I think the lack of social awareness that she had was very much comedic. "What's up dude?" I've thought since I first saw it that it was a fairly poor film that is made good simply through the powerful charism that Gal Gadet and Chris Pine have. Wonder Woman's felt like it could've been out of a TV show like Xena with better production quality. Your thoughts on Taste of Cherry (1997) ending? Cool. If someone truly thinks The Avengers or Taylor Swift is great art, then certainly they should discuss it. Structurally, the film is a mess; the plot points don't really follow each other, the team jumps from location to location without any explanation, and the overall progression of events doesn't make a lot of sense (most jarring is the move from street->high rise -> helicopter sequence). A bigger war is coming historically, so if Ares is the reason behind human conflict on that scale, and WW has taken him down...what’s up with World War II? Review this for what it is and for what it intended to be, not for anything else to make you look smart. You know that Wonder Woman motion picture? I actually paused the movie to see if there was actually something happening but it just seemed like a random 'I'm ready to help' jump to the credits. [–]Subhuman_of_the_year 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (0 children). that part killed me. This movie was easily better than MoS, BvS, Suicide Squad, and if the critics are to be trusted Justice League is also rubbish. I mean the earlier fights were way better. If Ares was more or less responsible for WW1, why do we not have a long period of peace following it? For me, this moment is Wonder Woman's greatest failure. Weak. The perfect Ares GodOfWar Xwp Animated GIF for your conversation. If a bunch of friends wanted to see it again, I wouldn't object. Tag: David Thewlis. [–]Mithridates12 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (0 children). That jump was novel superhero movie physics. Now, you may dislike Avengers; perhaps you didn't find the jokes funny, or you don't like RDJ, whatever. [–]xShadowxNemoZz 50 points51 points52 points 3 years ago* (10 children). More feminist? Clunky exposition notwithstanding, Wonder Woman does set itself up to be a much more intelligent superhero movie than most of its DC peers. [–]viborg 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (0 children). View All … Ares was born millennia ago to Zeus, King of the Old Gods, as one of the latter's many godly children. but have some self awareness at least to recognize that enjoying a film doesn't make it good. They even went as far as using General Ludendorff as the one of the main villains who was an early Nazi and supporter of Hitler. I (and I’m sure many others) expected this movie to be complete garbage when I saw the trailers, but it wasn’t anywhere near that bad...so critics gave it a pass. To the arena we go, she thought to herself. 3 could have been a war epic/caper with her infiltrating the ball and ended with the battle against Ares. Because Ares was a threath who didn't stop but Poison was at her mercy. This movie was incredibly popular for 2 reasons. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit-news-funny-gaming-pics-videos-todayilearned-aww-worldnews-mildlyinteresting-tifu-gifs-IAmA-Jokes-movies-Showerthoughts-explainlikeimfive-science-TwoXChromosomes-nottheonion-space-EarthPorn … They set up an interesting plot point with Diana becoming disillusioned with her black and white morality. So beware. (Spoilers), What Have You Been Watching? I thought the movie missed what was good about Wonder Woman and the characters/villains. I mean shit, this wasn't the start of some feminist movement but when Marvel has put out 16 films which all star white male leads..... yeah, somebody coming in and doing a female super hero movie is a big deal. Not to mention the completely insensitive manner they deal with PTSD. PTSD wasn't a known condition during World War 1, and its symptoms were often misunderstood as shell shock (a term that emerged during WW1). [–]slingoo 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). [–]Uberrancel 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (0 children). I thought that was a silly oversight by the director. Join. Most of them, including Wonder Woman, to me fall in the category of being ‘serviceable to okay’. Weak action scenes and terrible villain. This isn't to say she doesn't get into the thick of the gray and throw down, but the greatest violence in the film is directed towards the weapons the soldiers wield, not the soldiers themselves. Realising her brother had no doubt set this up as an activity of sorts, she made a 180 and headed back out the door. Enjoying artistic films doesn't preclude you from enjoying mainstream and blockbuster work. I am betting a sequel would take place during the Cold War (they have implied it will be another prequel*). JOIN NOW SIGN IN. I recently watched Wonder Woman for the second time since seeing it in theatre and now that the dust has settled a bit on how great it was to have a female-driven superhero film directed by a woman, I have to say it really wasn’t that great of a film. [–]OddFeature 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (0 children). JOIN NOW. Netflix series Ares ending explained Let’s get into the Ares ending by talking about some of the most asked questions about elements of the story. If I would happen on an island with a medieval/ancient, all-female warrior tribe, it would be a head-scratcher for me. I thought the characters awkwardness about sex was a little weird. [–]thatguyworks 84 points85 points86 points 3 years ago (8 children). If you go to /r/movies or Facebook, yeah the movie gets praise, but that's from people without a critical or trained eye for film. He propped up a sign that says "Movie Night- Open To All" in front of the Ares cabin door. They needed to get that signature/boring "animated postcard" battle thing going since it's the most potent visual element of this whole EU. AlexaはEcho端末の頭脳となるクラウドベースの音声サービスです。新しい機能が日々追加され常に進化し、お手持ちの端末で、常に最新のAlexaがご利用いただけます。「アレクサ」と話しかけるだけで、いろいろな操作が簡単にできます。 The end was laughably bad and the movie really fell apart at that point. [–]fixdark 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]bhindblueyes430 7 points8 points9 points 3 years ago (0 children). And while I’d argue that even within the superhero genre, there are exception, I would say that on the whole he’s right. Rendered by PID 2952 on r2-app-06437d72dad6f018d at 2021-01-10 23:36:17.078262+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: DK. They are retconning all that stuff from BvS. No, women and children were only villagers, didn't you see the film? Meanwhile if you want to spend a couple of million on a project that film nerds will enjoy, that's reasonable because you can actually get a return on that. [–][deleted] 26 points27 points28 points 3 years ago* (0 children). There performances wern't great. You can have a token film directed by a token woman with a token female protagonist as long as it's within the pre-conceived notion that the only movies worth making are comic book adaptations, because those are the only ones that make the dudes in charge of all of the money... well, more money. In terms of film, have any of the comic book super hero movies been more than okay? [–]wednesdayware 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (0 children). Tons of her comic stories are centered around her interacting with the gods of Greek mythology. The script was probably the result of dozens of executives demanding the lame stuff be included, but Jenkins is a mediocre director when it comes to actors. [–]ThatOneCameo 13 points14 points15 points 3 years ago (1 child). You may be met with disdain or mockery, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. Also to be honest the moment she looked up from the trench in No Man's Land would've been the death of her, yet she got the time to deflect a couple of bullets, pull out her shield and somehow didn't have a stray or two hit her in the legs. While some fans are disappointed that Darkseid didn’t make an appearance in the Justice League film, one of the movie’s actors has revealed he shot a cut fight scene featuring the ruler of Apokolips. My wife and I were laughing that anybody could be moved to tears by it. At least the Dark Knight was aesthetically pleasing. But I think that as much as being about gender, the film's about imperialism, which it handles poorly. He says he hasn’t messed with mankind in a long time. I only realised this was not the case because they kept talking about chemical weapons. The band of misfits felt lifted straight from Captain America and was cliche. But finding holes in a film usually doesn't make the film any worse for me at all. Created Mar 5, 2014. [–]LoneKharnivore 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]CQME 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (0 children). It still gives many a great feeling and is still a strong female superhero figure. [–]TheKodachromeMethod 19 points20 points21 points 3 years ago (0 children). In the movie he kinda just felt like "I'm just dopey sidekick guy with big wiener." She tries to subdue him with the lasso. You're serving executives who have stock values to think about. i didn’t think it was great either. Threads must point discussion in a specific direction. Bhi is terrible. They spend the whole movie not caring about killing Germans, then get to the climax and ask "is the gas flammable?" Stupid. I'm genuinely curious, do you think WW was a more feminist movie than cat woman or Electra? Details File Size: 4615KB Duration: 2.267 sec Dimensions: 498x373 Created: 10/27/2020, 8:53:35 PM The difference between Marvel and DC (imo) is that Marvel/Disney has saturated the market. I agree and it's great to hear that somebody feels like I did. Your point about the moral ambiguity is spot on though. Plus, as a superhero film, it really lacked good action. I think this would be true if it weren't fact that this movie has had lots of thinkpieces written about it in the press. Eden doesn’t like strangers in her territory.”. Also Poison was a human who was influenced by Ares while Ares was a god that the amazons were created to oppose. Created by Pieter Kuijpers, Iris Otten, Sander van Meurs. But I disagree about his defeat. Should we not discuss The Wizard of Oz because it has "wizard" in the name? card classic compact. Thinking about it this film honestly would've been better as an epic trilogy with Pt. He looks good, he's a beast and I wanted to read more about him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvCKoLRXGj8, TrueFilm has a hot take about Wonder Woman. I find nothing interesting in watching literal gods smashing each other to see which one can hit harder, it gets very boring very quickly. I feel like in some of the wonder woman stories, those ridiculous point-of-views are challenged and she arrives at new conclusions. In the comics, Ares never hid in the form of a … It's not like Hitler wasn't still responsible for WW2. I don't know why the ending is difficult to understand. Weird how with all that tokening it somehow managed to be the first decent post-Nolan DC movie. I chose these two movies because they both attempt to do the same thing: a big, dumb action blockbuster about a team of super heros, facing an alien threat. [–]TelFyr 22 points23 points24 points 3 years ago (5 children). You do realize this is a sub for critical discussion right? I'm sure in a few weeks it'll be The Last Jedi. That's what I thought. Movie Streaming Sites r/ StreamingMovieSitesHD. Sure, it’s unexpected but it’s goofy that they chose that old guy with a mustache to play the villain. All these are valid criticisms. It's generic block busters trash without artistic merit. Really terrible movie. The subsequent scene in the village then would have both German, French and English soldiers hanging out together (sort of like the true events of the Christmas Truce), which maybe could have led to a more interesting finale where Ares gets everyone to start fighting again. I was hoping her disillusionment would come sooner in the film and her journey would have been to find a way to reconcile the two conflicting belief systems to ultimately build a more logical argument to stand for love/human potential. Ah yes. *** Keywords: [Gaming, Video … The No Man’s Land scene was by far the best part of the film for me but I can’t help but wonder how much more powerful that scene would have been if that was the moment Diana realized that both sides were equally violent/corrupted by Ares and she used her power to force a ceasefire between them. I recently watched Wonder Woman for the second time since seeing it in theatre and now that the dust has settled a bit on how great it was to have a female-driven superhero film directed by a woman, I have to say it really wasn’t that great of a film. Press J to jump to the feed. Well, that, and "looks cool" might be the only two points on which Dr Strange was a better film than Wonder Woman, cuz damn, Dr Strange was a snoozefest of clumsy acting and building block scripting. The only time Diana's inconsistency about what she was supposed to know and what she didn't know was overt was the trench scene. [–]utopista114 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (4 children). [–]nomefish 42 points43 points44 points 3 years ago* (6 children). Also; No one reacts to Wonder Woman! [–]bhindblueyes430 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (1 child). Ola Rapace stars as a boxer who is forced into testing a dangerous new performance-enhancing drug for one of the corporations that now controls France. But as it stands, I think the movie did what it needed to do: show Wonder Woman's origin story. I think there was an attempt or plan to make r/moviediscussions such a subreddit, but it was short-lived. The amazonians look weak af. I hated Chris Pine's "heroic ending." Posts Wiki Full Rules & Wiki. I️ actually thought they could’ve done a lot more with Ares’ like “I’m not the god of war, I’m the god of truth”, [–]PixelBrewery 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children). Even when he fails, he IS interesting. I'm more interested in its expressed ideology. ReddIt. You do a good service with this critique. And quite frankly, that's all it should take. After reading some reviews I do agree that some of that moment was salvaged by Ares saying that he merely whispered in their ears, but they were capable of evil by themselves. Idk I don’t write movies lol. And when Black Panther drops in February I imagine it's going to receive a lot of similar acclaim as it'll be the first Marvel movie (from the recent cinematic universe) with a black actor as lead. That being said, the third act was still underwhelming and could’ve been done better. I couldn't agree with some of these more. [–]MasteroftheHallows 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (0 children), That would be true for a film rooted in realism. It also felt like the film didn't really know what to do with its ending; the war was over, but we all know a second one is coming, how does that fit into Wonder Woman killing Ares? The acting didn't help and I was definitely bothered by how smooth Trevor's arrival went over - he wasn't greeted with open arms, but the shock/surprise/suspicion on both sides wore off quickly or wasn't there to begin with. I ( when associated to comics obviously, because women are wonderful and no one disputes that) Still good effort OP. Directed by Jean-Patrick Benes. But your personal dislike of the film, for whatever reason, doesn't change the point that the plot, themes, and craft are functional: you can say that you don't care about teamwork as a theme, but you can't say that this movie failed to depict teamwork as a theme. Chris Pine was Chris Pine (an actor who can't be anyone but himself) but was poorly utilized here with a clunky obtuse script that made little sense and leaned too heavily on him for comedic relief that wasn't all that funny, which was no fault of Pine's in my opinion. But more to the point, those movies came out 12 and 13 years ago. I for one, was a 90's kid, and I grew up loving comic books and I was lucky to have batman movies (Val Kilmer, George Clooney, and Michael Keaton) as well as TMNT, Captain America, Zorro, The Phantom, and others to fill my love of superheros. [–]ajslater 49 points50 points51 points 3 years ago (1 child). Suspension of disbelief has already gotten you to accept a demigod Amazon warrior fighting in World War I. Establishing a peace treaty hoping for a second, even bigger World War? About half the "cast" has very little screen time, let alone character development. For more comparison of movies, you can visit Bane vs Ares Movies List. Fails. However, it really doesn’t matter since all the actors manage to deliver some interesting performances. He never said that ALL blockbusters have no artistic merit, he's saying that it's the kind that doesn't. So did I. Anything negative on r/movies has a hard time getting over 0 upvotes and thus no real discussion develops. So she fights to make a better world. But OP, what are these superhero films that you would say are "truly great"? Idk if it was Patty Jenkin’s idea or if the studio forced her to put in a big action sequence. Which in the realm of super hero movies is pretty damn good. Yeup. "Oh you're a secretary. If by that you mean a place for casual film-discussion (you can like or dislike Kubrick, neither opinion should be downvoted out of hand), then do it. [–]willflameboy 11 points12 points13 points 3 years ago (0 children). The villain was boring and I think missed a lot of what made Ares awesome in the comic. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, the son of Zeus and Hera, king and queen of the gods, and his Roman counterpart is Mars. So often the most daring films actually come out of smaller budgets that don't have to answer to money. 1 exploring Diana's birth, her culture's philosophy about men/war, ending with her decision to leave. [–]PertKelly 23 points24 points25 points 3 years ago (0 children). [–]Mithridates12 66 points67 points68 points 3 years ago (1 child). Clear, polite and well-written responses should be upvoted; opinions should not be downvoted. Yes, Wonder Woman had to fight Ares in the first movie, but that wasn't the main point of the movie. Shades of Armond White, and I love the old crazy black, gay Republican dude, so I loved your comment also. Ryker would walk into the Ares cabin and sit down. It featured a female in the leading role of a superhero movie. It just makes no sense at all. On the bright side, there are some great foreign/independent films being made without corporate studio blessing. The Wonder Woman movie is already cheesy in parts, so it's not exactly out of place. [–]drawn_boy 14 points15 points16 points 3 years ago (4 children). I think we'll have to wait some time before we get a legitimately great female - led superhero movie. As he puts the finishing touches to his Roald Dahl adaptation The Witches, Robert Zemeckis has signed on for a return to the sci-fi genre, with … Being the war cabin, he picked war movies; Fury, Troy, Dunkirk, Lone Survivor, as well as some greek mythology movies to make fun of including Immortals, Wrath of the Titans, and the animated Hercules. [–]ncolaros 10 points11 points12 points 3 years ago (1 child). Email. So it all comes down to this. Think about it: he resided in the heavens before being cast out (fallen angel), and he doesn't force people into wrongdoing as much as give them a little encouragement. There's not a one that isn't heavily dependent on the tropes you're talking about, and that's sort of the point of them. Well, who’s to say Ares isn’t alive? [–]Ralph_Finesse 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (0 children). I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. But what makes a film 'good' is entirely subjective. [–]newtothelyte 18 points19 points20 points 3 years ago (4 children). The slow mo looks so bad. These friends are all females in the entertainment industry who want to be directors. I heavily believe that it enhanced the film due to her false hope that Ares was at fault for everything the ending with Steve telling him that it's humanity itself which is at fault was a very well done sequence (even though it could be handled better + the ending). However, it is back now with a new repository link and an update which can be installed on your computers. I do not have faith that Justice League will be good, at all. It shows an utter contempt and lack of consideration for the rest of the cast and crew who worked hard to put out the best movie they could. I guess her punching this guy is her recognizing that people can be evil? [–]relationships_guru 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (12 children), You have a lot of valid points. In Netflix’s stylish horror new show, 'Ares', Dutch university student Rosa’s life turns upside-down when she joins an elite, exclusive secret society. Giving Diana sudden Hadouken powers to use against Professor Lupin while he tries to look intimidating is hardly any more ridiculous than that part of Guardians of the Galaxy where Star Lord distracts Ronan the Accuser with an attempted dance-off. John Adams miniseries ( Trailer ) Ares ( French: Arès ) is a 180 character minimum for top-level.... Have any of the latter 's many godly children manner they deal with PTSD aunt fought over conceal/nurture..., isolated from all other cultures shows women can be installed on your.. Dabble and not worthy of reputable parley ( imo ) is that Marvel/Disney has saturated the.. Totesmessenger 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago ( 0 children ) ) (... As having been killed by Ares while Ares was more or less responsible WW1. 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