Students also learn new skills which are useful in school life. Therefore, their level of involvement in the extra-curricular activities limited to the desired and willingness of themselves. It also improves stamina and mental alertness. These activities are very beneficial for children. Shreya Thalvayapati, Student Contributor. Even more importantly, they love to see students who are developing their talents and passions. Co-curricular activities are important just as academics. Parents feel that extra activities will distract their children from studies. When a student participates in groups or on teams for an extended time, she shows that she is committed to the activity. Students learn skills such as teamwork, better social skills, and critical thinking. Extracurricular activities have shown many positive benefits in recent research and studies, from teaching them socialization and team skills to stress management and health benefits. Just as leisure time is important for your mind’s relaxation, extra-curricular activities are inevitable for the development of healthy self-esteem and positive social skills. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and helps in enhancing learning process of students at school. Better Physical & Mental health It is seen that students who take part in co-curricular activities show a marked improvement in their academic scores. (Importance of Extracurricular activities) A high school student considering a career as a nonprofit manager might join a community service group to explore the field. Reading Time: 2 minutes When the discussing the role of schools in the development of students, we often focus on the academic aspects as that is the primary function of schools. Importance of Extra Curricular Activities 2. Extracurricular activities are important for the overall development of your child and make them ready for the challenges that they might have to face in their life. 9. It is believed that a student who enjoys his childhood is more keen about learning new things in life. Disclaimer: This is a user generated content for MyStory, a YourStory initiative to enable its community to contribute and have their voices heard. Why Extracurricular Activities are Important Are you wondering how to spend your time outside of school to gain admission into top colleges and how extracurricular activities are actually beneficial? Improved Academic Performance. A student’s social life is as important as their academic life, for their development. These activities enable students to understand concepts such as team-spirit and sportsmanship. Activities like, participation in a school team will help the students grow up physically active. Co-curricular activities are helpful for students as they enhance physical fitness as well as mental health of a student and also help in relieving students from academic stress. Extra-curriculars are beneficial towards one’s life and future. “The Importance of Extracurricular Activities” Academics are an important part of every student’s high school years. Letting your child explore various positive hobbies can help prevent them from partaking in negative activities children sometimes become involved in. They give peace. Importance of extracurricular activities Learn New and Useful Skills. For example, active participation in an extracurricular activity improves time management skills in students by requiring them to balance coursework and after-school activities. Students in a particular group or on a team share at least one common interest. It has been proven by researchers that extra-curricular activities raise academics, enhance certain life skills, and provide an overall healthier life style, with the addition of it improving college opportunities. and having beneficial effects on students, extracurricular activities are an important element of high school life. Sports, academics, arts, community service — whatever the focus, extracurricular activities keep students busy beyond the school hours. In the process of moving to a new country, learning a second language, and figuring out how to pay for your college experience, international students can easily overlook the importance of taking part in “extra” activities. I, however, differ with that. Breaking the monotony of Academics. Most of us are familiar with the term extracurricular activities. Develop Important Skills. Longer-term extracurricular experiences also seem more genuine than a high school or college senior who suddenly joins every club possible to bulk up her applications. Some students turn their heads away from the idea of extracurricular activities. Students who participate in extra-curricular activities learn how to commit themselves to a particular thing they get involved in. Some students are even interested in more than one activities and they do participate in both keeping in mind about their academics. 10 Reasons why Extra Curricular activities are Important. Essentially, such activities are experiences that are connected to, reinforce, or mirror the main academic curriculum or syllabi activities. Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. It will get them out of the sedentary routine they have thes… Shelley Frost - Updated September 26, 2017, Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article, Mountain Heights Academy: Why Extracurricular Activities Are So Important, CollegeBoard: Extracurriculars Matter — To You and To Colleges. By undertaking co-curricular activities, students can learn good morals from observing how morally upright students behave. The Importance Of Extracurricular Activities 756 Words | 4 Pages. Co-curricular activities generally refer to the activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement what students are learning in school. Students learn to manage time, organizational skills and improved self-confidence. How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking? Increase in Self-esteem 17 Importance Of Extracurricular Activities In College. It is in this phase that important learning is gathered and different opportunities are explored. Some students worry that participating in extracurriculars may take away too much time from their schoolwork, thus hurting their grades; however, extracurricular activities can actually improve your … Instead of cramming your lessons, increase your memory power and score high marks. Importance of Extra-curricular Activities in school life. Participants benefit academically, socially and emotionally when choosing meaningful extracurricular activities. The extracurricular activities allow students to learn something that could stay with them for a lifetime. Obvious choices for extracurriculars are those that match current skills or passions. The experience gained through these activities proves to be a valuable lesson for children to face various obstructions in life with more courage. Students can meet friends from different social groups by joining a sports team, student government or debate” (, 2018). Based in the Midwest, Shelley Frost has been writing parenting and education articles since 2007. Co-curricular activities form the core of students' life. Extra curricular Activities for Mental Power As a student, I faced lots of difficulties in remembering things I learned at school and college. Difference between Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities; Importance of Co-Curricular Activities; Disadvantages of Co-Curricular Activities ; Conclusion; Co-curricular activities exist at all levels of education, from 4th-6th, junior high/middle school, high school, college and university education. For example, if a student plans to major in business, leading a student business group in high school demonstrates skill and interest in the area. But there is a great need to understand that co-curricular or extra-curricular activities plays similar importance as the academics. Understanding the Importance of Extra-curricular Activities The famous saying, ‘’All work no play makes Jack a dull boy,’’ holds coherent meaning in every child’s life. The Importance of Co-curricular Activities for Students Holistic Development. Below is a list of reasons which will help you understand why extracurricular activities are important in a student’s life: Personality Development These activities prepare students to be able to face the hurdles in the future. ‘Such activities are an essential element of the university experience.’ For development, extra activities are also most important in student’s life. Why Extracurricular Activities Are Beneficial to Your Education Abroad. It may seem out of place, but by making more friends through extracurricular activities, students can improve their overall academic experience. Importance of extracurricular activities in student life! Students in the drama club hone acting and set construction skills. Many parents fail to understand the importance of extracurricular activities in a student's life. Sports, for example, can be an excellent way to improve commitment and teamwork. Extracurricular activities are utmost important in a student’s life. Extra-Curricular Activities 5 One way for students to promote and practice their prosocial and interpersonal relationships is to be involved in extracurricular activities outside of school. Importance of extracurricular activities in a student’s life * This facility is offered by almost every good school out there. According to Telfer, students who choose to enroll in clubs, honors societies and other activities beyond the classroom are 15-20% more likely to continue through their program than students who don’t become involved. That balance of activities shows responsibility and specific skills. Importance of extracurricular activities in school life There is always an argument that extracurricular activities are not so much important in a child’s life. SUBMITTED BY RAJ PREMANI K12629 SUBMITTED TO MS. SAYMA KHAN 2. Extracurricular activities are the activities which do not fall under the school or college curriculum but helps in developing the skills and abilities of students. Students also learn to express themselves in a better way. Some end up very extroverted while introverts also learn important skills like giving attention to details and converting challenges to opportunities without raising dust. The adage “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” has acquired a lot of significance today. An extracurricular activity is that activity which does not relate to the professional life based on degrees. Unfortunately, extra curricular activities for students are increasingly relegated to the backseat nowadays, due to highly sedentary lifestyles. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” has acquired a lot of significance today. Extracurricular activities are important for the overall development of your child and make them ready for the challenges that they might have to face in their life. This is because academics play a big role in college acceptance. ‘Extra-curricular activities help students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts,’ says Chris Davison, deputy director of, and careers adviser with, the careers and enterprise team at Durham University. It is as part of developmental modules which can make the students think from a rather plain point of view of themselves and the world around them. All other activities which focus on public service work can inculcate the moral values of love, compassion, and gratitude. ... your extracurricular activities actually teach you important professional skills that you can use in various aspects of your life, especially at work. Extra-curricular activities can help students to strengthen their mind and to promote better time management skills in them. Extra-curricular activities are aimed to improve the fitness of students, be it mental or physical. Regular participation in an extracurricular activity builds a variety of skills in students. ‘Extra-curricular activities help students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts,’ says Chris Davison, deputy director of, and careers adviser with, the careers and enterprise team at Durham University. The focused nature of extracurricular activities allows students to explore their interests while still in school. Student Life. (Massoni, 2011). Article by Bhavana Narayan, September 9, 2014. Also referred to as ‘extracurricular activities,’ activities which fall outside the regular academic curriculum and a part of the school life is called Co-Curricular Activity. Extracurricular activities provide participants with an immediate benefit socially. In such conditions, there is a need for some extra activities. It has been argued that extracurricular activities are not very important in a schoolchild’s life. It improves the energy levels. But those groups, teams and organizations do more than keep kids off the streets. Everything they do will be productive. Sometimes when a school offers sports and extra activities parents do not allow their children to participate. These groups and activities also give kids a chance to test out potential interests. They cool the mind down and remove all the tension. Skills like teamwork, time management, management of any activity, how to lead a group and many more extra skills. It is also important to memorise what you learn at school or college because that is real knowledge. September 26, 2018. This can be obtained by their learning process and experiences from the activities that they had joined. Student life is the beginning of a life-long career for a person. Additionally, the involvement of extracurricular activities has other benefits. 6. Whether students participate in athletics, chess club, […] It boosts metabolism and improves blood circulation. Cultural activities, sports activities, competitions, house on duties and lot more. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a reading endorsement. This is because of the skills they learn from participating in different activities. Some students also feel that they do not need the activities, all they need is to concentrate on their books in many school teachers have to convince parents to permit their children to participate in activities. Students have lots of activities to choose from. This article shades more light to why students should involve in activities such as sports, art, academics and community service during their free time. results showed that the students who participated in school-based extracurricular activities had higher grades, higher academic aspirations, and better academic … In this phase, there is a need to participate in extracurricular activities like singing, dancing, and sports. Nowadays, kids complain of fatigue too often. They provide the much needed leisure and recreation. 4 Multiple studies have linked active involvement in high-level, competitive sports to students being more conscientious, efficient, organized, and systematic. Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Students Graduate Degree/ Major: MS School Counseling Research Adviser: Carol Johnson, Ph.D. MonthfVear: May, 2009 Number of Pages: 39 Style Manual Used: American Psychological Association, 5th edition ABSTRACT Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from the ii many opportunities afforded them. It is good to be on the move always! A student with a strong singing voice may naturally lean toward the show choir, for example. Also, some of the students believe that they does not have any requirement of these activities in their life and they only need to have full concentration on their books. Sports team members build on their existing physical skills. In a study For example, if you join an environmental group at school, your peers might go on to work for environmental organizations. Many students shy away from extracurricular activity for varying reasons. Students who participate in sports and other activities have better leadership skills and learn how to grow and build relations with one another. Search for what you want, categories, tags, keywords, authors, events, anything under YourStory, 9 Tips for Choosing the Right Retail Feedback Software, How to Build Muscles Fast At Home without Weights, SEO Marketing Strategy: Tips for Success in 2021. From strengthening the mind to promoting better time management skills, extracurricular activities can help students succeed in much more than just their academic endeavors. Extracurricular activities also build specific skills related to the focus of the group. INTRODUCTION Extra curricular activities are those that fall outside the normal curriculum of school or university education, performed by students. Importance of extra curricular activities 1. For those who do not know about it, extracurricular activities mean to take part in any extra activity, apart from studies. But mostly for the fact that I was always interested in doing everything else besides studying. You may have heard that extracurriculars are an important part of your high school life. “They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. They learn to manage time and also learn how to keep them engaged in free time also. Co-Curricular Activities are beneficial for students in several ways. These extra activities are more beneficial when the children are enrolled in it sooner based on their interests. Improving those skills builds confidence and provides participants with real-world knowledge and ability. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems. But those groups, teams and organizations do more than keep kids off the streets. Extracurricular activities enable young people to develop profitable learning and promote students’ intellectual growth and academic success. Conclusions Therefore, as students should be given more and more opportunities to explore their interests and abilities, the importance of co-curricular activities cannot be denied. Other general skills include teamwork, accountability, problem-solving and leadership. It gives them a sense of accomplishment to have achieved something while in school. One of the best approaches to building your brand! A student with a flair for mathematics, for example, might become a member of the school’s math honor society program. We often overlook the potential value of participation in extracurricular activities and the transformational benefits that it can have on student development. Extracurricular activities help students to increase their commitment towards a particular thing they get involved in. Few studies have addressed the question of how student engagements to ECA affect student's grade point average (GPA). Extra-curricular activity is a non-academic activity. Importance of Extracurricular Activities in a Student’s Life. The extracurricular involvement allows students to make new friends, build relationships and develop social networks that make school easier to navigate. Students who participate in extra activities need to learn time management. Then, from here, we have to remember, there are also pro’s and con’s when you are being active in extra-curricular. Getting involved beyond school may introduce students to other people they wouldn't normally meet. A study conducted by surveying school-age students in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health … Even if a job or college isn't in the immediate future, getting involved in extracurricular activities now is beneficial down the road. Many schools and colleges have different units like clubs or houses in which all the students have been divided into four houses. A student’s social life is as important as his academic life for growth and development. 2. Students are encouraged by teachers and/or parents everyday to study. Involving children in extra curricular activities will keep them active and energetic. Its probably because they are not used to running around and playing. It has been argued that extracurricular activities are not very important in a schoolchild’s life. The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school completion, positive Lets look at some of the examples of the extra curricular activities and how they help one indulge and learn while being a student. Students who join social groups in school are likely to possess important skills needed for the future. I, however, differ with that. Here are some of the advantages of extra-curricular activities-1) They make your resume look good. In short, extracurricular activities can arm students with many of the skills future employers will be looking for” (, 2018). Extracurricular activities (ECA) are part of students’ everyday life; they play important roles in student’s lives. Time management plays an important role in examinations also, how to write answers in what time is also an important skill to learn. The benefits of extracurricular activities is extensive. “The Importance of Extracurricular Activities ” Academics are an important part of every student’s high school years. In the future, you could use one of those colleagues as a reference when you apply for a job in that field. Ayesha Ilyas. Types of Co-Curricular Activities Extracurriculars allow students to pursue interests outside of a standardized academic context. 3. Each house has a house Master & staff of the school to guide the students for various internal competitions. Extra-curricular activities are offered by almost every school out there. So, these activities can be seen as a necessary side education that fills in the gaps of our primary education. The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities 1. I always do. It also gives you the chance to explore you're passions to discover things you may be interested beyond academics while taking some time off hitting the book. Every activity in school life plays a significant role in development of students. Some students like to join many extra-curricular activities, but other students do not. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. This will enable students to develop strong character. Grouping various activities (sports, artistic, social, cultural etc.) The views and writings here reflect that of the author and not of YourStory. Importance of Extracurricular Activities in a Student's Life Sports, academics, arts, community service — whatever the focus, extracurricular activities keep students busy beyond the school hours. The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school completion, positive aspects to become successful adults, and a social aspect. Machine learning expert fitting into the shoes of a mentor. Artificial Intelligence In eCommerce: It’s Time To Start Using It. An extracurricular activity is that activity which does not relate to the professional life based on degrees. Student life is mostly defined by the different subjects to be studied, … To them, it’s a waste of time and energy. July 18, 2019. Extra activities are also important for the overall development of students. Extracurricular Activities gives a student an opportunity to develop particular skills. Academic priorities will always be paramount but it is essential to be a multitasking individual as it helps in the development of mind, body and soul. When a student is made to do academics and co-curricular activities then only a well-rounded development of the student is done. Extracurricular activities are a necessary part of school life. knowledge that they have learned in other classes and acquire concepts of democratic life.”(2010, 2) Extracurricular activities have many positive effects on education. Time management will be used throughout the life. Students who get involved in extra activities meet new people and because of that their social skills are improved. Then this is for you. For example, these activities play an important role in shaping and directing the passion and interest of the students, apart from the degree courses. Essentially, such activities are experiences that are connected to, reinforce, or mirror the main academic curriculum or syllabi activities. Colleges love to see that students are active, contributing members of their communities. Content marketing? Her experience comes from teaching, tutoring and managing educational after school programs. For a good social life • You may have noticed that, sometimes, sticking only to academics will not fetch you many friends. Extracurricular activities instill key skills and personality traits that can be helpful in other walks of life. Extra curricular activities and its importance 1. There is always an argument that extracurricular activities are not so much important in a child’s life. Remember that those resumé-building experiences also offer chances to build vital soft skills. Every extracurricular activity I performed as a student is helping me till today, in my day-to-day life. Students are pressurized during exams and they have performance pressure too of gaining good grades. It is one of the major benefits of extracurricular activities in a student’s development. Thus, student life sets a crucial tone for the path of life. In an article from the URC, author Kimiko Fujita states, “Many extracurricular activities have proven to be beneficial in building and strengthening academic achievement, even if the activities are not obviously related to academic subjects…. Extracurricular activities also help students expand their networks, which is beneficial for finding career opportunities after graduation. The Common App says that extracurricular activities "include arts, athletics, clubs, employment, personal commitments, and other pursuits." Students learn new skills that are useful in their school life and day-to-day activities. We all have come across kid's who have given exceptional performance in their choosen activities like … The extra-curricular activities encourage students to be good at something they are passionate about. Students can expand their network which is also beneficial in finding better career opportunities. This is because academics play a big role in college acceptance. After completing education, students have to start facing the real world and explore various possibilities. ... Why Colleges Like Students With Extracurricular Activities. Extracurricular activities give you something fun to do aside from school. You cannot force a student to just read books and become intelligent. The optional activities a student chooses shows a college admissions department, hiring company or scholarship selection committee that she is well-rounded — balancing both academics and outside activities. Joining the debate team is a way for a teen to test out his public speaking skills. Activities like debating enhance coherence and speech fluency. By Ayesha Ilyas On Sep 21, 2020 8 0. As they have to manage time between academics and extra activities. Extracurricular activities can train you to manage your time. ‘Such activities are an essential element of the university experience.’ It is in the student life that the cognitive development along with the physical one takes place. Apart from good sleep, extra curricular activities play a key role in busting this stress. Importance of extracurricular activities in school life. Secondary schools and colleges alike emphasize the importance of extracurricular activities, but sometimes it can be difficult for students to see just how the extra time and dedication will benefit them. This decision could help them decide if math will be something to pursue in higher education. By now, we very well understand what does extra-curricular means, but it is also crucial for us to know how it does affect school life and what its benefits are. The participants may spend a lot of time together, especially participants of a team with regular practices. I am not sure how many of you feel you could go back to the student life and not worry about jobs, money, bills and other stuff. So extracurricular activities are just activities that you do outside of class. Students are encouraged by teachers and/or parents everyday to study. Let us see some of the benefits of extracurricular activities: 1. Co-curricular activities generally refer to the activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement what students are learning in school. Almost anything that you are actively and productively involved in can be considered an extracurricular activity. Students who participate in extra activities get better grades. Provides participants with an immediate benefit socially phase that important learning is gathered and different opportunities are.... Sense of accomplishment to have achieved something while in school even interested in everything! A study conducted by surveying school-age students in several ways of school university... 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