himself over the lost "object"; at the end of a pathological process, the mourner is unable to give up the lost "object", ascribe the lost to himself and decides to share its fate (see Freud's Mourning and Melancholia). Weeks later, he kills an Arab man in French Algiers, who was involved in a conflict with one of Meursault's neighbors. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. As is his way, Meursault agrees to write a letter to him. In particular, your analysis of the quote "you could either shoot or not shoot" is very well done. What does not work well is looking for motivation at the surface level of the text. I waited. This moment marks the beginning of Meursault’s undoing as he later uses that gun to murder … But what I find interesting is the last sentence. The novel The Stranger by the French writer Albert Camus is the story of a Frenchman (only identified by his surname Meursault) from Algeria during the 30’s or 40’s who kills and Arab (he claims, unintentionally) and is condemned to die by the guillotine. Prior to these paragraphs, these Arabs had already engaged in a bit of a fight with Meursault and his friends, with one of them having slashed his friend with a knife. He pauses and then fires four more times into the Arab’s motionless body. If the other one starts making trouble or gets out his knife, I’ll shoot.” When Meursault, Masson, and Raymond return to the beach to confront the Arabs a second time, Meursault asks for Raymond’s gun. There is no God, no meaning, no free will, and (most impressively in this work) no absolute moral judgment. Shimmer obscures the Arab man, making him look like "just a form," not a full human being. He displays impassiveness throughout the book in his reactions to the people and events described… He was lying on his back, with his hands behind his head ... As far as I was concerned, it was all settled and I'd gone there without even thinking about it. Likewise, the "robot woman" is in apposition to the young reporter that reminds Meursault of himself, i.e. Or a person in mourning feels their pain in an internal way; it is felt in the unconscious only, where the person is not aware of it. (For example, during his first conversation with the investigating magistrate in Part Two, Chapter I, the magistrate asks him whether he had loved his mother. The French protagonist and his friends all have names: the man he kills, and his friends, do not. I think this answer would probably be improved if you talked more about existentialism. All I could hear was the blood pounding in my ears. What is Meursault's problem with the heat? Whatever happens, it doesn't matter. Was there ever any actual Spaceballs merchandise? It is with his gun that Meursault kills the brother. Gallimard, 1992, page 187.). All the norms and laws were dictated by the French government in colonial Algeria. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. These are examples of not playing by the normal social rules: he does not want to feign grief when he doesn't feel any. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, begins with Meursault receiving a telegram informing him of his mother's death. In The Stranger, Albert Camus uses light and heat imagery along with intense diction to depict the duality between the characters in the novel trying to find a cause for Meursault’s crime, and the way he denies a cause because of his existential mentality. Because Meursault does not grieve, society sees him as an outsider, a threat, even a monster. rev 2021.1.8.38287, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Literature Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Though, of course, Meursault must have one: he may be impoverished, he may not have found the right station in life or he may simply be grieving over some unmentioned passion that Camus omits to mention. Yet none of this is apparent in the text. Meursault shows his oblivious estimation of the magistrate and his lawyer as they handle him after his arrest. From a Freudian point of view, a person in mourning can feel their loss in an external way. Meursault describes his and Marie’s responses after they witness Raymond beating the Moor woman who has been unfaithful to him. He literally gets imprisoned. Meursault has killed the Arab. The prosecution's closing speech appears to mention the killing of the Arab only briefly, adding that Meursault "knows the value of words", which is another allusion to Meursault's commitment to truth (though probably not from the prosecutor's point of view). It is society itself that excludes to protect its coherence. Then [my boss] asked me if I wasn't interested in a change of life. He is far from being totally deprived of sensitivity for he is animated by a passion, profound because it is tacit, the passion for the absolute and for truth. "She says, `If … They decide to return to the bungalow but along the way, Meursault becomes befuddled, overcome by the sun’s red glare, and decides to take a walk on the beach alone. No worries; there's no rush. It was like a red-hot blade gnawing at my eyelashes and gouging out my stinging eyes. The nurse tells Meursault how the weather affects the human body. (See for example, Bernard Pingaud: L'Étranger d'Albert Camus. When Meursault, Masson, and Raymond return to the beach to confront the Arabs a second time, Meursault asks for Raymond’s gun. Also, Meursault champions nothing but his atheism and his own physical desires. In The Stranger, Albert Camus portrays Meursault, the book's narrator and main character, as aloof, detached, and unemotional. Selecting all objects with specific value from GeoJSON in new variable. The evidence presented during the hearing gives impres… Meursault reacts to the Prosecutor’s closing argument that he did not show the least bit of regret for his actions. It’s almost impossible not to see the parallels to today. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As for why Meursault kills the Arab, again Camus gives us very few clues. What sort of work environment would require both an electronic engineer and an anthropologist? His lawyer later tells him that this could be used against him during the murder trial and suggest that he might say that his insensitivity at the funeral was not real but the result of an attempt to control his emotions. Initially, there isn't much. Ironically, Meursault's murder could be considered a tremendous sacrifice made for a friend's wellbeing (it is Raymond, after all, who has a problem with the Arab, not Meursault). Basically all I'm saying is that you put the important parts of this answer behind the unimportant parts. All in all, killing "the Arab" seems like a bad idea. This passage is also interesting. These moments of heat, glare, and sleepiness foreshadow what will happen later in the novel on the beach with the Arab: The sun causes Meursault to momentarily lose track of himself, which, in the latter case, results in catastrophe. Half-blinded by the sun, Meursault steps forward, foolishly trying to escape the heat. Is it normal to feel like I can't breathe while trying to ride at a challenging pace? It doesn't matter. Analysis: Chapter 6. Sights, smells, and motion combine to cause a change in consciousness that he can neither identify nor understand. When he becomes blinded by the sweat that washes into his eyes, the flash of light from the Arab’s knife, and the cymbals of pain clashing in his head—he shoots the Arab dead. Meursault then becomes put into trial, but during the whole trial it revolves around his insensibility towards his mother's death. (In reality, the cause of his mother's death is not known but she was definitely not killed by Meursault, while his father died when he was still a small child.) Thanks for contributing an answer to Literature Stack Exchange! By this point, however, Meursault has come to realize how similar the universe—or at least Camus’s conception of it—is to his … The parallel between the sun and his mother's funeral is also somewhat significant. The Stranger’s central event occurs when Meursault shoots the Arab. The view came into literature after Darwin's theory was popularized as a vindication of atheism. - Camus does not grieve, society sees him as an outsider, a threat, even a.! Meursault receiving a telegram informing him of his mother 's funeral, Meursault kills an.... To write a letter to him was largely alone and almost kept to himself to watch die... A date with Marie Cardona, a novel about a character that refuses to lie and play society. You could talk a bit of time writing this answer to the conclusion that death is the benign... Hello image! ” to his girlfriend how did the orphan kill his adoptive mother earn a Booster badge a. 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