Correct pup for staring, fixating, not heeling, and generally reacting aggressively - don't wait for a full blown aggressive response, pup is likely to respond much better when she hasn't gotten highly aroused yet and full of adrenaline. He is now 5. Be vigilant and take the pressure off of your dogs - you want them to learn to look to you when there is a problem, and for them to learn respect for each other because you have taught it to them and not because they have used aggression or had to hide all the time. Hello Noah, Hello Janna, I also suggest signing up for a puppy kindergarten class that has time for off leash to help him learn to control the pressure of his mouth by playing with other puppies and being given feedback - the play in the class should be monitored and puppies given breaks and calmed back down if a puppy starts to bully or feel overwhelmed. Caitlin Crittenden. I don't recommend letting most dogs work it out for themselves initially - but instead enforcing rules among the dogs so that the household is calmer and there are less opportunities for issues to arise to begin with. only walk her, have other owners handle their own dogs. Practice passing the dog over and over again until both dogs can pass each other calmly - you are desensitizing them to each other. Ask lots of questions to be sure they have the experience you need before hiring. Get professional help, use basket muzzles, or both if you are in danger of being bitten - always take precautions to avoid a bite - don't assume a dog won't bite because any dog can. When that’s not in her character at all. If he obeys, praise and reward him. Hello Heather, Good luck and all the best to Scumpi and Lulu! Best of luck training, Right now your older dog probably feels overwhelmed by pup and because of his age it’s harder for her to handle him and keep up with his energy. You can do this by organizing play dates through your groomer or veterinarian, or you can take your dog to a dog park and see if anyone is interested in introducing their little guy to your big guy. Sometimes he’ll growl but he hasn’t gotten snippy in a few trips... big dogs though are a whole different story. Hello Christian, If he disobeys and continues bothering her, use a Pet Convincer - which is a small canister of pressurized, unscented air and spray a small puff at his side while saying Ah Ah - to interrupt him, then have him to to Place. Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. It doesn’t matter what breed of dog it is. They need to have time where they are simply just calmly coexisting, and Place is also a good way to teach them impulse control and calm respect for you and how to cope with the other dogs being around better. Caitlin Crittenden, Oh I see the link you put in now, thank you. Our question is, will they ever be able to grow comfortable together or do we have a larger issue on our hands? A loose leash or back tie leash are good ideas, but your body language should be calm and relaxed so don't tense up on the leash. He scares her by his size and is getting a lot of attention. Tell her "Let's Play!" If you feel Kylo is playing too rough, you can make him sit (if possible!) Children can be very threatening to dogs. If he obeys and leaves them alone, praise softly and give a treat. Help me. Good day.My 2 furry babies used to get along so well they use to play together, sleep together, eat out the same bowl. Don't feel sorry for either dog, but give clear boundaries instead. Control him on his leash so he doesn't overreact, become too excited, and injure the little dog. He doesn’t bark and seems to tolerate other people when I take him out on walks. Use the Surprise method from the article linked below to gradually help him learn to be calm in the crate and to relax by using rewards for being Quiet. They've already tussled twice and the chihuahua got injured. The Aussie has bitten our Maltese a few times and snaps at her but it doesn’t look mean, he just wants to play. I’ve read the article and we definitely tried this, we will continue to try as well, I was going to get her a soft muzzle to just be cautious. Out command: Get puppy in a good puppy class with time for off-leash play and that is a better way for pup to learn the right control and socialization. Best of luck training, After Indy attacks him, Winston starts attacking back and since he is so much larger than Indy, he will pin him to the floor and start biting him, which hurts Indy. When you are not home, they absolutely need to be kept separate. It is unfortunate that she has been through all of these things. Before you bring a new puppy home, consider having a scent article. Then just give everyone some space in the house while they settle in with eachother. With the dogs still on leashes, have them do some commands they know together. With proper training and management they do co-exist well though. First, crate train the dogs using the crate manners and Surprise methods from the article and video linked below. Make sure she knows you're going to take care of her and not let her get hurt. Once your big dog and the little dog are sharing the same spaces together, continue to practice these steps offering them rewards every time they show no interest in being aggressive or when you catch them sniffing and exploring or playing nicely. Zoe has the same reaction when Winston tries to play with her. Teach all the dogs the following commands and crate train each dog. We would like to know the best way to introduce the two without any fights or behavioural problems with the older dog. I’m just wondering if it’s good to maybe introduce him to the bigger dogs as I hold him, pet the bigger dogs for a bit to show him that I am ok with them and they are nice, maybe have them sit, then have him sniff them a bit while I hold him? Crate pup at night and when you leave, and you can use an exercise pen with some toys in it also. For socialization, work on calm obedience commands like Place and Down Stay and have people come over to your house and toss treats to him for staying calmly. The best thing you can do for both of them is to take them on long walks together during the first few days the dachshund comes home. For example, if pup comes over to your other dog when he is trying to sleep, tell pup Out. I highly recommend enrolling puppy in a puppy kindergarten class that has time for off-leash play to help pup learn socialization, gentle play, and bite inhibition with other dogs - other puppies play differently than adults so puppies learn those things best primarily through playing with puppies also younger than 6 months old. Okay, so I had the two small dogs (Westy and Spitz,both females) for a few years now, and they have a sister bond. We have a Australian cattle dog mix with German shepherd who just turned one and is fixed. Best of luck training, When he can do this method, then add in the practice around other dogs on the long leash (training leash, not retractable leash, check out medota brand 20' leashes or similar type training leashes). Which is a bit like red light, green light for dogs. So just provide support if any of them regress with things they already know. Caitlin Crittenden. Life would need to be very structured and dogs played with and fed separately, to avoid competition early on. The truth about kids and dogs. This guide has great tips: Hello Toni, This is a problem when their dog is over-excited. Crate manners: Good luck and keep working on these tips! Best of luck training, Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. They get close and he snaps, curls into attack position and gets the teeth out. Use the Surprise method from the article linked below to gradually help her learn to be calm in the crate and to relax by using rewards for being Quiet. No aggression, no pushiness, no stealing toys, no stealing food, no being possessive of people or things, no bothering another dog when they want to be left alone, or any other unwanted behavior - if one dog is causing a problem you be the one to enforce the rules so that the dogs are NOT working it out themselves. 3. Samuel is kept outside in a separate fence and Victoria has her own larger territory of the back yard that is also fenced in. No bothering another dog when they want to be left alone. When you cannot supervise, attach him to yourself with a leash or confine him in a sturdy exercise pen with a food stuffed chew toy. I suggest testing out one on one interactions with other dogs to see if Liberty can simply peacefully co-exist around another dog without aggression or anxiety. Leave It method: But since he’s about 60lbs and the other dog is a miniature schnauzer, it almost seemed like he attacked the other dog and the dog was shaking in fear. If you are really worried about a bite from your larger dog you can also get him used to wearing a basket muzzle and use that tool at first. He once tried to bite a small dog and on another occasion he was just too excited to play that he jumped on top. Practice this with one friend until the dogs do well together - expect this to take multiple sessions before you can calmly walk them side by side together. We tried taking them on a play date at a neutral location (the lake park). Because big dogs can be intimidating, some small Check out the Passing Approach and Walking together methods from the article I have linked below. It sounds like their could be some resource guarding going on other than just with food too, such as with people or objects too. I have four son's and she is great with them and was always gentle with our youngest. Use his daily meal kibble to introduce it, rewarding him for sniffing it, touching it, putting his face into it, letting you clip it, then wearing it for longer. Repeat this a few times each training session, then end the session (have lots of frequent shorter sessions throughout the day). this has led to whenever i allow my g.s. Another issue is that Zoe is TERRIFIED of Winston because he is so much taller than her and barks and screams at the top of her lungs whenever he goes near her. Leave It method: He sleeps in his crate at night and doesn’t even cry now to go to bed and sleeps great. Out command: If he disobeys, stand in front of your sleeping dog, blocking the other dog from getting to him, and walk toward pup calmly but firmly until he leaves the area and stops trying to go back to the sleeping dog. All of the methods have important points, so be sure to read it through. play your cards right, they should play together too. Check out the Passing Approach and Walking together methods from the article I have linked below. About Prong collars: Help would be very appreciated. Hello Kendra, If Abner shows any form of aggression toward you at any point get help with the training from a professional trainer who specializes in aggression, fear, reactivity, and behavior problems - an obedience class isn't the only thing needed - you want a trainer who will work one-on-one and is experienced with behavior problems like aggression in addition to obedience. Leave It method: Down-Stay: If the problem gets even worse, I suggest a no-playing rule, and adding more structure to help with calmness - like Place and Leave It more often. Spray a small quick puff of air at his side while saying "Ah Ah" calmly. I'm getting a little puppy and it will be a small breed. This will come with socialization in a controlled setting and also with the knowledge of basic obedience commands. You want pup to begin associating big dogs with that type of calm, structured, boring, focused, and pleasant activity (the walk itself is pleasant when kept calm). I just got Buzz and introduced him to my 2 dogs (female chihuahua) and (male german shepard). This is normal and everyone will go back to THEIR normal once they adjust a little. Caitlin Crittenden. For the playing, work on Out and moderate play. Caitlin Crittenden. If your family is willing, I recommend they teach their dogs things like Place, Out, and Leave It too, incase their dogs try to pester yours and the pestering lead to fights. I've tried teaching him "no pull" and "heel", but it doesn't seem to be working. A good way to help them bond is by taking them on walks together - especially if the walks are a bit more structured and one dog on either side or two people walking them separately - so pup can't jump on the older dog or bite them during the walk. Working method and Consistency method: Hello, Leo is a rescue we have had him for about a month. From picking breeds, practicing obedience, and taking it slow, you too can have your pets live together in harmony. Let them explore. Pup should be in an exercise pen or crate with a durable chew toy when you can't supervise. I let them be in the same room if either one is being held to lay next to one of use so the other may Rome free..please help me, Hello Shasha, Out: This demeanor may encourage your big dog even more. As soon as she gets calm or sits, praise and give a treat. He is not dominant in anyway (I have 2 other huskies and he is the submissive one). I still don't know what to do with them, I have done most of the things you have said to me over the course of these days, some things I knew and implemented beforehand, but I don't see any big and positive changes going on. Some of these cases are easily resolved with behavior modification, others require life-long management and high levels of training to ensure safety. She growls and shows her teeth and then snaps and tries to bite king. We recently adopted a 3yr old German Shepard/Austrailian Shepard mix. One time he was sitting in a chair and she didn't do anything and then another time he's sitting in the same chair and she will attack without any other situational changes. If so stick to the big dog section and leave whenever a small dog comes. He is also trained well to come on command as well as sit and lay. If you want pup to be free but don't want to chase after him while you are home, you can also clip him to yourself using a six-foot leash, so that he has to stay near you and not wander near your other dog. She's a healthy 75lbs and is extremely friendly with people/kids. Check out VirChewLy leashes for a chewproof leash if he chews normal leashes. He’s big but he also seems to think like he’s a lap dog because he’s very clingy to me. He’ll tuck his tail and run from a teacup yorkie that barks even once at him. Someone should always be aware of the potential for aggression or fear with a new dog, especially one that may have a history of some type of issue. Walking with the prong collar: Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. Good luck! Inside, keep things structured and calm - with puppy in an exercise pen or crate when you can't work with the dogs right now. Feed the dogs in separate locked crates at meal times, or at least in different spaces. Before you introduce two dogs that will be living together, it is essential that you prepare your first dog for the arrival of the new dog. Put these two dogs how do i calm her down and play less rough, Hello Bella, Whenever puppy enters the room, give your older dog a treat while pup is not looking. Hold up two treats so both dogs can see. Caitlin Crittenden. Your attitude in the household needs to be very calm and confident. Out command - which means leave the area - read the entire article: Decide what your rules are and when one dog breaks them intervene. For now work on calm obedience commands in the presence of other dogs so that he simply associates the dogs with calmness, focus on you, and something pleasant - treats for obeying. We also have a very playful 1 1/2 year old cat. I want to try and fix this problem because I'm planning on rescuing a bigger dog, but I'm not sure if I can with her like this. Be sure to never leave the two unattended. Caitlin Crittenden. Come: If he disobeys, stand in front of your older dog, blocking the pup from getting to him, and walk toward pup calmly but firmly until pup leaves the area and stops trying to go back to your older dog. This is a non-confrontational way to gradually help build respect. If puppy obeys, praise and reward him. When we take him for a walk he rarely heals and pulls a lot of the time. Try not to let puppy see you rewarding him though so that he doesn’t run over and overwhelm him. He can still learn to get along well with small dogs and kids and enjoy them, he just needs to learn to be calmer around them. Place: Thank You! We recently just adopted a German Shepard, Pyrenees male 3 year old and we are struggling with our Papillon mix mounting him and then him turning around and attacking/hurting the smaller one. We have left them at home for hours before and no one was eaten but how do I know if they will for sure get along. Pups have to learn self-control just like any other skill. Thank you for the question and very kind of you to adopt Stella. I would work on teaching him commands to increase impulse control so that you can call him away from them, but this will be to manage and not to get to the point where he can play safely. For example, if pup comes over to your other dog when he is trying to sleep, tell pup Out. Ice and the other dogs (English Bulldogs) didn’t get along too well and we had to give him up, but we hadn’t thought about getting a trainer. This weekend, I will be introducing a small dog to a big dog. I’ve been trying the treat method listed here along with keeping one in a crate while the other can sniff at them without a fight breaking out. However, he is now 90 pounds and has gotten too big to continue to play the way he is used too. Second, teach both dogs the Out command (which means leave the area) and make whoever any dog causing issues leave the area as needed - including any dog guarding something, trying to play to rough, pestering the other dog while they are sleeping, ect... He will see another dog at 500 ft. away and start "dancing" back and forth, yelping and jumping on two feet, eager to charge and snap. And, for safety reasons, if this behavior continues much longer, I advise you take her to see a behaviorist because personal, face to face assistance can go a long way. Puppies do need to play - but not really with older dogs, but with other puppies. If they are not getting along, separate them slightly so they can't fight. I triex walking them together on a leash and holding them close to eachother but without any big changes. Increase his exercise by way of long walks and even runs. Exposing Otto to dogs of all sizes in a controlled setting is a good idea (be sure to explain Otto's personality change to the trainer when you sign up). However, she has on/off aggression with my terrier (about 20 pounds). Do as many commands as they can get through while expecting them to react and respond at the same time and rewarding them at the same time. On the flip side, if your ankle biter has a bit of a Napoleon complex, she could intimidate some large dogs -- especially if she's prone to chasing them around or can be a little yippy. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. No aggression, no pushiness, no stealing toys, no stealing food, no being possessive of people or things, or any other unwanted behavior - if one dog is causing a problem you be the one to enforce the rules so that the dogs are NOT working it out themselves. Place: My concern is not only that they are not getting along but also that Samuel will get much bigger and could possibly harm Victoria sense they do not have a solid relationship. Best of luck training, You would also want to check with the instructor to make sure some of the dogs in the class will be small dogs in the one you join. 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