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Clouds from the retreating storm looked like a triumphant army, hauling away its ordinance for another engagement—with only white-gray stragglers tagging behind. In 1703 Alexius was ordered to follow the army to the field as a private in a bombardier regiment. Example sentences with the word soldier. 185+53 sentence examples: 1. 3. The whole army was extended in three lines: the cavalry in front, behind it the artillery, and behind that again the infantry. He enlisted in the Army just as World War II erupted. Colonial Troops.These form an expeditionary army corps in France to which are attached the actual corps of occupation to the various colonies, part white, part natives. The move cut Elor Azaria's sentence from 18 to 14 months after the soldier pleaded for leniency, military spokesman Jonathan Conricus told AFP. What would Darkyn want with past-Deidre's soul, unless he intended to add it to the Army of Souls? See examples of Army in English. During the night the army advanced towards Adowa in three divisions, under Generals Dabormida, Arimondi and Albertone, each division being between 4000 and 5000. At Makall, however, he left a small garrison in the fort, which on the 7th of January 1896 was invested by the Abyssinian army. I will confess to you, dear Mary, that in spite of his extreme youth his departure for the army was a great grief to me. The Protector and the council together were given a life tenure of office, with a large army and a settled revenue sufficient for public needs in time of peace; while the clauses relating to religion "are remarkable as laying down for the first time with authority a principle of toleration," 2 though this toleration did not apply to Roman Catholics and Anglicans. definitions. The state demanded men for the army and the corvee as well as dues in kind. Organization.The general organization of the French army at home is based on the system of permanent army corps, the headquarters of which are as follows: I. As an immediate result of this catastrophe, Florence shook off the Medici, and established a republic. In 1849 he commanded the Russian artillery in the war against the Hungarians, and in 1852 he visited London as a representative of the Russian army at the funeral of the duke of Wellington. His name is supposed to be Slavonic. Compulsory service with the colors is in Germany no longer universal, as there are twice as many able-bodied men presented by the recruiting commissions as the active army can absorb. From the 12th to 22nd of July he was fighting continually, but finally, on the 31st of July, his army was annihilated by overwhelming numbers near Segesvár (Schassburg), Bem only escaping by feigning death. Army reduces sentence of Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter. When Titus and his army withdrew from Jerusalem, the 10th legion was left as a permanent Roman garrison, and a fortified camp for their occupation was established on the western hill. The Austriai general, Melas, signed an armistice whereby he was to retir with his army beyond the river Mincio. It was a cavalry melee, in which the common code of honour caused Macedonian and Persian chieftains to engage hand to hand, and at the end of the day the relics of the Persian army were in flight, leaving the high-roads of Asia Minor clear for the invader. Israel's military chief of staff on Wednesday reduced the sentence of a soldier convicted of manslaughter for shooting dead a prone Palestinian assailant by four months, the army said. 26. Army of occupation definition is - an army sent to occupy and control the territory of a conquered enemy. He had simply evolved into the profession from his duties in the Army. To the great regret of myself and of the whole army it is still uncertain whether he is alive or not. News Turkey: Ex-generals jailed for life over 2016 coup attempt. Pakistan army sentences Indian ‘spy’ to death. Since the abolition of flogging in the services, the use of the cat is now restricted to certain classes of offenders in military prisons (Army Act 1881, § 133). Bordeaux, are you going to throw in with the Army again? Emil Maurice (1897–1972), member of the SS, sentenced to four years of labor. But the day showed the ' B attle of Macedonian army equal to the task. ), Lisnaskea (26th July) and Newtownbutler (30th July). I have four sons in the army but still I don't fret. Short Example Sentence for Army And . On the 31st of May 1647 Cromwell had ordered Cornet Joyce to prevent the king's removal by the parliament or the Scots from Holmby, and Joyce by his own authority and with the king's consent brought him to Newmarket to the headquarters of the army. He enlisted as a volu The gloom that enveloped the army was filled with their groans, which seemed to melt into one with the darkness of the night. On the 9th of July William crossed the Rhine, and captured Malines, Termonde and Oudenarde, and was advancing southwards when the news reached him of the massacre of St Bartholomew, which deprived him of the promised aid of Coligny and his army of 12,000 men. 3. Even in the summer and autumn a large proportion of the army consisted of men with but a few months servicea highly dangerous state of things considering the peculiar mobilization conditioss of the country. An army marches on its stomach. On Kutuzov's staff, among his fellow officers and in the army generally, Prince Andrew had, as he had had in Petersburg society, two quite opposite reputations. Times, … The Russian army is advancing against you to avenge the Austrian army of Ulm. He was the son of a general officer in the Sardinian army who was killed at the battle of Mondovi in 1796. He was without an army. All salaried 220,479 165,144 government officials (except minis ters, under-secretaries of state and other high functionaries, and officers 210,020 347,940 in the army or navy), and ecclesiastics, -, are disqualified for election. They belonged to the times when 30,000 men were an army, and when campaigns were spent in sieges. On November I, 1908, then the active army was composed of the classes registered 1906 and 1907, the reserve of the classes 1895I905, the Territorial Army of those of 1889-1894 and the Territorial Army reserve of those of 1883-1888. On the twenty-eighth of October Kutuzov with his army crossed to the left bank of the Danube and took up a position for the first time with the river between himself and the main body of the French. If he doesn't kill her, she might be what prevents him from building his Army of Souls. The British army is bound by His Majesty's Rules and Regulations to play at the Philharmonic pitch, and a fork tuned to a' 452.5 in 1890 is preserved as the standard for the Military Training School at Kneller Hall. A Turkish court sentenced 92 defendants including former high-ranking army officials to life in jail on Wednesday for their roles in the 2016 attempted coup, … Next day, the army began its campaign, and up to the very battle of Austerlitz, Boris was unable to see either Prince Andrew or Dolgorukov again and remained for a while with the Ismaylov regiment. Youssouff acknowledged this protection given by a Frenchman by distinguishing himself in the ranks of the French army at the time of the conquest of Algeria. They gathered soldiers to fight the invading, 25. The fleet prepared on the Hydaspes sailed in October, while a land army moved along the bank. Army under General-Oberst von Hindenburg destroyed the Russian II. Weller squirmed his large frame around, reaching into his pocket, retrieving first a handkerchief, then a set of keys and eventually a red Swiss Army knife. And he was not the only man to experience that feeling during those memorable days preceding the battle of Austerlitz: nine tenths of the men in the Russian army were then in love, though less ecstatically, with their Tsar and the glory of the Russian arms. army corps; it has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, a chamber of commerce, an exchange and a branch of the Bank of France. The troops sent against them commanded by General Guglielmo Pepe, himself a Carbonaro, hesitated to act, and the king, finding that he could not count on the army, granted the constitution (July 13, 1820), and appointed his son Francis regent. 5. I can call out an army of my own. The wazir now bethought him that he had a good opportunity for satisfying an old quarrel against the adjoining tribe of Rohillas, who had played fast and loose with him while the Mahratta army was at hand. Without a military, a country cannot wage war with another for lack of soldiers and weapons to wage it with. The army and navy were reorganized. When war seemed imminent volunteers from all parts of Italy, especially from Lombardy, had come pouring into Piedmont to enrol themselves in the army or in the specially raised volunteer corps (the cornrnand of which was given to Garibaldi), and to go to Piedmont became a test of patriotism throughout the country. His bill, adopted by parliament on the 7th of June 1875, still forms the ground plan of the Italian army. Fairfax was appointed sole commander-in-chief on the 19th of July, the soldiers levied to oppose the army were dismissed, and the command of the city militia was again restored to the committee approved by the army. He was large, as were all the genetically engineered, secretive counter-insurgency special forces in the regular army. The battle of Borodino was not fought on a chosen and entrenched position with forces only slightly weaker than those of the enemy, but, as a result of the loss of the Shevardino Redoubt, the Russians fought the battle of Borodino on an open and almost unentrenched position, with forces only half as numerous as the French; that is to say, under conditions in which it was not merely unthinkable to fight for ten hours and secure an indecisive result, but unthinkable to keep an army even from complete disintegration and flight. His first reforms were connected with the army. dealing with the organization of the army and navy are outside its competence; these are no longer called " laws " but " ordinary administrative rules.". The army and the people are one. By them the Parthian War was brought to a conclusion in 165, but Verus and his army brought back with them a terrible pestilence, which spread through the whole empire. At the same time the duke of Aosta, commander of the Rome army corps, ordered the troops to render royal honors to the pontiff should he officially appear in the capital. Natural language processing tasks traditionally requiring labeled data could be solved entirely or in part, subject to a few constraints, without the need for labeled data by leveraging the… From the age of 18 years to 20 he was employed in the commissary department of the army. In addition to this there is compulsory service in the National Guard (a) in the first class, consisting of men between seventeen and thirty years of age, liable for service with the standing army, and numbering some 15,000; (b) in the second class, for departmental service only, except in so far as it may be drawn upon to make up losses in the more active units in time of war, consisting of men from thirty to forty-five years of age, and (c) in the third class, for local garrison duty, consisting of men between forty-five and sixty years old. Give it them! first caused no difficulty; the rank and file of the nd were mostly disbanded, but a number of the officers tee: 1 taken into the Italian army; the third offered a more)Us problem. Army reduces sentence of Israeli soldier convicted of manslaughter. Thus, on the 30th of September 1871 the various categories of the army included only 2% of the population, but on the 30th of June 1898 they included 10%. A former Fort Campbell Army medic has received a shockingly light sentence of just 15 years for raping one of his twin baby daughters and then murdering her by tying a cord around the poor infant’s neck, The U.S. Sun reports.. Words often used with army in an English sentence: advancing army, allied army, army ant, army barracks, army base, army brat, army camp… Twitter Share . The president, with the advice and consent of the senate, appoints judges, diplomatic agents, governors of territories, and officers of the army and navy above the rank of colonel. (small, weak) " They fled from the approaching army. : If Red Army paratroops were equipped with watches that could not withstand a two foot fall, no wonder they lost the Cold War! But to Napoleons statement that he could not agree to the unification of Italy, as he was bound by his promises to Austria at Villafranca, Victor Emmanuel replied that he himself, after Magenta and Solferino, was bound in honor to link his fate with that of the Italian people; and Genetal Manfredo Fanti was sent by the Turin government to organize the army of the Central League, with Garibaldi under him. Times, Sunday Times (2016) Now the army's special forces have been trained by American instructors. Piedmontese finances had been strained to breaking-point to organize an army obviously intended for other than merely defensive purposes. Examples of how to use “army officer” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Early in the World War he went to South America to buy horses for the British army, and carried out his mission with success. How to use army in a sentence. We formed our own networks along the river and joined forces with the Twelfth Army. He was charged with having encroached to himself royal powers by treating matters of peace and war without the knowledge of the council, with having promoted the raising of a standing army on pretence of a war with France, with having obstructed the assembling of parlia ' Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, by Sir J. Baldissera opened negotiations with the negus through Major Salsa, and simultaneously reorganized the Italian army. Upon the restoration of the parliament on the 26th of December Cooper was one of the commissioners to command the army, and on the 2nd of January was made one of the new council of state. In the Army Medical Corps, he specialized in jungle diseases. of Denmark, who also commanded his army in person. Simultaneously General Ricotti Magnani matured the army reform scheme which he had elaborated under the preceding administration. Before his death, and almost contemporaneously with the passing of the Army Bill, negotiations for the alliance were renewed. But as in Ireland so Cromwell's policy in Scotland was unpopular and was only upheld by the maintenance of a large army, necessitating heavy taxation and implying the loss of the national independence. Having annihilated at Poltava the army of Charles XII., Peter was not at all indisposed to renew the struggle with Turkey, and began the campaign in the confident hope of making extensive conquests; but he had only got as far as the Pruth when he found himself surrounded by a great Turkish army, and, in order to extricate himself from his critical position, he had to sign a humiliating treaty by which Azov and other conquests were restored to the sultan. To make his observations in which emperor Claudius destroyed the Russian army and its reserve are localized! Had a stimulating effect on him ( approaching, advancing, invading ) with... Only place anyone will be out of the attack contain sensitive content equipment of the northern corps. 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