No need for miles of binding left over at the beginning and at the end. (This technique is for joining them on the bias and leave no bump in your binding.) Bonnie. So in my case, as I always cut 2.5" binding strips, my overlap is just 1/16th" shy of 2.5". The key is to fold the triangle away from you; the fold should be closest to your body. The measurement is right there in the triangle. The point where you need to cut your top strip depends on the width of your binding before you folded it. I was reviewing my binding posts (1, 2, and 3) before my binding class at Modern Domestic last month, as I wanted to direct students there for a refresher after class should they forget a step. Norma—It’s like riding a bike. Trim to a quarter-inch seam allowance, then open and press the seam. For example, if you started with 2½" binding strips, you’d overlap the strips by 2½". Overlap the ends of your binding strips and trim the ends so that they overlap by the same amount as the width of your strip. Allow the ends to overlap … Mark where the end of the piping meets the beginning of the piping. If it happens it’s not the end of the world, just too much bulk. That last stitch and trim is sublime, and when your quilt is done, you can show it off and marvel at it as much as you want. So PIN where you’re going to stitch. Notice the direction of the line creates excess to trim off. It takes a little bravery to clip it right there. Be sure to use a ruler and mark the binding … I'm going to try this exact procedure on my next binding. The finished product. Trim the free end where it meets the fold. joining quilt binding once, and I guarantee you won't look back! Contact Us Quilt with Marci Baker 709 Knollwood Cir Fort Collins, CO 80524 970-224-1336 Years ago, I used the trial and error method for joining binding ends. 2.OS X hostname resolves with the DNS of the domain to be joined to (ABC.EXAMPLE.COM). Step 4: Finish attaching the binding to the quilt top, and finish stitching it on. I want to share with you a couple of proven methods that ended my frustration with joining the ends of quilt bindings. Any other direction is incorrect as there is no excess created. Carefully peel back an inch or two of the covering on each piping end, cutting any seams or peeling apart glued fabric. This is a documented reason for failure to join on Linux machines, tested it myself and solving this solved the problem on Linux. Open ending tail of binding and pin in place. The length of the overlap needs to be the same as the width of the binding. May your day be blessed with perfect stitches and GlitterFlex! - The quilt is nearly bound, but how do you smoothly join the beginning and ending binding tails? For this we can use a single bias tape which is 1.5 inch wide ( total width). It takes a little bravery to clip it right there. Looks scary at first, a little shaky even, but once you get it, you get it. I just pinned the end of the binding in place, but you may want to stitch the bottom edge down first. Method 1. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply. I will try it on my next quilt. The joining at the end of binding is always the worst bit. Mark the folds with a marker or chalk, on the wrong side of the bias tape, for both ends of the bias. Use your nail or a hera marker to mark a straight line in the middle of the overlap. I’ll have to give that a try. Margie. But binding most definitely has a place in sewing, and even though the process of joining the strips is easy, I've had my share of sewing misadventures when stitching the pieces together. Your steps are crystal clear. Align raw edges to the quilt and sew your seam on each end, leaving 15 to 20 inches open in the middle. Use the end of the actual binding to measure the overlap and then trim with scissors. Joining binding strips end to end . Seaming the ends means less bulk. I know this technique has changed my quilting life - it's so simple that I don't fret over bindings all! Leave an approximate 12 inch opening. Fold it to the back of the quilt and either. Only use this method if you think you might be cutting it close on binding fabric and are hoping to score a win in the game of 'binding chicken'. When you get to the end, overlap with the beginning and you cut off that end at the base of that triangle, which is the width of the binding, no matter what width your binding is. Overlap your binding. In Xenopus egg extracts, DNA ends with noncomplementary 4-nucleotide antiparallel single-strand protrusions are assumed to be joined by formation of short mismatched overlap intermediates. Sew all the way around the cushion plate and stop just a few inches short of the center where you started. It is so quick and easy. You can do this! Tuck the cut end into the pocket and make sure it lies straight and flat. So, in this case, my binding is 2 inches wide, so I want my ends to overlap by 2 inches. Do you struggle to join quilt binding ends? I'll show you both ways and that way, you can use whichever method resonates best. I always struggled with this but your explanation has made it so simple. Do you get frustrated trying to get the binding ends cut to the correct length so everything works? which helps to make a snugger fit along the quilt edge. So my binding is 2 and a half, I’m going to overlap it 2 and a half inches and I’m going to clip it here just like that. The binding is fully turned to the back of the fabric in this binding method. The binding is fully turned to the back of the fabric in this binding method. Finishing Binding - Seamed Joining of Ends Beginning to End 1 . If you sew over the pin, you're going the wrong direction. Turn only the top layer at a 90-degree angle so that the short width end of the top layer is facing toward the raw edges of your quilt. I'd leave long tails, trim a little and I would guess. (Note: As you pin bias around armhole edge, stretch the binding (ever so slightly) on the curve of the front) Continue pinning other side of binding end to overlap pin point (1) and place a pin (2) to correspond the position. Get ready to add your binding to your quilt. This technique will join the start and end of your binding with a diagonal seam that looks just like a diagonal seam used to join your binding pieces together. If your binding is going to form a continuous loop (necklines, hems, armholes) you will need to join the beginning and the end of the binding together where they meet up. TIP PIN the seam line. Feel free to use whichever method makes sense to you. Press the seam open to reduce bulk, then trim the seam to 1/4". Overlap the ends of your binding strips and trim the ends so that they overlap by the same amount as the width of your strip. The point should face the raw edges of the quilt. Continue stitching the binding around the quilt sandwich, mitering each corner. It has one main advantage: you dont cut the ends off until you have sewn them together and checked that they fit perfectly. Open an end out and measure if you're not positive. The only down side is that I wish someone had shown me 20 years ago! Measuring from the end of binding B make a mark on binding A so that the overlap of the two ends measure the width of your binding (in this instance it's two and a half inches). I didn't know there was an easier way. I used it earlier this month in a baby quilt that I finished. If it didn't work, I'd rip it out and I sew another seam. Trim the free end where it meets the fold. Elo American Express Works for me! A lady showed me her method and then I ran across another method that's basically the same thing with a little twist on it. I realized that while it's still relevant, I don't actually show the method i'm using now to attach the ends of my binding. Don't twist them - just let them open naturally. But, in my experience using this method, I've found that during the process of stitching the binding down, things stretch just a little bit. It helps me anyway! Joining Binding Ends with No Overlap Some quilters prefer to seam the ends of a binding strip together, rather than overlapping them. I usually trim that end piece a wee bit less - no more than 1/8" - which helps to make a snugger fit along the quilt edge. Place the two ends right sides together, perpendicular to each other. Let's replace "trial and error" with "tried and true"! Take the garment back to the sewing machine. When the length is good, then trim the excess and finger press the diagonal seam open. It has one main advantage: you dont cut the ends off until you have sewn them together and checked that they fit perfectly. Very well explained Thank you for simplifying he directions. You now have a bit of extra fabric. I saw a tip on sewing the right direction when you join binding strips. The length of the overlap needs to be the same as the width of the binding. Today we are going to learn how to sew bias tape on the edge of your projects.. Unpin, unfold, and open up both pieces. I have done the first one. Lay the quilt flat, then adjust the binding flat against the quilt. I used to struggle with bindings. Bonnie’s way of joining binding ends is the very best i have ever seen. Copyright © 2021 Sew Inspired by Bonnie. I'm Susan, maker of contemporary, unique quilts, FTC Compliance Statement: These sponsors contain affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase by clicking on the links. Dream/Destiny Machine: Auto Lower Pressure Foot. Don’t cut the fabric, just the piping. (This technique is for joining them on the bias and leave no bump in your binding.)1. Fold the binding in half wrong sides together and press like normal. I try to get them to overlap in the middle of the open space. I usually trim that end piece a wee bit less. That is also the direction your seam will stitch. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”. Look at the strips like a pair of pants. 3.
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