Tariffs on products coming into and leaving southern ports meant the agrarian south was at odds with the … I don’t think a lot of people realize how close we…. New York’s effervescent representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for Trump supporters’ names and addresses to be “collated” so that they may be “held accountable” when the White House is occupied by Harris-Biden. And, like today, there were many reasons for the division among the American populace, not just one as commonly believed. Shooting in Kenosha Just the Beginning of Civil War in America, Says Prediction Expert By Megan Fox Aug 26, 2020 9:07 PM ET Share Tweet Share But remember, eight years ago, President Bush and I had some pretty significant differences. The former Midnight Cowboy is now a convinced Republican and was a vocal supporter of both Romney and Trump. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great book if you know the civil war is coming. It wasn’t due to either Stephen or Matilda that peace was achieved. Keep it brief. For the other, the looming tyranny they endured under Obama seemed poised to return with a vengeance—punctuated by burning cities and the long march of the “woke” through beloved institutions. When one side does not accept the election results, we have a countdown to a civil war. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. Has America had enough of the fighting by factions and the tearing apart of the fabric of this nation by leaders and people with vested interests? Civil War Is Coming. Democrats and liberals are perverting … And we all fall for it hook, line and sinker. I truly feel all the people of this Nation are being divided like sheep by both parties. I say make PTC a “Republican Sanctuary City”….it will bring peaceful coexistence, prosperity, and liberty to all citizens. The left will start it. What would follow? This is a great book if you know the civil war is coming, which I believe it is. The S&P rose 52% in 2014-2016 while 2017-2019 was similar at 51%. I will keep that faith as long as I can. As for your high healthcare insurance costs, that was supposed to be corrected within these past four years by many a promise made (kept?) I could not get a breakdown by candidate, as Rochester is a democratic stronghold. Recently, I spoke with the manager of a gun shop who said that he cannot keep enough weapons in stock and that a great many of the gun buyers are securing their first weapon. I see no evidence of that as yet. In 2020 there were 475,000 registered voters. On the Left:Black Lives Matter activists; Bernie Sanders voters; Aging hippies; College students and professors; Legal and illegal immigrants of all nationalities; Occupy-style perma-activists; Confuse… In the warped minds of Trump and his acolytes, this could lead to civil war. America, at least in the non-liberal-led states, is an armed camp. Think back to 2016 when Trump won. Obama got the economy from the great recession to pretty strong, and that strong position allowed for the growth under Trump. It is a tense moment at this writing, and into the midst of it has dropped a video tweeted by Jon Voight. I know the promises being made from the left to the American people will never come to be. The causes of the last Civil War were economic. He previously served as a columnist for the Catholic Herald of London and a film critic for the National Catholic Register. Charles A. Coulombe is a contributing editor at Crisis and the magazine's European correspondent. The first is that, in their warmed-over Marxist imaginations, historically “underrepresented” groups beefed up with brainwashed college kids have to take the place of the now mostly nonexistent urban proletariat as shock troops of the new order. This rank and raw hatred didn’t stop with the results of the last election and I have no confidence that it will stop with this one just past. No lengthy rants or block quotes. There are a lot of people who are going through a nightmare right now. THE TOTAL POPULATION OF MONROE COUNTY IS ONLY 741,000.What’s wrong with this picture???? Editor’s Note: If you found this because you HOPE there’s a Second American Civil War, you’re a piece of shit. There were efforts to bring an end to the 12th century conflict. [Photo credit: Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images]. Yet I fear that this next civil war will far outstrip that number, and that’s something I just don’t want to see. He goes into what it will look like when this happens. Already, during the long, hot summer of 2020, a group of would-be looters arrived in Coeur d’Alene, fresh from practicing urban renewal in downtown Spokane. Where will this take us? For the one faction, the four years of intolerable rule by the evil Orangeman threatened as nothing else had such natural rights as infanticide and sodomitical unions. It was very informative and helpful. Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2018. The powerful English barons backed Stephen and Matilda refused to accept this contention. Ideological purity might be appealing to some, but, without a doubt, such a struggle would end the Constitution and destroy our standing abroad. Perdue and Loeffler win the Fayette vote 54% to 46% over... Movie town Trilith residents restrain burglary suspect after scuffle, Fayette’s elderly bear brunt of Covid fatal outcomes. Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. It was very informative and helpful. He declared that he was. Beyond these sorts of phenomena are folk like the Boogaloo Boys and the Proud Boys and, at a further remove, the various diminished but far from nonexistent groups that a few decades ago were called militias. Someone may learn for the first time that the flareups in the blue areas are surrounded by miles and miles of peaceful red areas untouched by this “Second Civil War”. LETS TAKE A LOOK AT MONROE COUNTY NY [Rochester]… In 2019 there were 110,099 registered voters on the county. With no election in sight, Trump shall have no reason not to smack back in kind. What followed was 19 years of civil war in England, known as “The Anarchy.” And, as always, it was the nation and the people who suffered. Crisis Magazine is a project of Sophia Institute Press. I can see a Civil War coming between the Socialist/Democrats and Americans (Notice Democrats are NOT Americans). Let me be clear — I don’t think there’s really going to be a “civil war” in the sense that states leave the Union. Of course, it must be understood that there is a world of difference between the Russia of 1917 and the United States of America of 2020. We are taught in school about the checks and balances and how the 3 branches of government perform : the legislative, judicial, and executive, however our the most important check of that balance is slowly fading: The People are that final check of balance. War is coming. I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. As all the world knows, the election of 2020 was destined to be messy, as the two nations inhabiting the territory of these United States geared up for battle: after four years of nonstop media abuse, in which the major news generators had long since abandoned any pretense to impartiality, both sides were spoiling for a fight. Now, regardless of whether Trump remains in the White House or is replaced by the Harris-Biden team, this soliloquy speaks to a reality that has been ignored by the ruling and chattering classes, while their Antifa and BLM helots have been tearing down statues and burning stores, and their academic “woke” members have been trying to sanitize the national mind for its own supposed protection. Most likely, the push for ever more abortion, gender confusion, and historical erasure will gather ever more steam at the hands of a regime ever more intrusive into the lives of its subjects. Yesterday, I wrote an article in which I detailed the vast amount of 5 th column terrorists in America. In every case the Democratic candidate has conceded. No profanity, ad hominems, hot tempers, or racial or religious invectives. Those sentiments might help explain the conclusion of a new survey that finds a majority of U.S. adults believe the country is "on the verge" of a second civil war. Today's Mass Readings (Extraordinary Form). Guns have already been introduced into the peaceful protests/riots with looting. Comments do not represent the views of Crisis magazine, its editors, authors, or publishers. The coming civil war caused by Trump’s ego Regardless of what happens, Trump’s megalomaniacal ego will prevail. On the Right:Low-income white workers who were on the losing end of globalization and have become convinced that immigrants and non-white people are to blame; Billionaires; White nationalists; Angry grandpas; Fearful grandmas; Survivalists; Fox News viewers; “Car guys”; Inveterate racists who have no excuse. Those who were doing the fighting and, bleeding and seeing their friends dying and their towns decimated and impoverished, had finally had enough. © Copyright 2021 Crisis Magazine. They can’t go back to work because nearly every business is in survival mode right now and not looking to hire people. By. We're being set up for a civil war. One would hope that the country would now come to unity but, I fear, it will not. The Unschooled Intellectuals Will Inherit the Earth. “. If anything, the regime’s heartlands on the two coasts produce little in the way of anything tangible. With so much division in government, states, and cities, is the U.S. on course for a second Civil War? Read 13 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. The Republicans have won the popular vote for President only once since 1988. A total of 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South. I think it is only reasonable to expect the loser of this current electoral college to concede peacefully. The coming civil war. That’s why we should avoid them. Well, the election is over. Some will say that such a thing is impossible. I say “relatively,” even though factions of the Left have burned American cities and factions on the Right have threatened violence through force of arms to put an end to it and have put armed patrols on the streets of some cities. Civil war is coming? If a civil war is ignited in 2020, it won’t be like the North vs. South arrangement of 1861 – 1865. This is a great book if you know the civil war is coming, which I believe it is. The point isn’t about Republicans should do this or Democrats should do that, this candidate did do, didn’t do, or should do blah, blah, blah… When I get asked about my political preference, I seriously ask my cohorts : “Do you truly wish to know what I think?” When they reply “yes”. During our conversation, he frequently refers to “coming together.” But at the same time, he warns that a US civil war is looming. Perhaps America could go to war with itself again over this election. This reorientation of Marx from class to race automatically puts the would-be new rulership at a numerical disadvantage—and, of course, many members of these groups aren’t silly enough to fall for it. To top it all off you’re cheating and trying to steal the election? But should the Harris-Biden ticket take charge, things shall be a bit more complex. All rights reserved. I doubt very seriously whether the supporters of the losing candidate will go quietly into the night. The Coming Civil War book. Pinterest. If a Civil War Is Coming, Let It Happen NOW So That Our Children May Live In Freedom Submitted by Dave Hodges on Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 16:03. However, that hasn’t been their style. The four year national nightmare is finally over. Many on the right consider it a bit of a joke, as there are more gun owners on the left than there are on the right. Whether the results are in our not, I cannot say since this column was written prior to the election. But President Bush’s team could not have been more professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we could hit the ground running. Not my nightmare STF. Yes, Satan, because these leftists are evil, corrupt and they want to tear down this nation. The Left is grooming us for an Eastern European-style revolution this election, and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. I really want to hope and believe. In the video, Voight has weighed in on the disputed election returns with a vengeance. It took the Reds five years to conquer the rest of the country from the Whites, but from that point, their victory was almost a foregone conclusion. The two simply don’t inhabit the same mental universe. We must not allow this. However, efforts by powerful lords and by the church had little effect. In some cases, the police have stood idly by, ordered by their superiors to not interfere. What??? We are a for-profit organization (although you can’t tell it from our P&L). The result, at best, will be the sort of low-pressure but ongoing street fighting that characterized the latter days of the Weimar Republic. All the service workers who were just barely making ends meet before the pandemic, have lost their jobs and are facing evictions. But there are several problems with their thinking—quite apart from the moral issues, which are, of course, meaningless for them. The number of presidential votes cast was 470,417. They happen when two … Within weeks, the confrontation at … A Civil War is coming to America. I’m not upset about Biden or Trump. Every single country on this planet has had a civil war. Nor should it be thought that this kind of home guard work was restricted to whites. Red is the color of Socialism/Communism), Green (Isis/Brotherhood of Muslim) axis, linked also to Antifa (who are Communists), who are linked to Soros (who’s a Socialist/Communist) who paid for them to train with ISIS. There have been rumblings of a new civil war for several years now, as the political divide in this country has broadened. There will be a price to pay. How far any of this may go in reality is another thing. But we greatly appreciate any help you can give us. He goes into what it will look like when this happens. It took awhile but peace was finally negotiated and achieved. The election results caused a national rupture, and before Lincoln could be inaugurated, a majority of the southern states had seceded from the Union. I hope for a peaceful transition, but why should the democrats cooperate with the republicans when just a couple of weeks ago they forced through Amy Coney Barrett? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. We need to give out just enough stimulus money to keep businesses afloat until enough people are vaccinated for it to be safe to fully open again. Prior to his death, Henry nominated his daughter to succeed him on the throne. That's why we should avoid them. Sometimes they occur as part of a real war. Can We Stop It in Time? I would love nothing more than for Us, all the people to peacefully say: we’re not happy with any of this and boycott the next election. It may be that a civil war looms on the horizon. They happen when two sides cannot settle on who runs the country. We have already seen four years of relatively non-violent civil conflict that has separated both friends and family. Such is the idea of the image, nerving current civic fears by the suggestion that something might be coming, something bad. In the 12th century, Empress Matilda (or Maud) was the only surviving legitimate child of King Henry I of England. simply put politicians are nothing but a reflection of the populace they are supposed to represent, let’s face it, most Americans these days are so busy chasing the dream and no one bothers to read, learn let alone form an independent opinion, most people digest news from social media, right/left-wing news media and live in a bubble that politicians are decent and will deliver on promises, you still not sure what I mean, watch the smear campaign ads running these days on the media by both sides where neither offer any substance of they will deliver, but rather a short version of the “Housewives of DC”. Anyway, it is what it is and I will watch, hope and pray he means what he is saying about unification. Verified Purchase. How it might just happen and how to survive and prepare for what many believe is a coming WAR that will tear apart the America we know and replace it with something that looks like this … How to prepare for and survive the coming civil war. These things are far more complex than the “woke” really understand. The Red/Green axis (the red, Democrat the true red party. I love this country and I want nothing more than for it to be better than ever for all of us and our generations to come. You forgot to mention the members of the anti-government militia group Wolverine Watchmen, who were arrested by the FBI just a few weeks ago for plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan, attack the state legislature and threatening state law enforcement. 'On the verge' of civil war. The way it was performed did not give that protection and did not perform the task of making the results without question. If you see a comment that doesn’t meet our standards, please flag it so a moderator may remove it. During the crisis, the church is live streaming at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays at http://www.facebook.com/cctksharpsburg/ He is the bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-South (www.midsouthdiocese.life). Is a Second Civil War Coming? Look for their training videos, they’re all up on the internet. When they can’t reconcile the matter through elections, the country falls apart. Locally-produced, up-to-date news about Fayette County and its cities has never been more important. He resides in Vienna, Austria and Los Angeles, California. Hallelujah! We need your help. Let us fight this fight as it is our last fight on earth. Thus far, the disputed election returns seem to the former as deliverance from Pharaoh, and to the latter as a titanic fraud amounting to a rolling coup. That’s more than have died in any war our country has fought, before or since. Orange man bad. I will have hope. The playbook for MainStreet USA is the exact same that has been used in places like Ukraine, initiated by the same people in order to completely upend the American system. 25627. Someone worthy of US. In Presidential races, the Democrats have won the popular vote, but lost the election, twice in this young century already. Politicians led the charge and stirred up the population. If the President is able to pull a victory out of a hat—that is, if sufficient fraudulent votes are proved and discarded by courts to give him the required electoral votes—then the shrillness of the media of the past four years shall rise to a white heat. The first skirmishes are already being fought. All comments may be removed at the moderators’ discretion. We will not tolerate heresy, calumny, or attacks upon our Holy Mother Church or Holy Father. If the great majority of people living in “red” precincts—not states or counties—are sufficiently disaffected and harassed by their rulers, they shall turn to such people and their ideas for support and aid against an increasingly abusive rulership. disgusted with this lie that Biden has been chosen. On his Wednesd With order restored, we’ll have four more years of relative peace. Twitter. No doubt, initially, Antifa, BLM, and the like shall take to the streets to destabilize the country as much as possible. By Jeff Lukens. And in doing so the people are reduced to again accepting mediocrity. Yes. W ell, the election is over. by Shelt Garner @sheltgarner. Let us give our trust to God and fight now for Trump’s victory because we all know this ballot count is [corrupt] like they are, so let us not back down. The ongoing assault on various historical symbols, the unrest of the past summer, and what many see as a stolen election are leading many to echo Voight’s sentiments. As Muhammad Ali said, “It’s not over ’til the last punch you have.” God bless. At worst, it will be full-blown civil war. Usually, though, a … Might America be in store for another civil war? Contributions are NOT tax-deductible. My response is: “ Am I the only person who looks at what we have to chose from and think, this is truly the best our nation has to offer? Can also add locations of police shootings. One particularly heartwarming video showed the Crips chasing Antifa out of Long Beach, California, while the Latin Kings assisted the police in keeping looters out of Chicago’s Little Village. Most Americans Do Not Have What It Takes to Survive the Coming Civil War Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 14:20. Those people have a problem. As for the voting and ballots for this past election. Law and order broke down and, as if the war wasn’t tragedy enough, roving band of thieves and murderers took what they wished and terrorized businesses and average citizens. How to Prepare for the Coming Civil War Build your emergency supplies. David Epps - November 4, 2020. But if that is indeed the path the new regime takes, there shall be trouble. Tax cuts, 3 Supreme Court seats, no new wars, historically low unemployment levels for minorities and others, 80% increase in my investments and more. He may contacted at davidepps@ctk.life.]. It may well be that those in charge feel that that is a small price to pay for utopia. There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one. The battle of righteousness versus Satan. Orange man is a racist that produced the lowest unemployment record for Blacks in US history. Well, our history tells us that, yes, it can happen even here. In the years preceding the American Civil War, the cacophony of political noise indicated a fairly obvious direction. But while the likelihood of the regime’s ultimate victory might be slight, the damage done to the country would be incalculable. For the price of a cup of coffee or two, you can help secure the future of The Citizen and its local coverage on your behalf. I, as a citizen am looking at this situation and the technology we have and I ask any of you: aAn I the only one thinking our voting has always been one of the main privileges that has set us apart from other countries, not just the ability to do so but the sanctity it was given. However, that is not the case in modern America: all of these things are spread out. He will rationalize that this was a patriot movement similar to that…, Bryce, Thank you for your service. I'm reading the author's other book now. Finally, in 1153, as both sides geared up for battle with opposing forces on each bank of the Thames River, the barons on both sides refused to fight. Will it really lead to a shooting civil war? And, as in 12th century England, the people have been made to carry the brunt of suffering. The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping toward the horror they will be in for. Draw whatever conclusion you want, but I am personally happy the election headline Cal chose was “Republicans hold back Democrats”. Linkedin. Facebook. You ignoramus, that was President Trump. If they are wise, they’ll let things cool down a bit. by Luis Miguel January 6, 2021. Sound familiar? There are precious few statesmen in the Congress and those who might be there have been drowned out by the voices who shout the loudest. All that’s required now is a spark because every cultural accelerant is now in place. No one vote and we as a nation say : give us someone worth voting for. [David Epps is the Rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King (www.ctk.life). Wisdom prevailed, and they left. You cant stop it, liberals have gone way too far. 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