We use cookies to create the best site experience. Perhaps a more accurate description would go something like this: Strategic partner. Excited to hear that the list was helpful! Without support, advice, and extra connections, the EA might not have been so successful; one can only accomplish so much by asking for favors on Craigslist. Then take a break and repeat. One of the surest ways to erode the trust between you and your boss is to be careless with sensitive info. But it’s best to act quickly and confidently and move things forward rather than wait around for further clarity, or worse, permission. Work to improve performance and job satisfaction. Executive assistants typically function as support to high level executives and managers. They welcome people to meetings, answer phones, and arrange travel on behalf of their executive. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. When that didn’t work, she picked up the phone and tapped into her network of other EAs, cashing in longstanding favors and negotiating for favors down the line. People skills are a must, and a huge part of that is reading people’s emotional cues and body language. Thank you for the additional resources included. Today’s executives lean on their assistants not just for admin help, but for strategic counsel, technical expertise, and critical analysis. Assistants… don’t wait for your executive to ask you the status of a project, task, follow-up item or other requests. I’ll add my two-cents Be humble and remember that everyone is integral to your company, from the janitor to the CEO. It has been so difficult finding information as detailed and helpful as this article. Trust is probably the single biggest determining factor when it comes to success in the EA role. We do! Start off your own list of resources with our favorite secret: Let’s not sugarcoat things – executives can be demanding! Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation Teaching Negotiation Resource Center offers. Perhaps this is part of the networking or communication items – but I’ve found that when people think you’re kind, they are much more likely to negotiate with you, work well with you and be willing to do favors when you need them. Describing the EA as well as you did, makes us feel worthy of our jobs. By using this site, you agree to this use. Here are some adapted takeaways: What about you? (PS – Get more sh*t done with The Assist — the #1 free weekly newsletter made for assistants by assistants.). This article truly shed some light regarding how much focus and dedication this PA position may require. The best EAs become trusted confidants and counsel for their execs. This is probably one of THE BEST EA articles I have EVER read. III. You can change your cookie choices and withdraw your consent in your settings at any time. It is important because it manages a resource that is more precious and non-renewable than cash – time. Many taskmasters swear by the Pomodoro Technique for getting through their to-do lists. It was specific. She used negotiating skills to nab tickets that everyone wanted. Someone that understood the work of an EA and lays it out clearly and beautifully. This may mean a working knowledge of Slack, Calend.ly, Evernote, Hootsuite, Salesforce, and Zuora, just to name a few. Hi Susan! If you’re on hold, why not do some quick filing or data entry? Thank you for the tips and the resources opportunities out there. Gossiping, adding fuel to office rumors, or posting about private company affairs in public forums like social media is never ok. Of course, mistakes happen. We’ve interviewed executive assistants from different companies and asked them for valuable tips every executive assistant could use. 39 Thoughtful Employee Appreciation Ideas Remember, you have a perspective that very few in the company have. Leadership: Executive Assistant’s often manage people, so one must be able to step up and get the team on track. She tapped into her solid network to make magic. Practice negotiating often, especially when nothing is at stake. I guess for now i’ll settle for book-marking and adding brilliant blog! It is not yet official but I have an interview – via phone – in a few days. A: During our research for our annual State of The Executive Assistant Report, we found that EA’s are typically doing the work of three or more people by themselves. Excellent article! And yes Vanessa L. you do have to kind, positive, open minded and not take things or comments personally, greeting people with a smile always brightens their day! Best read ever. If your organization game could use some improvement, check out monday.com (our favorite) as a solution! Please reach out if there is anything that we can ever do to help you out: richard.fendler@snacknation.com. (PS – Become your boss’ hero: get your hands on The Assist — the #1 free weekly newsletter made for assistants by assistants.). thank you. True, you’ll rarely have all the information you need. While there’s a grain of truth to the idea of the EA as “gatekeeper,” this description barely scratches the surface of all the value that you provide. You interact with employees at all levels and probably work with tons of departments. Very helpful and succinct. The expert tips for an Executive Assistant Welcome feedback from … I’d definitely donate to this One of the most painless I’ve ever experienced. I. Optimizing the Calendar – Scheduling meetings is a large part of the EA role. Santa Clara University has a fantastic resource page on developing negotiating skills. Taking the time to fully utilize these tools will help with your overall productivity and can assure your executive that you are prepared for any tool that comes across your path. 1 Yet this may not always be the best course of action. Beyond that, communication is foundational. Making Meetings Efficient – Scheduling meetings efficiently is half the battle. While I definitely think this label is an oversimplification, it does ring true in one fundamental way – rockstar EAs help their bosses limit distractions and focus only on the most pressing issues and highest leverage activities. It’s important to keep things in perspective and be able to laugh at yourself (and your boss) every once in a while. It was the hottest ticket in town. This might go without saying, but the organization is an absolute must for Executive Assistants. Prioritize (and reprioritize) your tasks with your boss, preferably once a day. In simpler terms, EAs need to help their bosses prioritize, and they need to be absolutely ruthless about it. A good Assistant knows that making the impossible possible comes with the territory. Many of our executive protection operatives (bodyguards) are seeking training for I learned a lot from this article. However, as we’ve heard time and again from Executive Assistants, some degree of multi-tasking is essential to the role. In a single day, you might deal with executives at other companies, investors and board members, vendors fighting for your company’s business, or journalists trying to get your boss to say something on the record. Remember, execs want to be able to bounce ideas off you or gauge your reaction to proposed solutions. - EAs often set the stage for the contact many people have with an executive. How can you skew it toward your side? Thank you ~ I’m looking for a way of becoming a great minute taker any suggestions? Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. An Executive Assistant is like a spokesperson for their executive. See our, Lessons from the Mayflower Compact on its…, Leadership Lessons from Lincoln's Gettysburg…. Whether you’re coordinating one meeting or multiple high-level meetings over the course of a year, there are some best practices that you MUST use to keep yourself, your executive, the executives who attend the meetings, and maybe most importantly – those board members’ assistants organized. With experience, the admin will learn from the Manager what worked well and thus, know how to handle for the next occurrence.”. Most of the skills listed in this article simply aren’t possible without good communication. Today’s executives lean on their assistants not just for admin help, but for counsel, technical expertise, and critical analysis. Just whilst going through all the sections, how much work, attention to duty, attention to all kinds of everything, I should have been paid in gold. Select Accept cookies to consent to this use or Manage preferences to make your cookie choices. To do it, you need scrappy resourcefulness and a resolve to get sh*t done—both qualities a free newsletter like The Assist, can help you deepen and develop. I now know the areas where I need to improve. But more than likely, these people cultivated their impressive negotiating skills. Being an Administrative or Executive Assistant is not always a walk in the park. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! Executive assistants are similar to administrative assistants or secretaries in that they all support someone else's work—usually an executive—by handling or supervising office duties. However, an opportunity to enter into this field has literally arisen out of nowhere. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of how important our job is and what a big role we play for our executives. About the Author: Victor Prince is a keynote speaker, critical thinking trainer, and executive coach. Thanks, Amerilda! Here are three best practices in calendar management: Incorporate External Patterns – Executive’s schedules are often bounded by fixed, external patterns … After your conversation, write down the two or three biggest takeaways from your conversation. Simple. The critical first step is in being clear on big picture goals. Try to be creative while still focusing on your skills, education, and prior experiences. I want more. We were a great team. We need more articles like this as I only found his today and have been searching the net for a few days for a course that covers these skills. To build more analytical thinking skills, the education experts at Udemy, an online learning platform, recommend a variety of simple steps. Ensuring those meeting slots are used efficiently is the other half. The ability to roll with the punches, reset after a bad day, and keep things in perspective are all essential to becoming a killer EA. I would share with you five online courses every Executive Assistant … They’ve all made me appreciate how important and difficult the EA job is. Great article! Thanks for sharing! It explains with simple words what the profession is about. For example, if a report from a recent survey suggests that most employees would be happier if they had free coffee, you could ask about the sample size. I’ll be checking those out. Some of them more practical than others, but all very helpful for becoming a great executive assistant. Anything we missed? Some examples that we cover in our article are, Top Skills for Dedicated Executive Assistants, 12. Prioritization is something you work on in collaboration with your boss and is definitely something you’ll both get better at over time. In my 20-plus year career from intern to COO, I’ve worked with dozens of executive assistants (EAs). Who are you people? Being an EA is not easy and it takes a lot of effort and perseverance and patient. Elite EA’s treat that investment even more carefully than they treat a $1000 order of office supplies. This article served as a great reference tool and a great reminder of those little and not-so-little details I need to focus on to be effective in my workplace. Truly great EAs play chess, not checkers. For instance, if your experience has taught you that your boss is sharper in the morning hours than after lunch, schedule that tough meeting in the morning, not the afternoon. Goal Frameworks & Best Practices For Executive Assistants Executive assistants today are operating in a much faster pace of execution and taking on significantly expanded scopes. Great adds, Dani! Do you have any recommendations for books or other literature for EA’s that would assist them in their career progression? Here are some of our favorite networking tips and tricks: Want to know what else the EA who scored impossible-to-find Lakers tickets did well? Thanks Lisa. EAs are expected to dabble in things as wide and varied as project management, event planning, and internal communications. I thought today. Caroo.com Talk soon! 31 Sensational Swag Bag Ideas The thing is, courtside Laker seats are hard enough to find under normal circumstances. Internally, you interact with employees at every level within the org, from entry-level contributors to managers, all the way up to the c-suite. But, you should also make sure you have the basics covered and there really isn’t a better place to start than with a good old-fashioned book. I’ll never forget what she did after her boss walked into his office after so casually dropping that bomb on her –. About You might have a hand in some pretty big decisions, ones that affect the future of your company and the livelihoods of the people you work with. Whether it’s news about an upcoming acquisition, HR matters, financial reports, or trade secrets, top-level executives constantly deal with sensitive information. (HINT: This helps you hold true to the “Urgent AND Important” Rule.) Simply put, you can’t prioritize without crystal clear objectives to help guide you. Consider the leverage on both sides. I’ve worked with several executive assistants over the years, and I have found it is a make-or-break relationship when it comes to my success. Visualize your hypothetical actions and expand your thinking skills through. The numbers might seem significant, but if only 20 people out of a 500-person company actually took the survey, then the results might not tell a conclusive story after all. Q: What are the most important skills to learn as an executive assistant? Just as you might make a daily practice of touching base with an in-office assistant, it's good practice to regularly check in with your Prialto assistant. Tailor your marketing pitch to your ideal candidate and let those job seekers know why your company is a great place to work. Very helpful I thought I would just skim through the read but got fully engaged in the Interesting articles! Thanks for sharing this with us. But when you can, pair the more mindless activities together to maximize your time. The Effective Executive Assistant (EEA) builds value for the business by supporting the executive in such a manner that he or she is able to more effectively perform his or her job. but it was great because I had an absolutely fantastic boss, who appreciated me all the time and that made me go over and above. Here’s what Wulfhart says you should do when making an important decision: “Don’t choose something just because you’re “supposed to.”, “Remember that doing something trumps doing nothing.”. New Zealand. Executive Assistant Job Description. The Only Corporate Event Planning Checklist You’ll Ever Need. Start a niche blog. Top Skills for Dedicated Executive Assistants. Be sure you provide clear statements related to the executive assistant objectives and goals. They will say be “quick and decisive” with your decisions and move on to the next topic without pointing you in any specific direction on ways to become that way. Great catch, Lilly! But these weren’t normal circumstances. And on the other side, we have many Executive Assistants adding security-related training to their skillset. The link is fixed. The very best executive assistants use their intuition, judgment, business knowledge, motivational techniques, and personal leadership to become an integral element of the executive’s … Keep these in a spreadsheet for easy reference. Elite EAs figure out how to deliver great impressions consistently through these best practices. Online training for Executive and Personal Assistants is common, and there are a lot of fantastic courses that Assistants can take, for free or for a small price that will help further their career and professional development. I joined different committees in the organization to know the pulse of the organization and act as strategic advisor to the Executive director. and amazing article. Both an art and a science, negotiating mystifies many. 164. Guardian. Member Reviews I could not really put into context all that I did – it was a lot (internal communications, project management, event planning, stakeholder liaison, support for board of directors, etc.) Great Article. In fact, being creative and unique on your resume is one of the best executive assistant resume skills you can hold. Privacy Policy Many EAs keep a “little black book” (a.k.a. Reminding us to always be decisive and truthful is highly appreciated because sometimes executives can be rude and disgraceful. You’ve re-inspired me to stick with my challenging EA role. I look forward to new updates and will (Knowing they would likely encounter nearly any nameable challenge in their careers, these savvy EAs found a way to remember every potentially useful resource.). Since many executives want numbers to back up decisions, it’s important that EAs know how to question sources. Doing so might be the difference between diffusing a fraught situation or throwing your boss to the lions (something she definitely won’t appreciate). Take the Quiz Many EA articles/books give very generic advice with no real supporting materials to accompany it. Thanks Madison! Gatekeeper. We and third parties such as our customers, partners, and service providers use cookies and similar technologies ("cookies") to provide and secure our Services, to understand and improve their performance, and to serve relevant ads (including job ads) on and off LinkedIn. They are a great place for me to start on my developmental journey. I have been doing some quick research on PA/EA’s and the services they provide. Pro-Tip: A good assistant knows that making the impossible possible comes along with the territory. It’s that simple: an Executive Assistant is only as effective as the executive he or she assists. A: The EA function has transformed from a supporting role to more of a strategic partner. You are simply amazing. Trusted confidant. Here are some key takeaways: In the introduction, we mentioned that EA roles have been steadily growing more strategically. Focus. Here are some resources to help you stay calm when things get a little crazy. 74 Insanely Fun Team Building Activities for Work, 57 Fun Virtual Team Building Activities I will definitely be checking out the links referenced throughout the article for additional information! If you’re not quite confident in your understanding of the ins and out of your company and your competitors, there’s a fun and easy way to quickly get up to speed. After a good negotiation, everyone should walk away with something. Just finished one one Sean Kelly’s webinar for Executive Assistants. Tech Blog Set up a time each day (or 2 or 3 times a day, if necessary) where you guys will check in with one another to see if anything came up. Creating highly specific content that speaks to other EAs is a great way to carve out a network of like-minded professionals. The difference is that an executive assistant is specifically a senior office staff member assigned to a top executive. Good read. Here’s something else to consider when it comes to communication – a good EA knows that real talk rules the day. In many situations, your words are treated as if they are your boss’s, so polished emails and proper phone etiquette are a must. They also have to communicate out to large teams of people who may work several layers of management from them on the organization chart. Consider this – an explosion of organizational tools, note-taking apps, communications platforms, and calendaring solutions means that most execs are actually more self-sufficient than they’ve ever been. Improve Information Flow - Executives often have a tidal wave of information coming in the form of emails, voicemails and other. Q: How can I improve as an executive assistant? Tania What’s the one skill that has been most responsible for your success? It is sooooo important that Assistants continually develop and stay up to date with new methods and best practice. thank you for sharing such informative and worth reading topics. It has highlighted the areas that I want to develop and given some great resources to start developing those skills. We work on our habits, rituals and routines via our subconscious mind 90-95% of the time, therefore we need to make sure we have efficient and effective habits. Ligaya Fieler, Senior Executive Assistant at SurveyMonkey, walks us through how she’s personally accomplished these … 135 to 160. It must be frustrating. With that in mind, there are still recommended and battle-tested skills that top executive assistants swear by. To ensure that you have job security, and become one of your executive’s favorite people, here’s seven tips on how to effectively manage an executive calendar. The ability to troubleshoot for your boss is a must-have skill. Sign me up. Terms and Conditions This was great! We recently surveyed 1,273 Executive Assistants in our State of The Executive Assistant Facebook group and monday.com was voted their favorite productivity/organization tool to use. Facts, figures, and statistics are only as good as their collection methods. You can leverage a strong analytical skillset in any situation, from handling tricky social scenarios to making far-reaching company budget decisions. Technology: An Executive Assistant should have knowledge about prioritization software, presentation software, graphics software, Microsoft office, etc. Lunch! The ideas you’ve shared will be helpful for future purpose and reference. Find these candidates by using our Executive Assistant test. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Why is it always about what the worker does for the employer? For more information, see our Cookie Policy. Many EAs also take on de-facto internal communications roles, drafting internal emails on behalf of their boss. The EA function has transformed from a supporting role to more of a strategic one. Here are three best practices in making meetings efficient. Very good article! Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. It’s not just about getting a base-line understanding to stick it on your resume. Join the movement: … I agree that being kind is key. She paused, took a deep breath, and immediately got to work. As an EA, how many times have you been asked to pull off the impossible? EAs are expected to dabble in things as wide and varied as project management, event planning, and internal communications. Good read and resources that I will be going back to again and again. Executive Assistants who can prioritize multiple high-priority tasks, manage progression of different projects, and keep high-level executives organized are priceless to a business. A fantastic article, just what I was looking for. I will share this within my network as I often get asked what it is that I do… . GREAT info and timeless. Very resourceful and on point. Executive Assistant [Intro Paragraph] This first paragraph should contain a brief, two- to three-sentence description of your company. This new landscape increases the need to understand the business goals and objectives in order to proactively support their leaders and organizations. --> Like this article? EA courses. 59 Ridiculously Fun Virtual Happy Hour Ideas This plays out in two ways. Truly a great guide, all the points seems very generic in my day to day life but those generic points only means a lot and how effectively I can handle them, make more out of it is what shared here. Which, of course, means their assistants do too. Here are the 12 best practices I learned from some exceptionally talented Executive Assistants I've been lucky to see in action. Traffic cop. To build and maintain a strong support network, EAs have to cultivate amazing networking skills. For much the same reasons, communication skills are a huge part of the EA equation. Our brains just aren’t made to handle more than one complex task at a time. Are there EA organizations or conferences that anyone has participated in and would suggest? Hope these tips are helpful! ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ will be noticed by both. Which of our competitors keep you up at night? This was a great article! Here’s the thing. 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