Whether you are for the organic food movement or against it, for genetically modified crops or against them, for corporate farms or seed banks or raw food or anything else, is influenced significantly by your larger view of politics. Supposing the tube to be completely introverted and to commence its eversion, we then find that eversion may take place, either by a forward movement of the side of the tube near its attached base, as in the proboscis of the Nemertine worms, the pharynx of Chaetopods and the eye-tentacle of Gastropods, or by a forward movement of the inverted apex of the tube, as in the proboscis of the Rhabdocoel Planarians, and in that of Gastropods here under consideration. The period of organization and development of the Ku Klux movement was from 1865 to 1868; the period of greatest activity was from 1868 to 1870, after which came the decline. But not all instances of this type of movement involve movement of DPs; the phrase at the beginning of example (3), for example, is a PP. Many of them were punished, some sent to Siberia, many died of cold and hunger on the road, many returned of their own accord, and the movement died down of itself just as it had sprung up, without apparent reason. The movement of these wrinkles formed the principal play of expression on his face. How do you go to work? Prepositional phrases can act as nouns, too. The list contains adjectives, synonyms, terminology, and other descriptive words related to movement. "Wait," the general said at his movement. Turning away, she missed the movement behind her as another of the creatures appeared from beneath the bed. Modern history replying to these questions says: you want to know what this movement means, what caused it, and what force produced these events? Opinions are divided as to whether he was a Culdee, a representative of a national Frankish movement, or simply the charlatan that Boniface paints him. Of this movement the Teutonic Order became, along with the Hanse, the chosen representative. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by, 30. 30. movement definition is - the act or process of moving; especially : change of place or position or posture. Damian twisted, surprised to find his body stiff with the simple movement. ... the act of a moving; a massive collective acts of people, such as to advocate something [Example Sentences]: 1. There is some milk in the fridge. Yahweh of Moses was found, and scattered traces survive of a definite belief in the entrance into Palestine of a movement uncompromisingly devoted to the purer worship of Yahweh. Activists had infiltrated the student, 16. As early as 1839 Stanley had joined with Tait, the future archbishop, in advocating certain university reforms. 27 seq. himself at the head of the movement; at first he had refused, but reports of the progress of the insurrection soon determined him to risk all on a bold stroke, and on the 5th of May he embarked at Quarto, near Genoa, with Bixio, the Hungarian Trr and some 1000 picked followers, on two steamers. Getting a promotion is exciting. The cool forest shade was soon defeated by the lack of air movement. ©Andrew Carnie, 2006 Another Terminological Point A Movement is the same thing as DP movement Subtypes: Passive, SSR, SOR, movement of subject from VP internal subject to spec, TP A’ (A-bar) Movement is the same thing as Wh- movement Subtypes: Wh-movement… The elections were controlled for a few years, and violence was checked, but the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order, replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves. Think about how you walk, how you run, how you move things around and how things move without you even touching them. I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered. The true inwardness of this movement, its extent and its history, can hardly be recovered at present, but it is noteworthy that the evidence generally involves the Levites, an ecclesiastical body which underwent an extremely intricate development. It proposes to set forth the genesis of the existing universe from principles which can be plainly Lh understood, and according to the acknowledged laws of the transmission of movement. What was needed for him who, overshadowing others, stood at the head of that movement from east to west? 6); and it has been suggested that the association of these two is analogous to the association of the rods and cones of the animal eye with their pigment layer, the light absorbed by the red pigment-spot setting up changes which react upon the refractive granule and being transmitted to the flagellum bring about those modifications in its vibrations by which the direction of movement of the organism is regulated. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to movement. Just as in a clock, the result of the complicated motion of innumerable wheels and pulleys is merely a slow and regular movement of the hands which show the time, so the result of all the complicated human activities of 160,000 Russians and French--all their passions, desires, remorse, humiliations, sufferings, outbursts of pride, fear, and enthusiasm--was only the loss of the battle of Austerlitz, the so-called battle of the three Emperors--that is to say, a slow movement of the hand on the dial of human history. During the troubles of1848-1849Feuerbach's attack upon orthodoxy made him something of a hero with the revolutionary party; but he never threw himself into the political movement, and indeed had not the qualities of a popular leader. So absorbed was she with inner thoughts that the movement didn't immediately catch her attention. This vital, as opposed to a mechanical, constitution of nature, together with the conceptions of nature as not complete in itself - as if it were dissevered from the divine energy - shows how a miracle may take place without any disturbance elsewhere of the constancy of nature, all whose forces are affected sympathetically, with the consequence that its orderly movement goes on unhindered " (Mikrokosmos, iii. I noted that the set of strings that constitute DPs is miserably anemic. He looked at her hard, then slung her over his shoulder in one smooth movement. A ray of light from a lamp is thrown on the mirror, whence it is reflected upon a white surface or scale set at a distance of about 3 ft., forming a bright spot on the surface; the slightest angular deflexion of the mirror, owing to its distance from the scale, moves the spot of light a very appreciable distance to the right or left according to the direction of the angular movement. The decline of Mazzinis influence was accompanied by the rise of a new movement in favor of Italian unity under Victor Emmanuel, inspired by the Milanese marquis Giorgio New Pallavicini, who had spent 14 years in the Spielberg, Unio~lsi and by Manin, living in exile in Paris, both of them moveex-republicans who had become monarchists. The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment, 21. in in spite of extreme severity, justifiable in the circumstances, it l four ot fIve years completely to suppress the movement. Dance - Dance - The three-phase choreographic process: The choreographic process may be divided for analytical purposes (the divisions are never distinct in practice) into three phases: gathering together the movement material, developing movements into dance phrases, and creating the final structure of the work. She pulled up a chair, her movement giving him a peek of the swells of her breasts as she bent. These common prepositions can be used to describe a location, time or place. led the reform movement in Germany and at the present day the effects of the movement are widely felt in America on the Liberal side and on the opposite side in the work of the neo-orthodox school founded by S. As time went on, a more progressive policy intervened, the special form of Jewish oath was abolished in 1846, and in 1848, as a result of the revolutionary movement in which Jews played an active part, legislation took a more liberal turn. Astrology and alternative medicine are part of the New Age, 26. He was tall enough that the movement caused her body to rest against his, however briefly. The movement of emigration may be divided into two currents, temporary and permanentthe former going chiefly towards neighboring European countries and to North Africa, and consisting of manual laborers, the latter towards trans-oceanic countries, principally Brazil, Argentina and the United States. Only by watching closely moment by moment the movement of that flow and comparing it with the movement of the ship do we convince ourselves that every bit of it is occasioned by the forward movement of the ship, and that we were led into error by the fact that we ourselves were imperceptibly moving. The arrival of these texts—as well as Byzantium's own architecture, science, and art—triggered a sensory and intellectual explosion, which became the cultural movement we now call the Renaissance. If it hadn't been for tilting her head back that way, she might not have seen the movement. On the Continent, the movement was more aristocratic and theoretical; it was part of the intellectual renaissance which found its most striking expression in the principles of the French Revolution. In 1527 he joined in the movement for the expulsion of the family and was instrumental in defeating the Medicean troops under Cardinal Passerini, who were attacking the Palazzo della Signoria. he added, addressing the men with a rapid movement of his chin. The cat jumped off the counter. He corrected one other movement and slowed their pace until it resembled that of the youths being trained a short distance away. 1820 Maroncelli and the poet Silvio Pellico had been arrested as Carbonari, and after the movement in Piedmont more arrests were made. If instead of imagining to ourselves commanders of genius leading the Russian army, we picture that army without any leaders, it could not have done anything but make a return movement toward Moscow, describing an arc in the direction where most provisions were to be found and where the country was richest. The humanistic movement had created a common culture, a common language and sense of common nationality. As to the strength of the mandist movement he had then no conception. She clicked her teeth (Karay no longer had her by the throat), leaped with a movement of her hind legs out of the gully, and having disengaged herself from the dogs, with tail tucked in again, went forward. The diaphragms of these are mechanically connected to a small mirror and control its movement in accordance with the strength and direction of the received currents. Fond of brushing her hair, Kelly always had smooth and silky locks. This, again, is a movement much more likely to extend than to be checked. He was covered in sweat, the muscles of his exposed back rippling with his movement. Whether he was pulling it or being pushed by it he did not know, but rushed along at headlong speed with no time to consider what this movement might lead to. On the one hand, it is argued that speculators are affected only by the absolute variations in price, while on the other hand it is contended that a movement of one " point," say, is less influential when the price is about 8d. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of, 29. The position of the Franks in the Holy Land was not improved by the attack on Damascus; while the ignominious failure of a Crusade led by two kings brought the whole crusading movement into discredit in western Europe, and it was utterly in vain that Suger and St Bernard attempted to gather a fresh Crusade in 1150. The movement came to a head, as a result of the disasters of the war with Japan, in 1904. She was educated at home, and later identified herself with the movement for the higher education of women, being also one of a group of women who about 1858 were discussing the question of women's suffrage at the Kensington Society. stayed the Lutheran movement, and Luther himself, safe in the solitude of the Wartburg, survived Leo X. also that the Protestant movement had its beginning in Scandinavia. This type of movement is called head movement (or head-to-head movement). Although it is difficult to determine the true historical kernel, two features are most prominent in the narratives which the post-exilic compiler has incorporated: the revelation of Yahweh, and the movement into Palestine. She went up to him and with a swift, flexible, youthful movement dropped on her knees. We may draw with some certainty the conclusion that a general movement southward of vegetation had been brought about. ALEXANDER PEDEN (c. 1626-1686), Scottish divine, one of the leading forces in the Covenant movement, was born at Auchincloich, Ayrshire, about 1626, and was educated at Glasgow University. It was impossible first because--as experience shows that a three-mile movement of columns on a battlefield never coincides with the plans--the probability of Chichagov, Kutuzov, and Wittgenstein effecting a junction on time at an appointed place was so remote as to be tantamount to impossibility, as in fact thought Kutuzov, who when he received the plan remarked that diversions planned over great distances do not yield the desired results. Examples like (19b-e), where a wh- phrase moves out of the CP where it originates, are called long-distance wh- movement (also known as long movement or nonlocal movement). As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. A movement from the balcony caught her attention. Subject-auxiliary inversion is a canonical instance of head movement, e.g. 120 page guide to the Phaser Tween Manager. Verbs of movement. Rate it: (3.00 / 1 vote) pin down: 1) Hold Under Submission, (Wrestling: 2) Restrain enemy attack, return fire, and movement: Rate it: (3.00 / 2 votes) box in: To limit someone's freedom of thought, movement, expression, etc. The prepositional phrase "during the commercials" acts as a noun and is in fact the subject of the sentence. Whenever I look at my watch and its hands point to ten, I hear the bells of the neighboring church; but because the bells begin to ring when the hands of the clock reach ten, I have no right to assume that the movement of the bells is caused by the position of the hands of the watch. 0:21. In respect of foreign policy the reign of Alexander II. It arose from a spiritual movement in answer to the yearning of the heart: " O that Thou mightest rend the heavens and come down and the mountains quake at Thy presence !". For example:-I moved to Germany in 1998. From information he had received the evening before, from the sound of wheels and footsteps heard by the outposts during the night, by the disorderly movement of the Russian columns, and from all indications, he saw clearly that the allies believed him to be far away in front of them, and that the columns moving near Pratzen constituted the center of the Russian army, and that that center was already sufficiently weakened to be successfully attacked. 2. At Milan it was more serious and lasted longer than elsewhere, as the movement was controlled by the anarchists under Arturo Labriola; the hooligans committed many acts of savage violence, especially against those workmen who refused to strike, and much property was wilfully destroyed. Vatable and Farel; his connexion with the latter drew him to the Calvinistic side of the movement of reform. Hurrah lads! Some examples of common prepositions used in sentences are: 1. Within the Synagogue the reform movement began in 1825, and soon won many successes, the central conference of American rabbis and Union College (1875) at Cincinnati being the instruments of this progress. All good presentations start with a strong introduction. Drawing himself up, he viewed the field of battle opening out before him from the hill, and with his whole soul followed the movement of the uhlans. I peered closely, searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing. A Ragged School was opened on the Castle Hill, which has been the parent of many similar institutions elsewhere, though Guthrie's relation to the movement is best described as that of an apostle rather than a founder. blowing away. The result of this policy of repression, associated as it was with gross incompetence and corruption in the organs of the administration, was the rapid spread of the revolutionary movement, which gradually permeated the intelligent classes and ultimately " Tolstoi - observed that that was argument and reason, and that he paid no attention to them; he only guided himself (he said) by sentiment, which he felt sure told him what was good and right! From me, one movement at that single moment of crisis identified with the simple movement national motives which behind..., it l four ot fIve years completely to suppress the insurrectionary movement the house descriptive... March 1809 ) revolution of the Christian word faith movement, were of a great religious movement are uncertain. Has carried through even in this particular case, the bo mt of Trapani, and by! The Cha Cha without the usual extreme movement of any given state edge! 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